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Have you ever been in a crunch where all conventional approaches have failed? Do you know of a product thatsolves exactly the same problem you are facing but there is no documentation on how to implement it? Are you using a third-party library for which you need to change some of the logic but you don't have the source code?
This book shows how to overcome unsurpassable problems with practical methods
such as:
Author Alex Kalinovsky acknowledges that the techniques in Covert Java are controversial, but as he says in the Introduction "...Any information or discovery can be used for good or ill. This book is for the good guys, and if you are a bad guy please stop reading right now and get a new job with the testing team."
Tricks and in-depth information presented in Covert Java can save you hours of effort. Each chapter focuses on a technique that solves a specific problem -- outlining the problem, demonstrating the solution, and then suggesting additional ideas for testing the approach
Table of Contents:
1. Getting Started.
2. Decompiling Classes.
Determining When to Decompile. Knowing the
Best Decompilers. Decompiling a Class. What Makes Decompiling Possible?
Potential Problems with Decompiled Code. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
3. Obfuscating Classes.
Protecting the Ideas Behind Your Code.
Obfuscation As a Protection of Intellectual Property. Transformations Performed
by Obfuscators. Knowing the Best Obfuscators. Potential Problems and Common
Solutions. Using Zelix KlassMaster to Obfuscate a Chat Application. Cracking
Obfuscated Code. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
4. Hacking Non-Public Methods and Variables of a Class.
Packages and Protected Class Members. Accessing Private Class Members. Quick
Quiz. In Brief.
5. Replacing and Patching Application Classes.
What Do We Do When
We Have Tried Every Road but Failed? Finding the Class That Has to Be Patched. A
Sample Scenario That Requires Patching. Patching a Class to Provide New Logic.
Reconfiguring the Application to Load and Use the Patched Class. Patching Sealed
Packages. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
6. Using Effective Tracing.
Introduction to Tracing. Tracing As an
Effective Method of Learning the Software. Tracing and Logging Tools and APIs.
Tracing Dos and Donts. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
7. Manipulating Java Security.
Java Security Overview. Bypassing
Security Checks. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
8. Snooping the Runtime Environment.
The Value of Understanding
the Runtime Environment. System Properties. System Information. Memory
Information. Network Information. Accessing Environment Variables. Quick Quiz.
In Brief.
9. Cracking Code with Unorthodox Debuggers.
Understanding the Internals of Unknown Applications. Conventional Debuggers and Their Limitations. Hacking with an Omniscient Debugger. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
10. Using Profilers for Application Runtime Analysis.
Why and When
You Should Use Profiling. The Best Profilers for Java. Investigating Heap Usage
and Garbage Collection Frequency to Improve the Performance. Browsing Object
Allocation and References to Find and Fix Memory Leaks. Investigating Thread
Allocation and Synchronization. Identifying Expensive Methods to Improve
Performance. Investigating an Application at Runtime Using a Thread Dump. Quick
Quiz. In Brief.
11. Load-Testing to Find and Fix Scalability Problems.
Importance of Load-Testing. Load-Testing RMI-Based Servers with JUnit.
Load-Testing with JMeter. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
12. Reverse Engineering Applications.
13. Eavesdropping Techniques.
Eavesdropping Defined. Eavesdropping on HTTP. Eavesdropping on the RMI Protocol. Eavesdropping on JDBC Driver and SQL Statements. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
14. Controlling Class Loading.
JVM Internals from a Class Loading
Perspective. Writing a Custom Class Loader. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
15. Replacing and Patching Core Java Classes.
Why Bother? Patching Core Java Classes Using the Boot Class Path. Example of Patching java.lang.Integer. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
16. Intercepting Control Flow.
Control Flow Defined. Intercepting System Errors. Intercepting System Streams. Intercepting a Call to System.exit. Reacting to a JVM Shutdown Using Hooks. Intercepting Methods with a Dynamic Proxy. The Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
17. Understanding and Tweaking Bytecode.
Bytecode Fundamentals. Viewing Class Files Using the jClassLib Bytecode Viewer. The JVM Instruction Set. Class File Format. Instrumenting and Generating Bytecode. Bytecode Tweaking Compared with AOP and Dynamic Proxies. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
18. Total Control with Native Code Patching.
Why and When to Patch Native Code. Native Code Usage in the Java Virtual Machine. Generic Approaches to Patching Native Methods. Patching Native Code on the Windows Platform. Patching Native Code on Unix Platforms. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
19. Protecting Commercial Applications from Hacking.
Setting Goals for Application Protection. Securing Data with Java Cryptography Architecture. Protecting Application Distribution from Hacking. Implementing Licensing to Unlock Application Features. Quick Quiz. In Brief.
Appendix A. Commercial Software License.
Appendix B.
Utilities and Tools. Decompiling. Obfuscating. Tracing and Logging. Debugging. Profiling. Load-Testing. Eavesdropping. Bytecode Tweaking. Native Code Patching. Protection from Hacking.
Appendix C. Quiz Answers.
- 反編譯和混淆類
- 破解非公開變數和方法
- 替換和修補應用程序類
- 使用分析器進行應用程序運行時分析
- 竊聽以促進故障排除和性能調優
- 攔截控制流和控制類加載
- 理解和調整字節碼
- 更改第三方應用程序邏輯
- 破解JVM行為
- 保護商業應用程序免受黑客攻擊
作者Alex Kalinovsky承認,《Covert Java》中的技術是有爭議的,但正如他在引言中所說的:“……任何信息或發現都可以用於善或惡。本書是為好人準備的,如果您是壞人,請立即停止閱讀並去測試團隊找一份新工作。”
《Covert Java》中提供的技巧和深入信息可以為您節省數小時的努力。每一章都專注於解決特定問題的技術——概述問題,演示解決方案,然後建議測試該方法的其他想法。
1. 開始使用
2. 反編譯類
3. 混淆類
保護您代碼背後的想法。混淆作為知識產權的保護。混淆器執行的轉換。了解最佳混淆器。潛在問題和常見解決方案。使用Zelix KlassMaster混淆聊天應用程序。破解混淆代碼。快速測驗。簡要說明。
4. 破解類的非公開方法和變數
5. 替換和修補應用程序類
6. 使用有效的追蹤
7. 操作Java安全性
8. 竊聽運行時環境
9. 使用非常規調試器破解代碼
10. 使用分析器進行應用程序運行時分析
11. 負載測試以查找和修復可擴展性問題
12. 逆向工程應用程序
13. 竊聽技術
14. 控制類加載
15. 替換和修補核心Java類
16. 攔截控制流
17. 理解和調整字節碼
18. 通過本地代碼修補實現完全控制
19. 保護商業應用程序免受黑客攻擊
附錄A. 商業軟件許可
附錄B. 資源
附錄C. 測驗答案