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3D Game Design with Unreal Engine 4 and Blender
暫譯: 使用 Unreal Engine 4 和 Blender 的 3D 遊戲設計

Justin Plowman



Key Features

  • The only resource that shows how you can incorporate Blender into your Unreal Engine 4 Game environment
  • Create amazing 3D game environments by leveraging the power of Blender and Unreal Engine 4
  • Practical step-by-step approach with plenty of illustrative examples to get you started immediately

Book Description

Unreal Engine 4 now has support for Blender, which was not available in earlier versions. This has opened up new possibilities and that is where this book comes in. This is the first book in the market combining these two powerful game and graphic engines. Readers will build an amazing high-level game environment with UE4 and will show them how to use the power of Blender 3D to create stunning animations and 3D effects for their game. This book will start with creating levels, 3D assets for the game, game progression, light and environment control, animation, and so on. Then it will teach readers to add amazing visual effects to their game by applying rendering, lighting, rigging, and compositing techniques in Blender. Finally, readers will learn how to smoothly transfer blender files to UE4 and animate the game assets. Each chapter will add complexities to the game environment.

What you will learn

  • Create a fully functioning game level of your own design using Blender and Unreal Engine 4
  • Customize your level with detailed 3D assets created with Blender
  • Import assets into Unreal Engine 4 to create an amazing finished product
  • Build a detailed dynamic environment with goals and an ending
  • Explore Blender's incredible animation tools to animate elements of your game
  • Create great environments using sound effects, particle effects, and class blueprints

About the Author

Justin Plowman is a game designer and educator, who resides in the United States. At a young age, he discovered his love for video games and the joy they bring to others. He began teaching high school students about game development in 2005 and enjoys supporting the dreams of the next generation developers. He currently teaches at risk youth about game design and development through the West Michigan Center for Arts and Technology (www.wmcat.org); and also teaches Unreal Engine development as part of the Digital Animation and Game Design program at Ferris State University (www.ferris.edu). Justin has worked with Unreal Technology in the education arena for more than 10 years. When not teaching, he writes learning tutorials on different topics related to Unreal Technology, and continues to further his education by keeping up on recent industry news and learning about best practices related to both teaching and game development. He can be found on the Web at https://gamingbootcamp.wordpress.com/.

Table of Contents

  1. Unreal, My Friend, I'd Like You to Meet Blender
  2. Starting Our First Project
  3. It's Time to Customize!
  4. Getting the Assets to the Level
  5. Taking This Level Up a Notch
  6. Monster Assets – The Level Totally Needs One of These
  7. Let's Dress to Impress!
  8. Lights, Camera, Animation!
  9. Bang Bang – Let's Make It Explode



- 唯一的資源,展示如何將 Blender 融入您的 Unreal Engine 4 遊戲環境
- 利用 Blender 和 Unreal Engine 4 的強大功能創建驚人的 3D 遊戲環境
- 實用的逐步方法,提供大量示例,讓您立即開始


Unreal Engine 4 現在支持 Blender,這在早期版本中是不可用的。這開啟了新的可能性,而這本書正是為此而來。這是市場上第一本結合這兩個強大遊戲和圖形引擎的書籍。讀者將使用 UE4 建立一個驚人的高級遊戲環境,並展示如何利用 Blender 3D 的力量為他們的遊戲創建驚人的動畫和 3D 效果。本書將從創建關卡、遊戲的 3D 資產、遊戲進程、光線和環境控制、動畫等開始。然後,它將教導讀者如何通過在 Blender 中應用渲染、照明、裝配和合成技術,為他們的遊戲添加驚人的視覺效果。最後,讀者將學習如何將 Blender 文件順利轉移到 UE4 並為遊戲資產進行動畫。每一章將為遊戲環境增加複雜性。


- 使用 Blender 和 Unreal Engine 4 創建您自己設計的完整運作遊戲關卡
- 使用 Blender 創建的詳細 3D 資產自定義您的關卡
- 將資產導入 Unreal Engine 4,創建驚人的成品
- 建立一個詳細的動態環境,包含目標和結局
- 探索 Blender 的驚人動畫工具,為您的遊戲元素進行動畫
- 使用音效、粒子效果和類別藍圖創建出色的環境


**Justin Plowman** 是一位遊戲設計師和教育工作者,居住在美國。年輕時,他發現了自己對視頻遊戲的熱愛以及它們帶給他人的快樂。他於 2005 年開始教導高中生有關遊戲開發的知識,並樂於支持下一代開發者的夢想。他目前在西密歇根藝術與技術中心(www.wmcat.org)教授有風險的青少年遊戲設計和開發;同時也在費里斯州立大學(www.ferris.edu)的數位動畫與遊戲設計課程中教授 Unreal Engine 開發。Justin 在教育領域與 Unreal Technology 合作超過 10 年。當不在教學時,他會撰寫有關 Unreal Technology 的不同主題的學習教程,並通過關注最新行業新聞和學習與教學及遊戲開發相關的最佳實踐來持續進修。他的網站是 https://gamingbootcamp.wordpress.com/。


1. Unreal,我的朋友,我想讓你認識 Blender
2. 開始我們的第一個專案
3. 是時候自定義了!
4. 將資產帶入關卡
5. 提升這個關卡的層次
6. 怪物資產 - 這個關卡絕對需要一個
7. 讓我們打扮得體!
8. 燈光、攝影、動畫!
9. 砰砰 - 讓我們讓它爆炸