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This book brings together experts in the field who present material on a number of important and growing topics including lighting, displays, solar concentrators. The first chapter provides an overview of the field of nonimagin and illumination optics. Included in this chapter are terminology, units, definitions, and descriptions of the optical components used in illumination systems. The next two chapters provide material within the theoretical domain, including etendue, etendue squeezing, and the skew invariant. The remaining chapters focus on growing applications.
This entire field of nonimaging optics is an evolving field, and the editor plans to update the technological progress every two to three years. The editor, John Koshel, is one of the most prominent leading experts in this field, and he is the right expert to perform the task.
本書匯集了該領域的專家,介紹了多個重要且不斷增長的主題,包括照明、顯示器和太陽集中器。第一章提供了非成像光學和照明光學的概述。此章節包括術語、單位、定義以及用於照明系統的光學元件的描述。接下來的兩章提供了理論領域的內容,包括光通量(etendue)、光通量擠壓(etendue squeezing)和斜不變性(skew invariant)。其餘章節則專注於不斷增長的應用。
整個非成像光學領域是一個不斷發展的領域,編輯計劃每兩到三年更新一次技術進展。編輯約翰·科謝爾(John Koshel)是該領域最傑出的專家之一,他是執行此任務的合適人選。