PowerPoint 2007: The Missing Manual (Paperback)

E. A. Vander Veer

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2007-01-30
  • 定價: $900
  • 售價: 1.1$99
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 490
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596527381
  • ISBN-13: 9780596527389
  • 相關分類: PowerPoint
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=9)




Like every other application in Microsoft Office suite, PowerPoint is loaded with features. So many, in fact, that even veterans don't know where to find them all. Microsoft solved this problem in PowerPoint 2007 by redesigning the user interface with a tabbed toolbar that makes features easy to locate and use. PowerPoint 2007 also boasts improved graphics, additional templates, the ability to save custom layouts, and improved collaboration through SharePoint. One thing Microsoft hasn't improved is its poor documentation. To learn the ins and outs of all the features in PowerPoint 2007, Microsoft merely offers online help. If you're familiar with previous versions of the program, you may be lost the first time you fire up the new PowerPoint; or you would be if it weren't for PowerPoint 2007: The Missing Manual.

This new book, written specifically for this version of the software, not only offers the basics of how to create, save, set up, run, and print a basic bullets-and-background slideshow, but takes you into the world of multimedia, animation, and interactivity. You'll learn how to add pictures, sound, video, animated effects, and controls (buttons and links) to their slides, along with ways to pull text, spreadsheets, and animations created in other programs. You can also create your own reusable design templates and learn to automate repetitive tasks with macros. Learn how to take advantage of advanced functions (such as adding custom background images) that existed in previous PowerPoint versions, but were so cleverly hidden that few people ever found them.


Table of Contents

The Missing Credits


Part One: Slideshow Basics

Chapter 1. Creating a Basic Presentation
     Beginning a New Presentation
            Creating a New Presentation from Scratch
            Creating a Presentation from an Existing Template, Theme, or Presentation
     Choosing a Theme for Your Presentation
     Adding Text
            Adding Text to an Existing Text Box
            Adding a New Text Box
     Adding More Slides
     Moving Around Inside a Presentation
            Navigating with the Scroll Bar
            Navigating with the Slides and Outline Tabs
            Using Find
     Adding Speaker Notes
     Creating and Printing Handouts
     Saving and Closing a Presentation
     Running a Presentation

Chapter 2. Editing Slides
     Editing Text
            Selecting Text
            Cutting Text
            Copying Text
            Pasting Text
            Moving Text
            Deleting Text
     Reversing an Action (Undo)
     Finding and Replacing Text Automatically
     Spell Check and Other Editorial Tools
            Checking Spelling
            Translating Words into Other Languages
            Researching Stuff
            Turning on AutoCorrect (for Capitalization and Spelling)
     Adding Special Characters
            Non-English Text

Chapter 3. Formatting and Aligning Your Text
     Automating Text Formatting
            Using AutoFormat
            Using AutoFit
     Manually Formatting Text Appearance
            Changing the Font
            Changing Font Size
            Bolding, Italicizing, and Underlining Text
            Changing Text Color and Background Color
            Adding Special Color Effects
            Tweaking the Text Outline
            Adding Special Text Effects
     Manually Aligning and Indenting Text
            Aligning Text and Creating Columns
            Creating Lists
            Changing Indents
            Changing Tab Stops
            Changing Spacing
            Changing Text Direction
     Formatting Text Boxes

Chapter 4. Formatting and Laying Out Your Slides
     Changing Slide Layout
            Applying a Canned Layout
            Switching Orientation from Landscape to Portrait (and Back)
            Repositioning Text Boxes
            Help for Positioning Text Boxes: Zoom, Guides, and Grid
     Changing Background Color
            Adding a Gradient Effect
     Reapplying Themes, Colors, and Fonts
            Reapplying a Theme
            Reapplying a Color Scheme
            Reapplying a Font

