World Class IT: Why Businesses Succeed When IT Triumphs (Hardcover) (世界級資訊科技:為何企業在資訊科技成功時蓬勃發展)

Peter A. High




World Class IT

Why Businesses Succeed When IT Triumphs

Peter A. High

Foreword by John Boushy, former CIO of Harrah's Entertainment and former CEO of Ameristar Casinos

Praise for World Class IT

"Technology and business leaders alike must understand how to use IT to their advantage. Today, all businesses are technology companies powered by people; it is simply a question of degree. Failure to understand this and to harness technology to a company's advantage will result in one's company being a follower in an industry as opposed to a shaper of it. In World Class IT, Peter High distills the key principles for business and IT leaders to follow to ensure that your company is a leader rather than a laggard."
—Robert Willett, CEO, Best Buy International

"World Class IT taps the experience and advice of the world's greatest thinkers in corporate technology and marries it with a simple, yet powerful working framework. Peter's access to the best-of-the-best CIOs and his ability to boil their learnings down to the essentials is invaluable."
—Gregor Bailar, former chief information officer, Capital One, and former chief information officer, NASDAQ

"Peter High has made a valuable, highly practical, and rigorous contribution to principles-based IT resource management. Peter has observed accomplished CIOs transforming IT management in their organizations from narrow 'spectator support' for their senior management teams to a 'participative sport' resulting in a strategic IT asset. This is an important read for CIOs and their IT management teams."
—Richard Nolan, the Philip M. Condit Endowed Chair in Business Administration at the University of Washington, Foster School of Business, and the William Barclay Harding Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School (emeritus)

"Peter High has uncovered and illuminated important principles that are relevant to any IT executive. We find that many of our most successful IT strategies are reflected in his framework, and I certainly learned from his research, as well."
—Randy Spratt, executive vice president, chief information officer, and chief technology officer, McKesson

"Following the principles and subprinciples of World Class IT offers invaluable insights and will improve performance no matter the company."
—Tim Harvey, former executive vice president of shared services and chief information officer, Hilton Hotels Corporation


彼得·海(Peter A. High)
約翰·布希(John Boushy)撰寫的前言,他曾擔任哈拉斯娛樂公司(Harrah's Entertainment)的前首席信息官和美國星级赌场(Ameristar Casinos)的前首席執行官
- 羅伯特·威利特(Robert Willett),百思買國際(Best Buy International)首席執行官

- 格雷戈爾·貝拉爾(Gregor Bailar),前資本一銀行(Capital One)首席信息官和前納斯達克(NASDAQ)首席信息官

- 理查德·諾蘭(Richard Nolan),華盛頓大學福斯特商學院(Foster School of Business)菲利普·康迪特(Philip M. Condit)講座教授,哈佛商學院(Harvard Business School)威廉·巴克萊·哈丁(William Barclay Harding)商學講座教授(名譽退休)

- 蘭迪·斯普拉特(Randy Spratt),麥克森(McKesson)執行副總裁、首席信息官和首席技術官

- 蒂姆·哈維(Tim Harvey),希爾頓酒店集團(Hilton Hotels Corporation)前共享服務和首席信息官(CIO)副總裁