Using Verilog, a leading commercial hardware description language, this text describes how to specify, design, and test a complete digital system. After a brief introduction to the Verilog language, the instruction set architecture (ISA) for the simple VeSPA (Very Small Processor Architecture) processor is defined. The remainder of the book demonstrates how both behavioral and structural models can be developed and intermingled in Verilog.
本書使用 Verilog,這是一種領先的商業硬體描述語言,描述了如何指定、設計和測試完整的數位系統。在簡要介紹 Verilog 語言之後,定義了簡單的 VeSPA(非常小型處理器架構)處理器的指令集架構(ISA)。本書的其餘部分展示了如何在 Verilog 中開發和交織行為模型和結構模型。