Java: The Good Parts (Paperback)

Jim Waldo

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2010-06-08
  • 定價: $990
  • 售價: 3.0$299
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 196
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596803737
  • ISBN-13: 9780596803735
  • 相關分類: Java 程式語言
  • 立即出貨




What if you could condense Java down to its very best features and build better applications with that simpler version? In this book, veteran Sun Labs engineer Jim Waldo reveals which parts of Java are most useful, and why those features make Java among the best programming languages available.

Every language eventually builds up crud, Java included. The core language has become increasingly large and complex, and the libraries associated with it have grown even more. Learn how to take advantage of Java's best features by working with an example application throughout the book. You may not like some of the features Jim Waldo considers good, but they'll actually help you write better code.

  • Learn how the type system and packages help you build large-scale software
  • Use exceptions to make code more reliable and easier to maintain
  • Manage memory automatically with garbage collection
  • Discover how the JVM provides portability, security, and nearly bug-free code
  • Use Javadoc to embed documentation within the code
  • Take advantage of reusable data structures in the collections library
  • Use Java RMI to move code and data in a distributed network
  • Learn how Java concurrency constructs let you exploit multicore processors


如果你能將Java精簡到最好的特點,並使用這個更簡單的版本來建立更好的應用程式,那該有多好呢?在這本書中,經驗豐富的Sun Labs工程師Jim Waldo揭示了Java中最有用的部分,以及為什麼這些特點使Java成為最好的程式語言之一。

每一種程式語言最終都會累積一些冗餘,Java也不例外。核心語言變得越來越龐大和複雜,與之相關的庫更是增長不斷。通過在整本書中使用一個示例應用程式,了解如何利用Java的最佳特點。你可能不喜歡Jim Waldo認為好的一些特點,但它們實際上會幫助你寫出更好的程式碼。

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