Creating Games with Unity, Substance Painter, & Maya: Models, Textures, Animation, & Code
暫譯: 使用 Unity、Substance Painter 和 Maya 創建遊戲:模型、紋理、動畫與程式碼
Li, Jingtian, Watkins, Adam, Arevalo, Kassandra
- 出版商: CRC
- 出版日期: 2021-01-12
- 售價: $2,820
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $2,679
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 746
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 0367506017
- ISBN-13: 9780367506018
3D建模 3D-modeling、Painter、遊戲引擎 Game-engine
Creating Games with Unity, Substance Painter, & Maya: Models, Textures, Animation, & Code
This tutorial-based book allows readers to create a first-person game from start to finish using industry-standard (and free to student) tools of Unity, Substance Painter, and Maya. The first half of the book lays out the basics of using Maya and Substance Painter to create game-ready assets. This includes polygonal modeling, UV layout, and custom texture painting. The book then covers rigging and animation solutions to create assets to be placed in the game, including animated first-person assets and motion-captured NPC animations. Finally, readers can put it all together and build interactivity that allows the player to create a finished game using the assets built and animated earlier in the book.
- Written by industry professionals with real-world experience in building assets and games
- Build a complete game from start to finish
- Learn what the pros use: construct all assets using the tools used at game studios across the world
- All software used are free to students
- When complete, students will have a playable version of an FPS game
Jingtian Li is a graduate of China's Central Academy of Fine Arts and New York's School of Visual Arts, where he earned an MFA in Computer Art. He currently is an Assistant Professor of 3D Animation & Game Design at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas.
Adam Watkins is a 20-year veteran of 3D education. He holds an MFA in 3D Animation and a BFA in Theatre Arts from Utah State University. He currently is the Coordinator and Professor of the 3D Animation & Game Department at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas.
Kassandra Arevalo is an instructor of 3D Animation & Game Design at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas. She previously worked as an animator at Immersed Games.
Matt Tovar is an industry veteran animator. He has worked at Naughty Dog, Infinity Ward, and Sony Interactive on such games as The Last of Us, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and most recently Marvel's Avengers with Crystal Dynamics. He is an Assistant Professor of 3D Animation at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas.
這本以教程為基礎的書籍讓讀者能夠從頭到尾使用業界標準(且對學生免費)的工具,如 Unity、Substance Painter 和 Maya,來創建第一人稱遊戲。書的前半部分介紹了使用 Maya 和 Substance Painter 創建遊戲準備資產的基本知識,包括多邊形建模、UV 展開和自定義紋理繪製。接著,書中涵蓋了綁定和動畫解決方案,以創建可放置於遊戲中的資產,包括動畫的第一人稱資產和動作捕捉的 NPC 動畫。最後,讀者可以將所有內容整合在一起,構建互動性,讓玩家使用書中早期創建和動畫化的資產來完成遊戲。
- 由具有實際經驗的業界專業人士撰寫,專注於資產和遊戲的建設
- 從頭到尾構建一個完整的遊戲
- 學習專業人士使用的工具:使用全球遊戲工作室所用的工具構建所有資產
- 所有使用的軟體對學生免費
- 完成後,學生將擁有一個可玩的第一人稱射擊遊戲版本
Jingtian Li 是中國中央美術學院和紐約視覺藝術學院的畢業生,獲得計算機藝術碩士學位(MFA)。他目前是德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧的聖言大學(University of the Incarnate Word)3D 動畫與遊戲設計的助理教授。
Adam Watkins 是擁有 20 年 3D 教育經驗的專家。他擁有猶他州立大學的 3D 動畫碩士學位(MFA)和戲劇藝術學士學位(BFA)。他目前是德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧的聖言大學 3D 動畫與遊戲系的協調員和教授。
Kassandra Arevalo 是德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧的聖言大學 3D 動畫與遊戲設計的講師。她曾在 Immersed Games 擔任動畫師。
Matt Tovar 是一位業界資深動畫師。他曾在 Naughty Dog、Infinity Ward 和 Sony Interactive 工作,參與過《最後生還者》(The Last of Us)、《決勝時刻:現代戰爭》(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)以及最近與 Crystal Dynamics 合作的《漫威復仇者聯盟》(Marvel's Avengers)。他目前是德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧的聖言大學 3D 動畫的助理教授。
Adam Watkins is a 20-year veteran of 3D education. He holds an MFA in 3D Animation and a BFA in Theatre Arts from Utah State University. He currently is the Coordinator and Professor of the 3D Animation & Game Department at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas.
Kassandra Arevalo is instructor of 3D Animation & Game Design at the University of the Incarnate Word. She previously worked as an animator at Immersed Games.
Matt Tovar is an industry veteran animator. He has worked at Naughty Dog, Infinity Ward, and Sony Interactive on game like The Last of Us, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and most recently Marvel's Avengers with Crystal Dynamics. He is an Assistant Professor of 3D Animation at the University of the Incarnate Word.
Jing Tian Li is a graduate of China's Central Academy of Fine Arts and New York's School of Visual Arts where he earned an MFA in Computer Art. He currently is an Assistant Professor of 3D Animation & Game Design at the University of the Incarnate Word.
卡桑德拉·阿雷瓦洛是化身之言大學3D動畫與遊戲設計的講師。她曾在Immersed Games擔任動畫師。
馬特·托瓦爾是一位業界資深動畫師。他曾在Naughty Dog、Infinity Ward和Sony Interactive工作,參與過《最後的生還者》、《決勝時刻:現代戰爭》,以及最近與Crystal Dynamics合作的《漫威復仇者聯盟》。他是化身之言大學的3D動畫助理教授。