J2EE Unleashed (Paperback)

Mark Ashnault, Ziyad Dean, Thomas Garben, Paul R. Allen, Joseph J. Bambara, Sherry Smith

  • 出版商: SAMS
  • 出版日期: 2001-10-05
  • 定價: $1,800
  • 售價: 2.2$399
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 864
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0672321807
  • ISBN-13: 9780672321801
  • 相關分類: Java 程式語言SQL
  • 立即出貨(限量)




J2EE Unleashed presents techniques and examples for building applications based on the Java 2 Enterprise Edition development model. The goal of this book is not to teach the J2EE specification but to illustrate the best practices for developing J2EE applications. It will cover the most commonly used J2EE API's as well as migration techniques that can be used to port a J2EE application from one platform to another.

The book will discuss all of these platforms with an emphasis on the SilverStream application server, which is J2EE compliant and certified for Windows and several UNIX platforms. Moreover, the book will illustrate how a J2EE application can interface with most SQL based DBMS platforms including ORACLE, INFORMIX, Microsoft SQL Server 7, SYBASE, IBM DB2 as well as others.

Table of Contents

1. Java, Distributed Computing, and J2EE.

Background on Java. Companies Must Re-Invent Themselves for the Web. Requirements of Web Architecture. Web Application Life Cycle. J2EE APIs and Certification. XML and J2EE. The Packaging of J2EE Applications. Summary.

2. The Design and Development of a J2EE Application.

J2EE Layers. J2EE Application Components. J2EE Architecture. Development Methodology and Process. Sample Applications Introduced. Summary.

3. Designing the J2EE Application.

History of Modeling Tools. Overview. Designing an Application. Modeling a Web Application. System Modeling. The Unified Modeling Language. Modeling Web Pages. EJB UML Mapping. Tool Support. Summary.

4. Task List for Building J2EE Applications.

Completing Prerequisite Tasks. Designing the Database. Creating Tables and Columns. Defining the Application. Creating a Back-End Interface. Creating the Interface. Building Pages. Creating Data Access Objects. Validating Your Code. Refining Your Code. Summary.

5. Build Resource Access: JNDI and LDAP.

Naming and Directory Services. What is JNDI? Finding Sample Application Resources. JNDI Architecture. JNDI Operations. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. JNDI/LDAP Practical Examples. Summary.

6. Build Data Access: JDBC.

Introduction. JDBC Architecture: API and Drivers. The JDBC API. Retrieving and Updating Data. SQL-to-Java Data Types. JDBC Exception Types. Metadata. Scrollable Resultsets. Updating Rows. Transaction Support. Batch Statements. JDBC 2.1 New Data Types. JDBC 2.0 Optional Package API: javax.sql. Case Study: The SilverStream Application Server. Summary.

7. Build Control Flow: Servlets.

What Are Servlets? Benefits of Servlets. Use as Controller in MVC and the Sample Application. Basic HTTP. Servlet Container. Servlet API. Service Method Detail. HTML Clients. Servlet Life Cycle. ServletContext. HTTP Request Header. HTTP Response Header Session Management. Dispatching Requests. Servlets with JDBC. Web Applications. Using Servlets in the SilverStream Application Server. Servlet 2.3 API. Summary.

8. JavaServer Pages: Introduction .

Features of JSP Pages. The Components of a JSP Page. Developing and Deploying JSP Pages. JSP Architectures. Conclusion: JSP Pages Are a Big Part of the Enterprise Java _Solution.

9. JavaServer Pages: Practical Development with Tag Libraries.

JSP Syntax. Tag Libraries. Summary.

10. Building the User Interface to the Application.

The Model-View-Controller Paradigm. The Struts Framework. Summary.

11. Enterprise JavaBeans: Introduction.

Enterprise JavaBeans Overview. Distributed Programming Overview. EJB Framework. Session and Entity Beans. Attributes of a Bean. Parts of a Bean. Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) and Bean-Managed _Persistence (BMP). The Life Cycle of Enterprise JavaBeans. Java Message Service (JMS) and Message-Driven Beans (MDB). Distributed Programming Services. Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) _and Remote Method. Invocation (RMI). Transactions and Transaction Management. Security. Deployment. Personal Roles for EJB Development. Corporate Roles. Summary.

12. Enterprise JavaBeans: Building Session Beans.

Creating Session Beans. Packaging and Deploying a Session Bean. Changes to Bean Code. Finding Session Beans from a Client. Calling Session Beans from a Client. Summary.

13. Enterprise JavaBeans: Building Entity Beans.

Defining Entity Beans. Container- and Bean-Managed Persistence. The Anatomy of a CMP Entity Bean. Developing Entity Beans. A Closer Look at Developing Entity Beans. EJB Clients. Using a GUI Tool to Configure, Package, and Deploy _Entity Beans. Summary.

14. Messaging with E-mail: JavaMail.

E-mail Messaging in General. What Does JavaMail Do? The Provider Registry. JavaMail Architecture and Primary Classes. Sending and Receiving Messages. Using JavaMail in JavaServer Pages. Summary.

15. Messaging with Applications: Java Message Service (JMS).

Messaging Basics. Where Does JMS Fit In? JMS Components. Producing and Consuming Messages. JMS Examples. JMS Implementation and Deployment Issues. Summary.

16.Data Exchange with XML.

What Is XML? Structure of an XML Document. Unparsed Data. Processing Instructions. Document Type Definitions (DTDs). XML Schema. XML Parsers. Document Object Model (DOM). Simple API for XML (SAX). XML Output. XSL. Style Sheet Structure. Applying Style Sheets. XML Linking Language (XLink). XML Security. Summary.

17. Validating the Application.

Java and Testing. Quality Control Through Debugging. Debugging Techniques. Correcting an Error. Testing and Development Phases. Testing Methods and Techniques. Web Site Test Tools and Site Management Tools. Summary.

18. Making the Application Perform.

Overview. Writing High-Performance Applications. Preparing for Performance Tuning. Guide to Diagnosis and Cure. What Affects Server Performance? Database Monitoring and Tuning Tools. Summary.

19. Deploying the Application.

Java's Write Once, Run Anywhere Promise. The Assembly Process. The Deployment Process. Summary.

Appendix A. Documentation for Sample Applications.

SilverBooks. Java Pet Store. Summary.

Appendix B. Related Tools.

Development Tools. Application Servers. Modeling and Object/Report Generation Tools. Messaging and XML Tools. Validation and Performance Monitoring Tools.

Appendix C. Quick Reference Material.

J2EE APIs. J2EE Software Development Kit (SDK) Installation Instructions. Naming Conventions for J2EE.
