Artificial Intelligence Applications in Electrical Transmission and Distribution Systems Protection
暫譯: 電力傳輸與配電系統保護中的人工智慧應用

Abdelaziz, Almoataz Y., Abdel Aleem, Shady Hossam Eldeen, Yadav, Anamika

  • 出版商: CRC
  • 出版日期: 2021-10-22
  • 售價: $6,820
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$6,479
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 482
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 0367552345
  • ISBN-13: 9780367552343
  • 相關分類: 人工智慧
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


Artificial intelligence (AI) can successfully help in solving real-world problems in power transmission and distribution systems because AI-based schemes are fast, adaptive, and robust and are applicable without any knowledge of the system parameters. This book considers the application of AI methods for the protection of different types and topologies of transmission and distribution lines. It explains the latest pattern-recognition-based methods as applicable to detection, classification, and location of a fault in the transmission and distribution lines, and to manage smart power systems including all the pertinent aspects.


  • Provides essential insight on uses of different AI techniques for pattern recognition, classification, prediction, and estimation, exclusive to power system protection issues
  • Presents an introduction to enhanced electricity system analysis using decision-making tools
  • Covers AI applications in different protective relaying functions
  • Discusses issues and challenges in the protection of transmission and distribution systems
  • Includes a dedicated chapter on case studies and applications

This book is aimed at graduate students, researchers, and professionals in electrical power system protection, stability, and smart grids.



- 提供有關不同AI技術在模式識別、分類、預測和估算方面的基本見解,專門針對電力系統保護問題
- 介紹使用決策工具增強電力系統分析的內容
- 涵蓋AI在不同保護繼電器功能中的應用
- 討論傳輸和配電系統保護中的問題和挑戰
- 包含專門的案例研究和應用章節



Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz (SM'15) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 1985 and 1990, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering according to the channel system between Ain Shams University, Egypt, and Brunel University, U.K., in 1996. He has been a Professor of electrical power engineering with Ain Shams University, since 2007. He was the Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs in Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Future University in Egypt from 2018-2019. He has authored or coauthored more than 450 refereed journal and conference papers, 30 book chapters, and six edited books with Elsevier, Springer and CRC Press. In addition, he has supervised 80 Master's and 35 Ph.D. theses. His research areas include the applications of artificial intelligence, evolutionary and heuristic optimization techniques to power system planning, operation, and control. Dr. Abdelaziz is a senior member in IEEE and member in the Egyptian Sub-Committees of IEC and CIGRE'. He has been awarded many prizes for distinct researches and for international publishing from Ain Shams University and Future University in Egypt. He is the chairman of the IEEE Education Society chapter in Egypt. He is a senior Editor of Ain Shams Engineering Journal, an editor of Electric Power Components and Systems journal, an Editorial Board member, an Editor, an Associate Editor, and an Editorial Advisory Board member for many international journals.

Dr. Shady Abdel Aleem received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Power and Machines from the Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Egypt, in 2002, and the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, in 2010 and 2013 respectively. From September 2018 to September 2019, he has been an Associate Professor at the 15th May Higher Institute of Engineering and the quality assurance unit director. Since September 2019, he is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, College of Engineering and Technology, Smart Village Campus for teaching power quality energy efficiency, wind energy, and energy conversion courses. Also, he is a consultant of power quality studies in ETA Electric Company, Egypt. His research interests include harmonic problems in power systems, power quality, renewable energy, smart grid, energy efficiency, optimization, green energy, and economics. Dr. Shady is the author or co-author of many refereed journals and conference papers. He has published 100 plus journal and conference papers, 18 plus book chapters, and 7 edited books with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) (2), Elsevier (3), Springer (1) and InTech (1). He was awarded the State Encouragement Award in Engineering Sciences in 2017 from Egypt. He was also awarded the medal of distinction from the first class of the Egyptian State Award in 2020 from Egypt. Dr. Shady is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Dr. Shady is also a member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). He is an Editor/Associate Editor for the International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, Vehicle Dynamics, IET Journal of Engineering, Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, and International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education.

