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$1,617Deep Learning (Hardcover)
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Industry experts Johann Rost and Robert L. Glass explore the seamy underbelly of software engineering in this timely report on and analysis of the prevalance of subversion, lying, hacking, and espionage on every level of software project management. Based on the authors' original research and augmented by frank discussion and insights from other well-respected figures, The Dark Side of Software Engineering goes where other management studies fear to tread -- a corporate environment where schedules are fabricated, trust is betrayed, millions of dollars are lost, and there is a serious need for the kind of corrective action that this book ultimately proposes.
業界專家 Johann Rost 和 Robert L. Glass 在這份及時的報告中探討了軟體工程的陰暗面,分析了在每個軟體專案管理層級中,顛覆、謊言、駭客行為和間諜活動的普遍性。這本書基於作者的原始研究,並輔以其他受人尊敬人物的坦誠討論和見解,軟體工程的黑暗面 走進了其他管理研究不敢觸及的領域——一個時間表被捏造、信任被背叛、數百萬美元損失的企業環境,以及對本書最終提出的糾正行動的迫切需求。