Computational Intelligence for Wireless Sensor Networks: Principles and Applications
暫譯: 無線感測器網路的計算智慧:原則與應用
Chaurasiya, Sandip Kumar, Dutta, Joydeep, Biswas, Arindam
- 出版商: CRC
- 出版日期: 2022-07-25
- 售價: $4,260
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $4,047
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 202
- 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
- ISBN: 036760888X
- ISBN-13: 9780367608880
感測器 Sensor
Computational Intelligence for Wireless Sensor Networks: Principles and Applications provides an integrative overview of the computational intelligence (CI) in wireless sensor networks and enabled technologies. It aims to demonstrate how the paradigm of computational intelligence can benefit Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and sensor-enabled technologies to overcome their existing issues.
This book provides extensive coverage of the multiple design challenges of WSNs and associated technologies such as clustering, routing, media access, security, mobility, and design of energy-efficient network operations.
It also describes various CI strategies such as fuzzy computing, evolutionary computing, reinforcement learning, artificial intelligence, swarm intelligence, teaching learning-based optimization, etc. It also discusses applying the techniques mentioned above in wireless sensor networks and sensor-enabled technologies to improve their design.
The book offers comprehensive coverage of related topics, including:
- Emergence of intelligence in wireless sensor networks
- Taxonomy of computational intelligence
- Detailed discussion of various metaheuristic techniques
- Development of intelligent MAC protocols
- Development of intelligent routing protocols
- Security management in WSNs
This book mainly addresses the challenges pertaining to the development of intelligent network systems via computational intelligence. It provides insights into how intelligence has been pursued and can be further integrated in the development of sensor-enabled applications.
- 無線感測器網路中智慧的出現
- 計算智慧的分類
- 各種元啟發式技術的詳細討論
- 智能媒體存取控制協議的開發
- 智能路由協議的開發
- 無線感測器網路中的安全管理
Dr. Sandip K Chaurasiya received his M.E degree in Computer Science and Technology from the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Shibpur, Howrah, West Bengal, INDIA, in June 2010. He is working as an Assistant Professor in the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, INDIA. His research interest includes Mobile Computing, Wireless Sensor Networks, and Internet of Things. He has authored a book, "A Complete Guide to Wireless Sensor Networks: from Inception to Current Trends (2019)" and contributed many technical papers in various journals and conferences. He has reviewed a number of research articles in several reputed international conferences/journals. He is an active member of the Institution of Electronics & Communication Engineers (INDIA), New Delhi.
Dr. Joydeep Dutta completed his Ph.D degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Durgapur in 2020. He completed M.E. in Computer Science and Engineering from the West Bengal University of Technology in 2008. Mr Dutta was also awarded Bronze Medal for his first-class 3rd position in the university. Mr. Dutta had qualified UGC NET in Computer Science and Applications in 2013. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science of Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, India. He has more than 9 years of teaching experience in several reputed engineering colleges of West Bengal and 2 years of industrial experience in MNC's like Wipro Technologies and Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd. His current research interests include Network Optimization Problems, Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization etc. He has several high impact SCI indexed publications like Neural Computing and Applications, Transport etc. Mr Dutta acted as a reviewer of different reputed journals and conferences. He has chaired, organized and presented paper in different seminars and conferences of international repute.
