$1,568$1,485 -
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$4,550$4,323 -
$3,500$3,325 -
$1,260$1,235 -
$2,980$2,831 -
$1,760$1,672 -
$1,460Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 3/e (Hardcover)
$2,250$2,138 -
$7,270$6,907 -
$2,460$2,337 -
$1,680$1,646 -
$1,450Introduction to Complex Variables and Applications (Paperback)
$2,680$2,546 -
$2,850$2,708 -
This is achieved by:
- Presenting a methodological framework for the elicitation of expert knowledge incorporating findings from both statistical and psychological research.
- Detailing techniques for the elicitation of a wide range of standard distributions, appropriate to the most common types of quantities.
- Providing a comprehensive review of the available literature and pointing to the best practice methods and future research needs.
- Using examples from many disciplines, including statistics, psychology, engineering and health sciences.
- Including an extensive glossary of statistical and psychological terms.
An ideal source and guide for statisticians and psychologists with interests in expert judgement or practical applications of Bayesian analysis, Uncertain Judgements will also benefit decision-makers, risk analysts, engineers and researchers in the medical and social sciences.
Prof O'Hagan is an internationally leading expert in Bayesian Statistics.
Professor Paul Gathwaite - Open University, Prof of Statistics, Maths and Computing
Dr Jeremy Oakley - Sheffield University
Professor John Brazier - Director of Health Economics Group, University of Sheffield
Dr Tim Rakow - University of Essex, Psychology Department
Dr Alireza Daneshkhah - University of Sheffield, Medical Statistics Department
Dr Jim Chilcott - School of Health Research, University of Sheffield, Department of OR