Java & XML, 2/e: Solutions to Real-World Problems (Paperback)

Brett McLaughlin

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2001-09-01
  • 定價: $1,350
  • 售價: 3.0$399
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 550
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596001975
  • ISBN-13: 9780596001971
  • 相關分類: Java 程式語言XML
  • 立即出貨(限量)




While the XML "buzz" still dominates talk among Internet developers, the critical need is for information that cuts through the hype and lets Java programmers put XML to work. Java & XML shows how to use the APIs, tools, and tricks of XML to build real-world applications, with the end result that both the data and the code are portable.

This second edition of Java & XML adds chapters on Advanced SAX and Advanced DOM, new chapters on SOAP and data binding, and new examples throughout. A concise chapter on XML basics introduces concepts, and the rest of the book focuses on using XML from your Java applications. Java developers who need to work with XML, or think that they will in the future--as well as developers involved in the new peer-to-peer movement, messaging, or web services--will find the new Java & XML a constant companion.

This book covers:

  • The basics of XML, including DTDs, namespaces, XML Schema, XPath, and XSL
  • The SAX API, including all handlers, the SAX 2 extensions, filters, and writers
  • The DOM API, including DOM Level 2, Level 3, and the Traversal, Range, CSS, Events, and HTML modules.
  • The JDOM API, including the core, a look at XPath support, and JDOM as a JSR
  • Using web publishing frameworks like Apache Cocoon
  • Developing applications with XML-RPC
  • Using SOAP and UDDI for web services
  • Data Binding, using both DTDs and XML Schema for constraints
  • Building business-to-business applications with XML
  • Building information channels with RSS and dynamic content with XSP

Includes a quick reference on SAX 2.0, DOM Level 2, and JDOM.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
     XML Matters
     What's Important?
     The Essentials
     What's Next?

2. Nuts and Bolts
     The Basics
     And More-
     What's Next?

3. SAX
     Getting Prepared
     SAX Readers
     Content Handlers
     Error Handlers
     What's Next?

4. Advanced SAX
     Properties and Features
     More Handlers
     Filters and Writers
     Even More Handlers
     What's Next?

5. DOM
     The Document Object Model
     What's Next?

6. Advanced DOM
     DOM Level 2 Modules
     DOM Level 3
     What's Next?

     The Basics
     Is JDOM a Standard?
     What's Next?

8. Advanced JDOM
     Helpful JDOM Internals
     JDOM and Factories
     Wrappers and Decorators
     What's Next?

     API or Abstraction
     JAXP 1.0
     JAXP 1.1
     What's Next?

10. Web Publishing Frameworks
     Selecting a Framework
     Using a Publishing Framework
     Cocoon 2.0 and Beyond
     What's Next?

     RPC Versus RMI
     Saying Hello
     Putting the Load on the Server
     The Real World
     What's Next?

12. SOAP
     Starting Out
     Setting Up
     Getting Dirty
     Going Further
     What's Next?

13. Web Services
     Web Services
     Putting It All Together
     What's Next?

14. Content Syndication
     The Foobar Public Library
     Push Versus Pull
     What's Next?

15. Data Binding
     First Principles
     What's Next?

16. Looking Forward
     XML Schema Bindings
     And the Rest. . .
     What's Next?

A. API Reference

B. SAX 2.0 Features and Properties



雖然XML仍然是網路開發者間討論的熱門話題,但最關鍵的需求是提供能夠剖析炒作並讓Java程式設計師實際應用XML的資訊。《Java & XML》展示了如何使用XML的API、工具和技巧來建立實際應用程式,以達到資料和程式碼的可攜性。這本第二版的《Java & XML》新增了關於進階SAX和進階DOM的章節,以及關於SOAP和資料綁定的新章節,並在全書中加入了新的範例。簡潔的XML基礎章節介紹了概念,而書中其餘部分則專注於如何在Java應用程式中使用XML。需要使用XML或認為將來會使用XML的Java開發人員,以及參與新的點對點運動、訊息傳遞或網路服務的開發人員,都會發現這本新版的《Java & XML》是一位不可或缺的夥伴。本書涵蓋了以下內容:
- XML的基礎知識,包括DTD、命名空間、XML Schema、XPath和XSL。
- SAX API,包括所有處理器、SAX 2擴展、過濾器和寫入器。
- DOM API,包括DOM Level 2、Level 3和遍歷、範圍、CSS、事件和HTML模組。
- JDOM API,包括核心部分、XPath支援概述和JDOM作為JSR。
- 使用Apache Cocoon等網路發佈框架。
- 使用XML-RPC開發應用程式。
- 使用SOAP和UDDI進行網路服務。
- 使用DTD和XML Schema進行資料綁定。
- 使用XML建立企業間應用程式。
- 使用RSS建立資訊頻道,並使用XSP建立動態內容。

此外,書中還包含了關於SAX 2.0、DOM Level 2和JDOM的快速參考。

1. 簡介
- XML的重要性
- 重要的事情
- 基本概念
- 下一步

2. 基礎知識
- 基本概念
- 約束
- 轉換
- 更多內容
- 下一步

3. SAX
- 準備工作
- SAX讀取器
- 內容處理器
- 錯誤處理器
- 注意事項
- 下一步

4. 進階SAX
- 屬性和功能
- 更多處理器
- 過濾器和寫入器
- 更多處理器
- 注意事項
- 下一步

5. DOM
- 文件物件模型
- 序列化
- 可變性
- 注意事項
- 下一步

6. 進階DOM
- 變更
- 命名空間
- DOM Level 2模組
- DOM Level 3
- 注意事項
- 下一步

- 基礎知識
- PropsToXML
- XMLProperties
- JDOM是否為標準?
- 注意事項
- 下一步

8. 進階JDOM
- 有用的JDOM內部
- JDOM和工廠
- 封裝器和裝飾器
- 注意事項
- 下一步