Dr. Arindam Biswas was born in West Bengal, India in 1984. He received M-Tech degree in Radio Physics and Electronics from University of Calcutta, India in 2010 and PhD from NIT Durgapur in 2013. He was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Pusan National University, South Korea with prestigious BK21PLUS Fellowship, Republic of Korea. He got Visiting Professor at Research Institute of Electronics, Shizouka University, Japan. He has been selected for IE(I) Young Engineer Award: 2019-20 in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering discipline, Institute of Engineers, India. Dr. Biswas has 11 years'of experience in teaching research and administration. Presently Dr. Biswas is working as an Assistant Professor in School of Mines and Metallurgy at Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, WB, India. He has 48 technical paper in different journals and 30 conference proceedings and 6 books, 01 Edited Volume and 01 book chapter with international repute. Dr. Biswas received research grant from Science and Engineering Research Board, Govt of India, under Early Career Research Scheme for research in Terahertz based GaN Source. He also received Research Grant from Centre of Biomedical Engineering, Tokoyo Medical and Dental University in association with RIE, Shizouka University, Japan for study of biomedical Thz Imaging based on WBG semiconductor IMPATT Source. Presently Dr. Biswas is serving as an Associate Editor of Cluster Computing, Springer (SCI Indexed) and as a guest editor of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology-Asia (Scopus Indexed), Recent Patent in Material Science (Scopus Indexed), Benthamscience Publisher. Dr. Biswas has produced 04 PhD students in different topics of applied optics and high frequency semiconductor device. He has organized and chaired difference International Conferences in India and abroad. His research interest is in carrier transport in low dimensional system and electronic device, non-linear optical communication, THz Semiconductor Source. Dr. Biswas acted as reviewer for reputed journals, and member of the Institute of Engineers (India) and Regular Fellow of Optical Society of India (India).
Dr. Gorachand Dutta is an Assistant Professor at School of Medical Science and Technology, IIT Khragpur. He received M.Sc. degree in Chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India. His research interests include the design and characterization of portable biosensors, biodevices and sensor interfaces for miniaturized systems and biomedical applicationsfor point-of-care testing. He received his Ph.D in Biosensor and Electrochemistry from Pusan National University, South Korea, where he developed different class of electrochemical sensors and studied the electrochemical properties of gold, platinum, and palladium based metal electrodes. He completed his Post-doctoral fellowships in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University, USA and Department of Chemistry, Pusan National University, South Korea, Centre for Biosensors, Bioelectronics and Biodevices at University of Bath, UK. During his research tenure in USA and South Korea, Dr. Dutta invented an enzyme-free, disposable miniaturized immunosensor chip using micropatterned electrode and wash-free method for the development of mobile phone-based platforms for fast and simple point-of-care testing of infectious and metabolic disease biomarkers. He has expertise on label-free multichannel electrochemical biosensors, electronically addressable biosensor arrays, aptamer- and DNA-based sensors and surface bio-functionalization.
