Fuzzy Control and Identification (Hardcover)
暫譯: 模糊控制與辨識 (精裝版)

John H. Lilly



This book gives an introduction to basic fuzzy logic and Mamdani and Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. The text shows how these can be used to control complex nonlinear engineering systems, while also also suggesting several approaches to modeling of complex engineering systems with unknown models.

Finally, fuzzy modeling and control methods are combined in the book, to create adaptive fuzzy controllers, ending with an example of an obstacle-avoidance controller for an autonomous vehicle using modus ponendo tollens logic.



最後,本書將模糊建模和控制方法結合起來,創建自適應模糊控制器,並以一個使用modus ponendo tollens邏輯的自動駕駛車輛避障控制器的範例作結。