Chapter 5. Editing Your Slideshow
     Viewing Multiple Slides
            Slides Pane
            Slide Sorter View
     Adding, Deleting, and Moving Slides
            Adding Blank Slides
            Deleting Slides
            Moving Slides
            Duplicating Slides
            Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Slides
     Inserting Slides from Other Slideshows
     Editing Slide and Layout Masters
     Creating Slide Masters and Layout Masters
            Creating a New Slide Master
            Creating a New Layout Master
            Renaming Slide Masters and Layout Masters
            Preserving Slide Masters and Layout Masters
            Applying Multiple Slide Masters
            Editing Handout Masters
            Editing the Notes Master
     Adding Headers and Footers
            Adding Footers to Your Slides
            Adding Headers and Footers to Notes Pages and Handouts

Chapter 6. Adding Charts, Diagrams, and Tables
     Creating Charts
            Choosing a Chart Type
            Creating a Chart
            Customizing Charts with Prebuilt Layouts and Styles
            Editing and Tweaking Charts
            Pasting Existing Charts into PowerPoint
     Creating Diagrams
            Adding Diagrams to Slides
            Turning Lists into Diagrams
            Applying Prebuilt Styles and Color Themes to Diagrams
            Tweaking Diagrams
            Adding, Changing, and Moving Diagram Shapes
            Changing Diagram Text
     Creating Tables
            Creating a Basic Table
            Tweaking Tables
            Resizing Tables
            Repositioning Tables
            Deleting Tables

Part Two: Presenting Your Slideshow

Chapter 7. Delivering Presentations
     Setting Up a Slideshow
            Choosing a Slideshow Mode
            Hiding Individual Slides
            Matching Your Slideshow to Your Monitor
            Setting Up a Speaker Notes Screen
            Setting Up Automatic Timing
            Looping Continuously
            Recording Voiceover Narration
            Turning Off Sounds and Animations
     Slideshows for Multiple Audiences
            Creating a Custom Slideshow
            Editing a Custom Slideshow
     Presenting Your Slideshow
            Drawing on Slides During a Presentation
     Creating PowerPoint Shows
     Emailing Your Presentation
     Packaging Presentations for CD
     Presentations over the Web
            Converting Your Presentation into One or More Web Pages
     Converting to Other Formats
     Optimizing Presentations
            Go Easy on the Bling
            Pare Down Objects Outside of PowerPoint
            Choose Insert over Dragging or Pasting
            Recycle Your Images
            Get Rid of Invisible Stuff
            Compress Your Images
            Don't Embed Fonts (but if You Have to, Do so Wisely)
            Download and Install an Optimization Program

Chapter 8. Printing Presentations
     Printing Slides (One Slide per Page)
     Handouts (Multiple Slides per Page)
     Overhead Transparencies
     Speaker Notes
     Presentation Outline
     Tent Cards

Part Three: Beyond Bullet Points: Multimedia, Animation, and Interactivity

Chapter 9. Putting Images and Documents on Slides
     Drawing on Slides
            Drawing Lines and Shapes
            Drawing Connectors
            Drawing Freehand
     Modifying Drawings
            Selecting Lines and Shapes
            Applying Shape Styles
            Modifying Lines, Connectors, and Shape Outlines
            Modifying the Inside of a Shape
            Applying Special Effects
            Rotating Drawings
            Repositioning Lines and Shapes
            Resizing Drawings
            Changing the Type of a Shape or Connector
            Adding Text to Shapes
            Reshaping and Distorting Shapes
     Working with Multiple Drawings
            Grouping Objects
            Stacking Objects
            Aligning Shapes and Lines
     Adding Pictures from Other Programs
            Inserting a Picture Stored on Your Computer
            Creating a Photo Album Slideshow
            Adding Built-in Clip Art Drawings
     Modifying Pictures
            Applying a Picture Style
            Recoloring Your Picture
            Making Your Picture Transparent
            Adjusting Brightness and Contrast
            Applying Special Effects
            Cropping Your Picture
            Applying a Picture to a Slide Background
     Adding Documents from Other Programs
            Adding an Existing Live Object
            Creating and Adding a New Document Object

Chapter 10. Adding Sound and Video
     Adding Sound
            Sound File Formats You Can Use in PowerPoint
            Inserting a Sound Clip from Your Computer
            Adding a Sound Clip from the Clip Organizer
            Adding a Sound Clip from an Audio CD
            Recording and Adding Your Own Sound Clip
            Creating a Soundtrack
            Making Sound Clips Presenter-Triggered
     Adding Video