Dr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India in 2015. Presently, he is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Department at NIT Manipur, India. Dr. Sarkar served as Departmental Head for the duration of January, 2017 to January, 2019. Presently, he is serving as Controller of Examinations in addition to his normal duties. His research interests include magnetic levitation systems, dc-dc converters, optimal control, sliding mode control, event Triggered Control and Networked control systems.
Dr. Sandip K Chaurasiya 於2010年6月獲得印度西孟加拉邦霍拉的印度工程科學與技術學院(Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Shibpur)計算機科學與技術碩士學位。他目前在印度烏塔拉坎德的石油與能源研究大學(University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun)擔任助理教授。他的研究興趣包括行動計算、無線感測器網路和物聯網。他著有《無線感測器網路完全指南:從創始到當前趨勢(2019)》一書,並在各種期刊和會議上發表了多篇技術論文。他曾為多個知名國際會議/期刊的研究文章進行審稿。他是印度電子與通信工程師學會(Institution of Electronics & Communication Engineers, INDIA)新德里的活躍成員。
Dr. Joydeep Dutta 於2020年在NIT Durgapur的計算機科學與工程系獲得博士學位。他於2008年在西孟加拉技術大學(West Bengal University of Technology)獲得計算機科學與工程碩士學位。Dutta先生因在大學中獲得一級第三名而獲得銅獎。他於2013年通過了計算機科學與應用的UGC NET考試。目前,他在印度阿桑索爾的卡齊納茲魯大學(Kazi Nazrul University)計算機科學系擔任助理教授。他在西孟加拉的多所知名工程學院擁有超過9年的教學經驗,並在Wipro Technologies和Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd等跨國公司擁有2年的工業經驗。他目前的研究興趣包括網路優化問題、人工智慧、進化演算法、組合優化等。他在《Neural Computing and Applications》、《Transport》等多個高影響力的SCI索引期刊上發表了多篇論文。Dutta先生曾擔任不同知名期刊和會議的審稿人,並在多個國際知名的研討會和會議上擔任主席、組織者和發表論文。
Dr. Arindam Biswas 於1984年出生於印度西孟加拉。他於2010年在印度加爾各答大學獲得無線電物理與電子學的碩士學位,並於2013年在NIT Durgapur獲得博士學位。他曾在韓國釜山國立大學擔任博士後研究員,並獲得了韓國BK21PLUS獎學金。他曾在日本靜岡大學電子研究所擔任訪問教授。他被選為印度工程師學會(Institute of Engineers, India)電子與電信工程學科的IE(I)青年工程師獎:2019-20的獲得者。Biswas博士在教學、研究和行政方面擁有11年的經驗。目前,他在印度阿桑索爾的卡齊納茲魯大學(Kazi Nazrul University)礦業與冶金學院擔任助理教授。他在不同期刊上發表了48篇技術論文,並參加了30個會議論文集,出版了6本書籍、1本編輯卷和1個書章,具有國際聲譽。Biswas博士獲得了印度政府科學與工程研究委員會的研究資助,用於基於太赫茲的氮化鎵源的研究。他還獲得了日本靜岡大學與東京醫科牙科大學生物醫學工程中心的研究資助,用於基於WBG半導體IMPATT源的生物醫學太赫茲成像研究。目前,Biswas博士擔任《Cluster Computing》(Springer,SCI索引)的副編輯,以及《Nanoscience and Nanotechnology-Asia》(Scopus索引)、《Recent Patent in Material Science》(Scopus索引)和Benthamscience出版社的客座編輯。Biswas博士在應用光學和高頻半導體器件的不同主題上指導了4名博士生。他在印度和國外組織並主持了多個國際會議。他的研究興趣包括低維系統和電子器件中的載流子傳輸、非線性光學通信、THz半導體源。Biswas博士曾擔任知名期刊的審稿人,並是印度工程師學會的成員和印度光學學會的常規會員。
Dr. Gorachand Dutta 是印度IIT Khragpur醫學科學與技術學院的助理教授。他在印度古瓦哈提的印度理工學院獲得化學碩士學位。他的研究興趣包括便攜式生物感測器、生物裝置和微型系統及生物醫學應用的感測器介面設計與特性分析,特別是針對即時檢測的應用。他在韓國釜山國立大學獲得生物感測器和電化學的博士學位,並開發了不同類型的電化學感測器,研究了金、鉑和鈀基金屬電極的電化學特性。他在美國密歇根州立大學機械工程系和韓國釜山國立大學化學系、英國巴斯大學生物感測器、生物電子學和生物裝置中心完成了博士後研究。在美國和韓國的研究期間,Dutta博士發明了一種無酶、一次性迷你免疫感測器晶片,使用微圖案電極和無需清洗的方法,開發了基於手機的平台,用於快速簡便的即時檢測傳染病和代謝疾病生物標記。他在無標籤多通道電化學生物感測器、電子可尋址生物感測器陣列、適配體和DNA基感測器以及表面生物功能化方面具有專業知識。
Dr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar(IEEE資深會員)於2015年在印度國立技術學院Durgapur獲得電氣工程博士學位。目前,他是印度NIT Manipur電氣工程系的助理教授。Sarkar博士在2017年1月至2019年1月期間擔任系主任。目前,他除了正常職責外,還擔任考試控制員。他的研究興趣包括磁懸浮系統、直流-直流轉換器、最優控制、滑模控制、事件觸發控制和網路控制系統。