iPhone Open Application Development: Write Native Applications Using the Open Source Tool Chain, 2/e (Paperback)

Jonathan Zdziarski

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2008-10-01
  • 定價: $1,400
  • 售價: 1.4$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 272
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596155190
  • ISBN-13: 9780596155193
  • 立即出貨




"Great for beginners -- even if you don't know object-oriented programming, you can learn from examples on the 'Net and be on your way very soon. You will be able to confidently build apps that rival the ones included by Apple itself." -- Josh Content, iPhone Developer

Developers everywhere are eager to create applications for the iPhone, and many of them prefer the open source, community-developed tool chain to Apple's own toolkit. In this new edition of iPhone Open Application Development, author Jonathan Zdziarski covers the latest version of the open toolkit -- now updated for Apple's iPhone 2.x software and iPhone 3G -- and explains in clear language how to create applications using Objective-C and the iPhone API.

Zdziarski, who cracked the iPhone code and built the first fully-functional application with the open toolkit, includes detailed recipes and complete examples for graphics and audio programming, games programming with the CoreSurfaces and CoreImage interfaces, working with iTunes, and using sensors. With the open toolkit and this book, you can build iPhone applications that:

  • Display status bars, preference tables, and other standard elements of the iPhone user interface
  • Play pre-recorded files or program-generated sounds
  • Read and write plain text files and HTML files, including pages from the Web, and control display elements, such as scrollbars
  • Read and respond to changes in orientation when the user turns the phone around

And more. The first edition of this book developed an instant following and became the center of a movement. The second edition of iPhone Open Application Development will make this open source toolkit an indispensable part of iPhone application development.


「非常適合初學者 - 即使您不懂物件導向程式設計,您也可以從網上的範例中學習,並很快上手。您將能夠自信地建立與蘋果自家應用程式相媲美的應用程式。」- Josh Content,iPhone 開發者

開發人員們都渴望為 iPhone 創建應用程式,其中許多人更喜歡使用開源的、由社群開發的工具鏈,而不是蘋果自家的工具包。在這本新版的《iPhone 開放式應用程式開發》中,作者 Jonathan Zdziarski 講解了最新版本的開放工具包 - 現已更新為適用於蘋果 iPhone 2.x 軟體和 iPhone 3G - 並以清晰的語言解釋如何使用 Objective-C 和 iPhone API 創建應用程式。

Zdziarski 曾破解 iPhone 的程式碼並使用開放工具包建立了第一個完全功能的應用程式,他在書中提供了詳細的示例和完整的圖形和音頻程式設計、使用 CoreSurfaces 和 CoreImage 介面進行遊戲程式設計、與 iTunes 互動以及使用感應器的方法。憑藉這個開放工具包和本書,您可以建立以下功能的 iPhone 應用程式:

- 顯示狀態列、偏好設定表和其他 iPhone 用戶界面的標準元素
- 播放預先錄製的檔案或程式生成的聲音
- 讀取和寫入純文字檔案和 HTML 檔案,包括網頁上的頁面,並控制顯示元素,如捲軸
- 讀取並響應使用者轉動手機時的方向變化

還有更多功能。本書的第一版迅速獲得了廣泛關注,成為一場運動的中心。《iPhone 開放式應用程式開發》的第二版將使這個開源工具包成為 iPhone 應用程式開發中不可或缺的一部分。