$1,250$1,225 -
$1,421Digital Arithmetic (Hardcover)
$1,127Field and Wave Electromagnetics, 2/e (Paperback)
$490$382 -
$480$432 -
$990$891 -
$580$551 -
$1,064Digital Design: An Embedded Systems Approach Using Verilog (Paperback)
$2,230$2,119 -
$780$608 -
$480$374 -
$720$569 -
$650$585 -
$380$300 -
$380$300 -
$820$648 -
$890$757 -
$450$351 -
$1,372Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL, 2/e (IE-Paperback)
$580$458 -
$5,640$5,358 -
$1,190$1,166 -
$1,800$1,710 -
$780$616 -
This clear and logical book presents a range of novel techniques for the rapid and reliable design of digital systems using FSMs, detailing exactly how and where they can be implemented. With a practical approach, it covers synchronous and asynchronous FSMs in the design of both simple and complex systems, and Petri-Net design techniques for sequential/parallel control systems. Chapters on Hardware Description Language cover the widely-used and powerful Verilog HDL in sufficient detail to facilitate the description and verification of FSMs, and FSM based systems, at both the gate and behavioural levels.
Throughout, the text incorporates many real-world examples that demonstrate designs such as data acquisition, a memory tester, and passive serial data monitoring and detection, among others. A useful accompanying CD offers working Verilog software tools for the capture and simulation of design solutions.
With a linear programmed learning format, this book works as a concise guide for the practising digital designer. This book will also be of importance to senior students and postgraduates of electronic engineering, who require design skills for the embedded systems market.
隨著數位電路元件的物理尺寸減小,導致系統日益複雜,一個可以用於控制和設計各種半導體設備的基本邏輯模型變得至關重要。有限狀態機(Finite State Machines, FSM)具有許多優點;它們可以應用於許多領域(包括馬達控制、信號和串行數據識別等),並且所需的邏輯量少於其他替代方案,這促進了更快的數位硬體系統的發展。
這本清晰且邏輯性強的書籍介紹了一系列新穎的技術,用於快速且可靠地設計數位系統,使用FSM,詳細說明了它們可以如何以及在哪裡實施。書中以實用的方式涵蓋了同步和非同步FSM在簡單和複雜系統設計中的應用,以及用於序列/並行控制系統的Petri網設計技術。關於硬體描述語言的章節充分詳細地介紹了廣泛使用且功能強大的Verilog HDL,以便於在閘級和行為級別上描述和驗證FSM及基於FSM的系統。