2D Game Development with Unity
暫譯: 使用 Unity 開發 2D 遊戲

Lanzinger, Franz


This book teaches beginners and aspiring game developers how to develop 2D games with Unity. Thousands of commercial games have been built with Unity. The reader will learn the complete process of 2D game development, step by step. The theory behind each step is fully explained. This book contains numerous color illustrations and access to all source code and companion videos.

Key Features:

  • Fully detailed game projects from scratch. Beginners can do the steps and create games right away.
  • No coding experience is necessary. Numerous examples take a raw beginner toward professional coding proficiency in C# and Unity.
  • Includes a thorough introduction to Unity 2020, including 2D game development, prefabs, cameras, animation, character controllers, lighting, and sound.
  • Includes a step-by-step introduction to Unity 2019.3. Extensive coverage of GIMP, Audacity, and MuseScore for the creation of 2D graphics, sound effects, and music.
  • All required software is free to use for any purpose including commercial applications and games.

Franz Lanzinger is the owner and chief game developer of Lanzinger Studio, an independent game development and music studio in Sunnyvale, California. He started his career in game programming in 1982 at Atari Games, Inc., where he designed and programmed the classic arcade game Crystal Castles. In 1989, he joined Tengen, where he was a programmer and designer for Ms. Pac-Man and Toobin' on the NES. He co-founded Bitmasters, where he designed and coded games including Rampart and Championship Pool for the NES and SNES, and NCAA Final Four Basketball for the SNES and Sega Genesis. In 1996, he founded Actual Entertainment, publisher and developer of the Gubble video game series. He has a B.Sc. in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame and attended graduate school in mathematics at the University of California at Berkeley. He is a former world record holder on Centipede and Burgertime. He is a professional author, game developer, accompanist, and piano teacher. He is currently working on remaking the original Gubble game in Unity and Blender.


這本書教導初學者和有志於成為遊戲開發者的人如何使用 Unity 開發 2D 遊戲。數以千計的商業遊戲都是使用 Unity 開發的。讀者將逐步學習 2D 遊戲開發的完整過程。每一步的理論都有詳細解釋。本書包含大量彩色插圖,並提供所有源代碼和配套視頻的訪問權限。

- 從零開始的完整遊戲項目詳細介紹。初學者可以按照步驟立即創建遊戲。
- 不需要任何編碼經驗。大量範例將一個完全的初學者帶向 C# 和 Unity 的專業編碼能力。
- 包含對 Unity 2020 的全面介紹,包括 2D 遊戲開發、預製件、相機、動畫、角色控制器、燈光和音效。
- 包含對 Unity 2019.3 的逐步介紹。廣泛涵蓋 GIMP、Audacity 和 MuseScore,用於創建 2D 圖形、音效和音樂。
- 所有所需的軟體均可免費使用,無論是商業應用還是遊戲。

Franz Lanzinger 是 Lanzinger Studio 的擁有者和首席遊戲開發者,這是一家位於加利福尼亞州桑尼維爾的獨立遊戲開發和音樂工作室。他於 1982 年在 Atari Games, Inc. 開始了他的遊戲編程生涯,設計並編程了經典街機遊戲 Crystal Castles。1989 年,他加入 Tengen,擔任 NES 上 Ms. Pac-ManToobin' 的程序員和設計師。他共同創立了 Bitmasters,設計並編碼了包括 NES 和 SNES 上的 RampartChampionship Pool,以及 SNES 和 Sega Genesis 上的 NCAA Final Four Basketball 的遊戲。1996 年,他創立了 Actual Entertainment,該公司是 Gubble 電子遊戲系列的出版商和開發者。他擁有聖母大學的數學學士學位,並在加州大學伯克利分校攻讀數學研究生學位。他曾是 CentipedeBurgertime 的世界紀錄保持者。他是一位專業作家、遊戲開發者、伴奏者和鋼琴教師。目前,他正在使用 Unity 和 Blender 重製原版 Gubble 遊戲。


Franz Lanzinger is the owner and chief game developer of Lanzinger Studio, an independent game development and music studio in Sunnyvale, California. Franz Lanzinger started his career in game programming in 1982 at Atari Games Inc., where he designed and programmed the classic arcade game Crystal Castles. In 1989 he joined Tengen, where he was a programmer and designer for Ms. Pac-Man and Toobin' on the NES. Mr. Lanzinger co-founded Bitmasters, where he designed and coded games including Rampart and Championship Pool for the NES and SNES, and NCAA Final Four Basketball for the SNES and Sega Genesis. In 1996 Mr. Lanzinger founded Actual Entertainment, publisher and developer of the Gubble video game series. Mr. Lanzinger has a B.Sc. in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame and attended graduate school in mathematics at the University of California at Berkeley. He is a former world record holder on Centipede and Burgertime. Franz Lanzinger is a professional author, game developer, accompanist and piano teacher. He is currently working on remaking the original Gubble game in Unity and Blender


弗朗茲·蘭辛格是位於加州聖塔克拉拉的獨立遊戲開發和音樂工作室Lanzinger Studio的擁有者及首席遊戲開發者。弗朗茲·蘭辛格於1982年在Atari Games Inc.開始了他的遊戲程式設計生涯,並設計和程式編寫了經典的街機遊戲《水晶城堡》(Crystal Castles)。1989年,他加入了Tengen,擔任NES平台上的《小精靈》(Ms. Pac-Man)和《水管工》(Toobin')的程式設計師和設計師。蘭辛格先生共同創立了Bitmasters,並為NES和SNES設計和編碼了包括《防禦戰》(Rampart)和《冠軍桌球》(Championship Pool)在內的遊戲,以及為SNES和世嘉創世紀(Sega Genesis)開發的《NCAA四強籃球》(NCAA Final Four Basketball)。1996年,蘭辛格先生創立了Actual Entertainment,該公司是《Gubble》視頻遊戲系列的出版商和開發者。蘭辛格先生擁有聖母大學的數學學士學位,並在加州大學伯克利分校攻讀數學研究生學位。他曾是《百足蟲》(Centipede)和《漢堡時間》(Burgertime)的世界紀錄保持者。弗朗茲·蘭辛格是一位專業作家、遊戲開發者、伴奏者和鋼琴教師。他目前正在使用Unity和Blender重製原版《Gubble》遊戲。