Vehicular Communications for Smart Cars: Protocols, Applications and Security Concerns (智慧車輛通訊:協議、應用與安全議題)
Chowdhury, Niaz, MacKenzie, Lewis
This book comprehensively covers a wide range of topics from the smart transportation domain. It discusses protocols, applications, and security concerns in various vehicular networks using examples and easy-to-understand figures. The book's first four chapters focus on vehicular network protocols and applications, while the remaining four chapters incorporate security, trust, and privacy issues with examples from real-life cases. The book concludes with a vision of what to expect in the near future and will be an invaluable resource for anybody interested in this nascent technology and its variegated applications.
Dr. Lewis M. Mackenzie is a Senior Lecturer in Computing Science at the University of Glasgow.
Dr. Niaz Chowdhury is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Knowledge Media Institute, the Open University in England.
Dr. Lewis M. Mackenzie是格拉斯哥大學計算科學的高級講師。
Dr. Niaz Chowdhury是英國開放大學知識媒體研究所的博士後研究員。
Dr. Lewis M. Mackenzie is a Senior Lecturer in Computing Science at the University of Glasgow. His primary research interests are in machine architectures, the performance modelling of communication systems, vehicular networks and usable security. Dr Mackenzie's recently published work has involved the modelling of traffic patterns in a variety of scenarios from regular wormhole-switched multi-computer interconnects to mobile ad-hoc wireless networks (MANETs), the secure use of vehicular ad hoc networks in safety applications, graphical authentication mechanisms and wearable technology. He is also co-author of a recent book on the limits of computation.
Dr. Niaz Chowdhury is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Knowledge Media Institute, the Open University in England where his primary research interests are Wireless Networks, Internet of Things (IoT), Smart City, Machine Learning and Big Data Analysis. Prior to this, he took another postdoc position in the Department of Computing and Communication of the same university where he worked within the smart city project MK-Smart. Dr. Chowdhury obtained his PhD from the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow as a recipient of the highly competitive Scottish ORS Scholarship. He was also a research scholar at the School of Computer Science in Trinity College Dublin where he received prestigious Govt. of Ireland IRCSET Embark Initiative Scholarship. Dr. Chowdhury is also a qualified engineer graduating in Computer Science and Engineering with a bachelor and a masters degree with Gold Medal distinction from East West University, Bangladesh. His recent publications include security issues in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks, and design and performance analysis of wireless protocols of various kinds in journals, conference proceedings and book chapter.
Dr. Lewis M. Mackenzie是格拉斯哥大學計算科學系的高級講師。他的主要研究興趣包括機器架構、通信系統性能建模、車輛網絡和可用性安全性。Mackenzie博士最近發表的工作涉及從常規蟲洞交換多計算機互連到移動自組網絡(MANETs)的各種場景中的流量模式建模,車輛自組網絡在安全應用中的安全使用,圖形驗證機制和可穿戴技術。他還是一本關於計算極限的最新書籍的合著者。
Dr. Niaz Chowdhury是英國開放大學知識媒體研究所的博士後研究員,他的主要研究興趣包括無線網絡、物聯網(IoT)、智慧城市、機器學習和大數據分析。在此之前,他在同一所大學的計算和通信系擔任博士後職位,參與了智慧城市項目MK-Smart。Chowdhury博士以高度競爭的蘇格蘭ORS獎學金獲得者的身份,從格拉斯哥大學計算科學學院獲得了博士學位。他還曾是都柏林三一學院計算機科學學院的研究學者,並獲得了愛爾蘭政府IRCSET Embark Initiative獎學金。Chowdhury博士還是一位合格的工程師,擁有孟加拉國東西大學計算機科學和工程學士學位和碩士學位,並以金牌榮譽畢業。他最近的出版物包括車輛自組網絡的安全問題,以及期刊、會議論文和書籍章節中各種無線協議的設計和性能分析。