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If you're new to C#, this popular book is the ideal way to get started. Completely revised for the latest version of the language, Learning C# 3.0 starts with the fundamentals and takes you through intermediate and advanced C# features -- including generics, interfaces, delegates, lambda expressions, and LINQ. You'll also learn how to build Windows applications and handle data with C#.
No previous programming experience is required -- in fact, if you've never written a line of code in your life, bestselling authors Jesse Liberty and Brian MacDonald will show you how it's done. Each chapter offers a self-contained lesson to help you master key concepts, with plenty of annotated examples, illustrations, and a concise summary.
With this book, you will:
- Learn how to program as you learn C#
- Grasp the principles of object-oriented programming through C#
- Discover how to use the latest features in C# 3.0 and the .NET 3.5 Framework--including LINQ and the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
- Create Windows applications and data-driven applications
You'll also find a unique Test Your Knowledge section in each chapter, with practical exercises and review quizzes, so you can practice new skills and test your understanding. If you're ready to dive into C# and .NET programming, this book is a great way to quickly get up to speed.
如果您是 C# 的新手,這本受歡迎的書籍是開始學習的理想選擇。《Learning C# 3.0》已完全修訂以符合最新版本的語言,從基本概念開始,帶您了解中級和高級的 C# 特性,包括泛型、介面、委派、Lambda 表達式和 LINQ。您還將學習如何使用 C# 建立 Windows 應用程式並處理數據。
不需要任何先前的程式設計經驗——事實上,如果您一生中從未寫過一行程式碼,暢銷書作者 Jesse Liberty 和 Brian MacDonald 將會告訴您如何做到。每一章都提供一個獨立的課程,幫助您掌握關鍵概念,並附有大量註解範例、插圖和簡明的總結。
- 在學習 C# 的同時學會程式設計
- 通過 C# 理解物件導向程式設計的原則
- 探索如何使用 C# 3.0 和 .NET 3.5 Framework 的最新特性——包括 LINQ 和 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
- 創建 Windows 應用程式和數據驅動的應用程式
您還會在每一章中找到獨特的 **測試您的知識** 區域,裡面有實用的練習和回顧測驗,讓您可以練習新技能並測試您的理解。如果您準備好深入 C# 和 .NET 程式設計,這本書是快速上手的絕佳方式。