Programming .NET 3.5 (Paperback)

Jesse Liberty, Alex Horovitz

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2008-08-19
  • 定價: $1,575
  • 售價: 1.3$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 480
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 059652756X
  • ISBN-13: 9780596527563
  • 相關分類: .NET
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=8)




.NET 3.5 will help you create better Windows applications, build Web Services that are more powerful, implement new Workflow projects and dramatically enhance the user's experience. But it does so with what appears to be a collection of disparate technologies. In Programming .NET 3.5, bestselling author Jesse Liberty and industry expert Alex Horovitz uncover the common threads that unite the .NET 3.5 technologies, so you can benefit from the best practices and architectural patterns baked into this newest generation of Microsoft frameworks. While single-topic .NET 3.5 books delve into Windows Presentation Foundation and the other frameworks in greater detail, Programming .NET 3.5 offers a "Grand Tour" of the release that describes how the four principal technologies can be used together, with Ajax, to build modern n-tier and service-oriented applications. Developers have struggled to implement these patterns with previous versions of the .NET Framework, but this hands-on guide uses real-world examples and fully annotated source code to demonstrate how .NET 3.5 can make it easy. The concepts and technologies that this book covers include:
  • XAML -- Microsoft's new XML-based markup language for UI, used with WPF Windows Presentation Foundation
  • (WPF) -- a new presentation framework and graphics subsystem for Windows that puts Vista-like effect in your grasp
  • Ajax Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) - a new standards-based framework that enables applications to communicate across a network using a variety of protocols
  • Workflow Foundation (WF) -- framework for defining, executing, and managing workflows
  • CardSpace -- framework for managing the identities of your user
You'll learn how to useeach of the four frameworks alone and in concert to build a series of meaningful example applications. Examples are written in C#, and all of the source code will be available for download at both the O'Reilly and the authors' site, which offers access to a free support forum. Between them, authors Jesse Liberty and Alex Horovitz have nearly forty years of experience in delivering commercial applications for companies such as Citibank, Apple, AT&T, NeXt, PBS, Ziff Davis, and dozens of smaller organizations. Their combined experience is valuable for telling the story of .NET 3.5 and how it will shorten the development life cycle for applications developers, and enhance your productivity.


.NET 3.5將幫助您創建更好的Windows應用程序,構建更強大的Web服務,實施新的工作流項目並顯著提升用戶體驗。但它似乎是由一系列不同的技術組成的。在《Programming .NET 3.5》中,暢銷作家Jesse Liberty和行業專家Alex Horovitz揭示了統一.NET 3.5技術的共同線索,讓您能夠從這一最新一代的Microsoft框架中受益,並獲得最佳實踐和架構模式。雖然單一主題的.NET 3.5書籍更詳細地探討了Windows Presentation Foundation和其他框架,但《Programming .NET 3.5》提供了一次“大旅行”,描述了如何將這四個主要技術與Ajax一起使用,構建現代化的n層和面向服務的應用程序。開發人員在以前的.NET Framework版本中一直努力實施這些模式,但這本實用指南使用了現實世界的示例和完全註釋的源代碼,演示了.NET 3.5如何使其變得簡單。本書涵蓋的概念和技術包括:

  • XAML - Microsoft的新基於XML的UI標記語言,與WPF Windows Presentation Foundation一起使用

  • (WPF) - 一個新的用於Windows的演示框架和圖形子系統,使您能夠實現類似Vista的效果

  • Ajax Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) - 一個新的基於標準的框架,使應用程序能夠使用各種協議在網絡上進行通信
  • Workflow Foundation (WF) - 用於定義、執行和管理工作流的框架

  • CardSpace - 用於管理用戶身份的框架
您將學習如何單獨使用這四個框架以及如何結合使用它們來構建一系列有意義的示例應用程序。示例使用C#編寫,所有源代碼都可以在O'Reilly和作者的網站上下載,該網站提供免費的支持論壇。作者Jesse Liberty和Alex Horovitz共擁有近四十年的為Citibank、Apple、AT&T、NeXt、PBS、Ziff Davis和數十家小型組織提供商業應用程序的經驗。他們的綜合經驗對於講述.NET 3.5的故事以及如何縮短應用程序開發生命周期並提高您的生產力非常有價值。