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Here, Dominique Paret offers you a complete guide to the theory, components, practical application areas and standards in RFID at UHF and SHF. He achieves an expert balance between theory and technology, finance and other aspects, providing a clear view of the entire field.
This book deals with the real aspects of contactless applications in detail, and divided into five parts, covers:
- Basic principles, general considerations and the market, defining all essential terms and the different tags and applications.
- Wave propagation principles and theory.
- Communication and transmission, baseband signals, carrier modulation and interactions, discussing communication modes between the base station and tag, and energy transfer modes.
- International safety standards and regulations, including International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) models, and methods for evaluating commercial tags.
- Components for tags and base stations.
This comprehensive reference is ideal for computer and electronics engineers working on the design and development of RFID systems for the electronics industry, as well as for those in other industries such as automotive, security and transport, who want to implement RFID into their business.
Dominique Paret’s book is also a solid and thorough technical introduction to the subject for graduate level students and researchers in electronics and industrial engineering design.
過去,關於超高頻 (UHF) 和超高頻 (SHF) 無線射頻識別 (RFID) 系統的工程師、技術人員和學生幾乎沒有實用的資訊或訓練可供參考。
在這裡,Dominique Paret 為您提供了一本完整的指南,涵蓋了 UHF 和 SHF 中 RFID 的理論、組件、實際應用領域和標準。他在理論與技術、財務及其他方面之間達成了專家的平衡,清晰地展示了整個領域的全貌。
- 基本原則、一般考量和市場,定義所有必要的術語以及不同的標籤和應用。
- 波傳播原則和理論。
- 通信和傳輸、基帶信號、載波調變和互動,討論基站與標籤之間的通信模式和能量傳輸模式。
- 國際安全標準和法規,包括國際標準化組織 (ISO) 和開放系統互連 (OSI) 模型,以及評估商業標籤的方法。
- 標籤和基站的組件。
這本全面的參考書籍非常適合從事 RFID 系統設計和開發的計算機和電子工程師,以及希望將 RFID 實施到其業務中的汽車、安全和運輸等其他行業的專業人士。
Dominique Paret 的書籍也是對電子和工業工程設計的研究生和研究人員來說,提供了一個堅實而全面的技術入門。