Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks (Paperback)

Brian Jepson, Ernest E. Rothman

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2003-12-01
  • 定價: $880
  • 售價: 2.3$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 240
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596006071
  • ISBN-13: 9780596006075
  • 相關分類: MAC OS 蘋果電腦
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)




With its rep for being the sort of machine that won't intimidate even the most inexperienced users, what's the appeal of the Mac® for hard-core geeks? The Mac has always been an efficient tool, pleasant to use and customize, and eminently hackable. But now with Mac OS® X's BSD core, many a Unix® developer has found it irresistible. The latest version of Mac OS X, called Panther, makes it even easier for users to delve into the underlying Unix operating system. In fact, you can port Linux® and Unix applications and run them side-by-side with your native Aqua® apps right on the Mac desktop.

Still, even experienced Unix users may find themselves in surprisingly unfamiliar territory as they set out to explore Mac OS X. Even if you know Macs through and through, Mac OS X Panther is unlike earlier Macs, and it's radically different from the Unix you've used before.

Enter Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks by Brian Jepson and Ernest E. Rothman, two Unix geeks who found themselves in the same place you are. The new edition of this book is your guide to figuring out the BSD Unix system and Panther-specific components that you may find challenging. This concise book will ease you into the Unix innards of Mac OS X Panther, covering such topics as:

  • A quick overview of the Terminal application, including Terminal alternatives like iTerm and GLterm
  • Understanding Open Directory (LDAP) and NetInfo
  • Issues related to using the GNU C Compiler (GCC)
  • Library linking and porting Unix software
  • An overview of Mac OS X Panther's filesystem and startup processes
  • Creating and installing packages using Fink and Darwin Ports
  • Building the Darwin kernel
  • Using the Apple® X11 distribution for running X Windows® applications on top of Mac OS X

The book wraps up with a quick manpage-style reference to the "Missing Manual Pages" --commands that come with Mac OS X Panther, although there are no manpages.

If you find yourself disoriented by the new Mac environment, Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks will get you acclimated quickly to the foreign new areas of a familiar Unix landscape

Table of Contents


Part I. Getting Around

1. Inside the Terminal
     Mac OS X Shells
     The Terminal and xterm Compared
     Using the Terminal
     Customizing the Terminal
     The Services Menu
     Alternative Terminal Applications
     The open Command

2. Startup
     Booting Mac OS X
     Adding Startup Items
     Scheduling Tasks

3. Directory Services
     Understanding Directory Services
     Programming with Directory Services
     Configuring Directory Services
     NetInfo Manager
     Directory Services Utilities
     Managing Groups
     Managing Users and Passwords
     Managing Hostnames and IP Addresses
     Exporting Directories with NFS
     Flat Files and Their Directory Services Counterparts
     Restoring the Directory Services Database

4. Printing
     Printer Setup Utility
     Common Unix Printing System (CUPS)

5. The X Window System
     About Apple's X11
     Installing X11
     Running X11
     Customizing X11
     X11-based Applications and Libraries
     Connecting to Other X Window Systems
     Virtual Network Computer

6. Multimedia
     Burning CDs
     Image Editing
     3D Modeling

7. Third-Party Tools and Applications
     Virtual Desktops and Screens
     The Application Menu
     Virtual Desktops
     SSH GUIs

Part II. Building Applications

8. Compiling Source Code
     Compiler Differences
     Compiling Unix Source Code
     Architectural Issues
     X11-Based Applications and Libraries

9. Libraries, Headers, and Frameworks
     Header Files
     The System Library: libSystem
     Shared Libraries Versus Loadable Modules
     Library Versions
     Creating and Linking Static Libraries
     Creating Frameworks
     Performance and Debugging Tools
     CHUD Tools
     Interesting and Important Libraries
     Numerical Libraries

10. Perl
     Perl for Mac OS X Geeks
     Installing CPAN Modules
     Compiling Your Own Perl

Part III. Working with Packages

11. Fink
     Installing Fink
     Using Fink
     Installing Binaries

12. Creating and Installing Packages
     Using PackageMaker
     Using GNU tar
     Disk Images
     Creating Fink Packages

Part IV. Serving and System Management

13. Using Mac OS X as a Server
     Getting Connected
     Built-in Services: The Sharing Panel

14. MySQL and PostgreSQL
     PHP and Perl

15. System Management Tools
     Diagnostic Utilities
     Kernel Utilities
     System Configuration
     Third-Party Applications

Part V. Appendixes

A. The Mac OS X Filesystem

B. Command-Line Tools: The Missing Manpages

C. Mac OS X's Unix Development Tools



以其被認為是一種不會嚇到最沒經驗的用戶的機器,Mac®對於硬核愛好者有什麼吸引力呢?Mac一直以來都是一個高效的工具,使用和自定義起來非常愉快,並且易於修改。但現在,隨著Mac OS® X的BSD核心,許多Unix®開發人員發現它是不可抗拒的。最新版本的Mac OS X,稱為Panther,使用戶更容易深入研究底層的Unix操作系統。事實上,您可以將Linux®和Unix應用程序移植並與本機的Aqua®應用程序並行運行在Mac桌面上。即使是有經驗的Unix用戶,在探索Mac OS X時也可能會發現自己處於令人驚訝的陌生領域。即使您對Mac非常熟悉,Mac OS X Panther也與早期的Mac不同,並且與您以前使用的Unix截然不同。《Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks》由Brian Jepson和Ernest E. Rothman撰寫,他們是兩位與您處於同一位置的Unix愛好者。這本書的新版本是您了解BSD Unix系統和可能令您感到困惑的Panther特定組件的指南。這本簡明的書將引導您進入Mac OS X Panther的Unix內部,涵蓋以下主題:終端應用程序的快速概述,包括iTerm和GLterm等終端替代品;理解Open Directory(LDAP)和NetInfo;使用GNU C編譯器(GCC)的相關問題;庫鏈接和移植Unix軟件;Mac OS X Panther的文件系統和啟動過程概述;使用Fink和Darwin Ports創建和安裝軟件包;構建Darwin內核;使用Apple® X11發行版在Mac OS X上運行X Windows®應用程序。書的最後還提供了一個快速的類似man頁面的參考,列出了Mac OS X Panther附帶的命令,儘管沒有man頁面。如果您對新的Mac環境感到迷茫,《Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks》將使您迅速適應熟悉的Unix環境中的新領域。

1. 瞭解終端
- Mac OS X的Shell
- 比較終端和xterm
- 使用終端
- 自定義終端
- 服務菜單
- 替代終端應用程序
- open命令
2. 啟動
- 開機Mac OS X
- 添加啟動項目
- 定時任務
3. 目錄服務
- 理解目錄服務
- 使用目錄服務進行編程
- 配置目錄服務
- NetInfo管理器
- 目錄服務工具
- 管理群組
- 管理用戶和密碼
- 管理主機名和IP地址
- 使用NFS導出目錄
- 平面文件及其目錄服務對應
- 恢復目錄服務數據庫
4. 打印
- 打印機設置工具
- 常見的Unix打印系統(CUPS)
- Gimp-Print
5. X Window系統
- 關於Apple的X11
- 安裝X11
- 運行X11