Chapter 11. Slide Transitions and Animated Effects
     Slide Transitions
            Types of Transitions
            Adding Transitions Between Slides
     Custom Animations
            Applying Entrance Effects
            Applying Emphasis Effects
            Applying Exit Effects
            Motion Path Effects
            Changing Effects
            Deleting an Effect
            Managing Multiple Effects

Chapter 12. Make Your Slides Clickable
     Adding Links
            Linking to Another Slide in the Same Slideshow
            Linking to a Slide in Another PowerPoint Slideshow
            Linking to a Web Page
            Creating (and Linking to) a New Document
            Linking to an Email Address
            Adding Screen Tips (Hover Text) to Links
     Adding Actions
            Adding Actions to Text or Images
            Adding Action Buttons
     Editing Links and Actions
            Editing Links
            Edit Actions
            Deleting Links and Actions

Part Four: Working Faster and More Effectively

Chapter 13. Customizing PowerPoint
     Customizing How PowerPoint Looks
            Choosing an Overall Look
            Show (or Hide) the Mini Toolbar
            Show (or Hide) the Ribbon
            Show (or Hide) the Developer Tab
            Select a Theme for All New Slideshows
            Customize the Quick Access Toolbar
            Customize the Status Bar
     Customizing How PowerPoint Behaves
            Open All Documents in a Certain View
            Saving Files: How, Where, and How Often
            Optimizing PowerPoint Files
            Editing and Proofing
            Displaying the Clipboard
            Choosing a Standard Chart Type
     Customizing the Way Your Slideshows Run
            Show (or Hide) "Ghosted" Navigational Controls
            Show (or Hide) the Right-Click Menu
            Give Yourself the Option to Keep Ink Annotations
            Tell PowerPoint to End Slideshows with a Black Slide (or Not)
     Installing Add-Ins

Chapter 14. Macros: Putting Slideshows on Autopilot
     Creating and Editing Macros
            Creating a Macro
            Opening a Macro for Editing
     Running Macros
            Setting Security Options
            Testing a Macro
            Adding a Macro to a Slideshow

Chapter 15. Collaborating with Others
     Preparing for Collaboration
     Sending Out a File for Review
            Emailing Using Outlook
            Emailing Using Other Programs
     Reviewing with Comments
            Adding a Comment
            Reading Comments
            Editing Comments
            Deleting Comments
     Finalizing Presentations
     SharePoint and Groove
            Creating Hard-to-Edit Versions of Your File
            Password-Protecting Your File
            Attaching Digital Signature to Files
            Using Information Rights Management

Part Five: Appendix

Appendix. Getting Help




PowerPoint是Microsoft Office套件中的一個應用程式,充滿了各種功能。事實上,即使是經驗豐富的使用者也不知道如何找到所有功能。Microsoft在PowerPoint 2007中通過重新設計帶有分頁工具欄的用戶界面來解決這個問題,使得功能易於定位和使用。PowerPoint 2007還提供了改進的圖形、額外的模板、保存自定義佈局的能力以及通過SharePoint進行改進的協作功能。唯一沒有改進的是Microsoft的文檔。要了解PowerPoint 2007中所有功能的細節,Microsoft只提供線上幫助。如果您熟悉以前的版本,第一次使用新的PowerPoint時可能會感到迷失,除非有《PowerPoint 2007:缺失的手冊》。



第1章 創建基本演示文稿
- 開始新演示文稿
- 從頭開始創建新演示文稿
- 從現有模板、主題或演示文稿創建演示文稿
- 選擇演示文稿的主題
- 添加文本
- 將文本添加到現有文本框
- 添加新文本框
- 添加更多幻燈片
- 在演示文稿內部移動
- 使用滾動條導航
- 使用幻燈片和大綱選項卡導航
- 使用尋找功能
- 添加演講者備註
- 創建和打印講義
- 保存和關閉演示文稿
- 運行演示文稿
第2章 編輯幻燈片
- 編輯文本
- 選擇文本
- 剪切文本
- 複製文本
- 粘貼文本
- 移動文本
-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         &nbsp