Anamika Yadav received the Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electrical Engineering from RGPV, Bhopal, in 2002, the Master of Technology degree in Integrated Power System from V.N.I.T., Nagpur, India, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree from CSVTU, Bhilai, India, in 2010 at National Institute of Technology (NIT) Raipur as research center. She was an Assistant Engineer with the Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board, Raipur, from 2004 to 2009. She served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Raipur, during 2009-2018. Presently she is an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Raipur, Raipur, since 2018. Additionally, she is also serving as Associate Dean (Research and Consultancy) at NIT Raipur since 2018. She has supervised 7 PhD thesis and 22 M.Tech thesis. Her research interests include Digital Protection & Automation, Smart Grid Technologies and Applications, Distributed Generation, Micro-grid, and Application of Artificial Intelligence, Power system protection, FACTS technologies etc. She received the Institution of Engineers India Young Engineers Award in the Electrical Engineering Division during 2015 to 2016, VIFFA young faculty award 2015, VIFRA young scientist award 2015, Chhattisgarh young scientist award in 2016 given by Chief Minister of CG. She is also a Senior Member of IEEE from 2014. She has more than 120 publications in International journals and conferences and around 1800 citations as per Google scholar.


Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz (SM'15) 於1985年和1990年分別在埃及開羅的艾因沙姆斯大學獲得電機工程的學士和碩士學位,並於1996年根據艾因沙姆斯大學與英國布魯內爾大學之間的渠道系統獲得電機工程的博士學位。自2007年以來,他一直擔任艾因沙姆斯大學的電力工程教授。他曾於2018年至2019年擔任埃及未來大學工程與技術學院的教育與學生事務副院長。他已發表或共同發表超過450篇經過審核的期刊和會議論文、30篇書籍章節,以及六本與Elsevier、Springer和CRC Press合作編輯的書籍。此外,他還指導了80篇碩士論文和35篇博士論文。他的研究領域包括人工智慧的應用、進化和啟發式優化技術在電力系統規劃、運行和控制中的應用。Abdelaziz博士是IEEE的資深會員,並且是埃及IEC和CIGRE的子委員會成員。他因其卓越的研究和國際出版而獲得艾因沙姆斯大學和埃及未來大學的多項獎項。他是埃及IEEE教育學會分會的主席,也是艾因沙姆斯工程期刊的資深編輯,Electric Power Components and Systems期刊的編輯,以及多本國際期刊的編輯、助理編輯和編輯諮詢委員會成員。

Dr. Shady Abdel Aleem 於2002年在埃及Helwan大學工程學院獲得電力與機械的學士、碩士和博士學位,分別於2010年和2013年在埃及開羅大學工程學院獲得。從2018年9月到2019年9月,他擔任第15五月高等工程學院的副教授及質量保證單位主任。自2019年9月以來,他在阿拉伯科學、技術與海運學院的智能村校區工程與技術學院擔任兼任副教授,教授電力質量、能源效率、風能和能源轉換課程。此外,他還是埃及ETA電力公司的電力質量研究顧問。他的研究興趣包括電力系統中的諧波問題、電力質量、可再生能源、智能電網、能源效率、優化、綠色能源和經濟學。Shady博士是多篇經過審核的期刊和會議論文的作者或共同作者。他已發表超過100篇期刊和會議論文、18篇書籍章節,以及與工程與技術學會(IET)(2)、Elsevier(3)、Springer(1)和InTech(1)合作編輯的7本書籍。他於2017年獲得埃及工程科學國家鼓勵獎,並於2020年獲得埃及國家獎第一類的卓越獎章。Shady博士是電氣和電子工程師學會(IEEE)的成員,也是工程與技術學會(IET)的成員。他是《國際可再生能源技術期刊》、《車輛動力學》、《IET工程期刊》、《智能電網與可持續能源的技術與經濟期刊》以及《國際電氣工程教育期刊》的編輯/助理編輯。

Anamika Yadav 於2002年在RGPV,博帕爾獲得電機工程的工程學士學位,於2006年在印度納格浦爾的V.N.I.T.獲得綜合電力系統的技術碩士學位,並於2010年在印度比萊的CSVTU獲得博士學位,研究中心為國立技術學院(NIT)Raipur。她於2004年至2009年擔任恰蒂斯加爾邦電力局的助理工程師。她於2009年至2018年在NIT Raipur的電機工程系擔任助理教授。自2018年以來,她一直擔任NIT Raipur電機工程系的副教授。此外,自2018年以來,她還擔任NIT Raipur的副院長(研究與諮詢)。她已指導7篇博士論文和22篇碩士論文。她的研究興趣包括數位保護與自動化、智能電網技術與應用、分散式發電、微電網以及人工智慧的應用、電力系統保護、FACTS技術等。她於2015至2016年獲得印度工程師學會電機工程部的青年工程師獎,2015年獲得VIFFA青年教職員獎、2015年VIFRA青年科學家獎,以及2016年由恰蒂斯加爾邦首席部長頒發的恰蒂斯加爾邦青年科學家獎。她自2014年以來是IEEE的資深會員。根據Google Scholar,她在國際期刊和會議上發表了超過120篇論文,並獲得約1800次引用。