Just a Geek: Unflinchingly honest tales of the search for life, love, and fulfillment beyond the Starship Enterprise (Paperback)

Wil Wheaton

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2009-09-07
  • 定價: $580
  • 售價: 1.7$99
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 298
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596806310
  • ISBN-13: 9780596806316
  • 相關分類: LangChain
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 4)



Wil Wheaton has never been one to take the conventional path to success. Despite early stardom through his childhood role in the motion picture "Stand By Me", and growing up on television as Wesley Crusher on "Star Trek: The Next Generation", Wil left Hollywood in pursuit of happiness, purpose, and a viable means of paying the bills. In the oddest of places, Topeka, Kansas, Wil discovered that despite his claims to fame, he was at heart Just a Geek.

In this bestselling book, Wil shares his deeply personal and difficult journey to find himself. You'll understand the rigors, and joys, of Wil's rediscovering of himself, as he comes to terms with what it means to be famous, or, ironically, famous for once having been famous. Writing with honesty and disarming humanity, Wil touches on the frustrations associated with his acting career, his inability to distance himself from Ensign Crusher in the public's eyes, the launch of his incredibly successful web site, wilwheaton.net, and the joy he's found in writing. Through all of this, Wil shares the ups and downs he encountered along the journey, along with the support and love he discovered from his friends and family.

The stories in Just a Geek include:

  • Wil's plunge from teen star to struggling actor
  • Discovering the joys of HTML, blogging, Linux, and web design
  • The struggle between Wesley Crusher, Starfleet ensign, and Wil Wheaton, author and blogger
  • Gut-wrenching reactions to the 9-11 disaster
  • Moving tales of Wil's relationships with his wife, step-children, and extended family
  • The transition from a B-list actor to an A-list author

Wil Wheaton--celebrity, blogger, and geek--writes for the geek in all of us. Engaging, witty, and pleasantly self-deprecating, Just a Geek will surprise you and make you laugh.


Wil Wheaton從來不走傳統的成功之路。儘管他在童年時期在電影《Stand By Me》中的角色和在《星艦奇航記:下一代》中飾演韋斯利·克魯沙的電視劇中成名,但Wil離開好萊塢追尋幸福、目標和一種可行的生計方式。在最奇怪的地方,堪薩斯州托皮卡,Wil發現儘管他聲名狼藉,他內心深處仍然是一個「只是個怪咖」。


- Wil從青少年明星跌落至苦苦掙扎的演員
- 發現HTML、部落格、Linux和網頁設計的樂趣
- 韋斯利·克魯沙(星際艦隊軍官)和Wil Wheaton(作家和部落客)之間的掙扎
- 對911事件的心碎反應
- 關於Wil與妻子、繼子和親戚之間的感人故事
- 從B級演員轉變為A級作家的過程

Wil Wheaton——名人、部落客和怪咖——為我們所有人中的怪咖寫作。《只是個怪咖》引人入勝、機智幽默且自嘲,會讓你驚喜並讓你笑出聲來。