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Believing that the enterprise of constructing "artificial intelligence" transcends the bounds of any one discipline, the editors of Mechanical Bodies, Computational Minds have brought together researchers in AI and scholars in the humanities to reexamine the fundamental assumptions of both areas. The AI community, for example, could benefit from explorations of human intelligence and creativity by philosophers, psychologists, anthropologists, literary critics, and others, while analysis of AI's theoretical struggles and technical advances could yield insights into such traditional humanist concerns as the nature of rationality and the mind-body dichotomy.
The contributions include a continuation of the famous Hubert Dreyfus-Daniel Dennett debate over Kasparov's defeat by IBM's Deep Blue; Philip Agre's tracing of difficulties in AI research to the inherited tensions of Cartesian dualism; Evelyn Fox Keller's examination of the development of computer technology in relation to biology; Douglas Hofstadter's argument that thinking is more than the theorem-solving activities of AI; and Alison Adam's discussion of the implicitly male universal subject used in AI.
Stefano Franchi is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Auckland.
Güven Güzeldere is Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Assistant Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Duke University. He is coeditor (with Ned Block and Owen Flanagan) of The Nature of Consciousness: Philosophical and Scientific Debates (MIT Press, 1998) and a founding associate editor of Psyche: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness.
Table of Contents:
Acknowledgments vii Introduction 1 I Introducing Artificial Intelligence: Past, Present, and Future Machinations of the Mind: Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence from Automata to Cyborgs
Stefano Franchi and Güven Güzeldere15 II In the Shadow of Artificial Intelligence: Automata, Cybernetics, and AI The Soul Gained and Lost: Artificial Intelligence as a Philosophical Project
Philip E. Agre153 The Man-Machine and Artificial Intelligence
Bruce Mazlish175 Marrying the Premodern to the Postmodern: Computers and Organisms after World War II
Evelyn Fox Keller203 A Gallery of Monsters: Cybernetics and Self-Organization, 1940-1970
Andrew Pickering229 III Controversies of Artificial Intelligence: Critics and Defenders On Seeing A's and Seeing As
Douglas R. Hofstadter249 Did Deep Blue's Win over Kasparov Prove That Artificial Intelligence Has Succeeded? A Debate
Hubert L. Dreyfus and Daniel C. Dennett265 Machines and the Mental
Fred Dretske281 IV The Light Side of Artificial Intelligence Dialogues with Colorful "Personalities" of Early AI
Güven Güzeldere and Stefano Franchi295 V Artificial Intelligence Meets the Humanities: Epistemological Challenges The Hume Machine: Can Association Networks Do More Than Formal Rules?
Bruno Latour and Geneviève Teil307 Knowing Subjects: AI from Feminist Philosophy
Alison Adam327 Humans, Machines, and the Structure of Knowledge
Harry M. Collins345 Swamped by the Updates: Expert Systems, Semioclasm, and Apeironic Education
Michael L. Johnson365 VI Broader Conceptions of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Research as Art
Stephen Wilson391 Why AI Is Not a Science
Maurizio Matteuzzi409 Dance Floor Blues: The Case for a Social AI
Tom Burke423 The Epistemological and Philosophical Situation of Mind Technoscience
Alain-Marc Rieu453 Phenomenology and Cognitive Science
Serge Sharoff471 Artificial Intelligence and Theology: From Mythos to Logos and Back
Anne Foerst489 Contributors 515 Index 519
貢獻包括著名的休伯特·德雷福斯(Hubert Dreyfus)與丹尼爾·丹尼特(Daniel Dennett)之間關於卡斯帕羅夫(Kasparov)被IBM的深藍(Deep Blue)擊敗的辯論的延續;菲利普·阿格雷(Philip Agre)追溯AI研究中的困難至笛卡爾二元論的遺留緊張;伊芙琳·福克斯·凱勒(Evelyn Fox Keller)檢視計算機技術與生物學的發展關係;道格拉斯·霍夫施塔特(Douglas Hofstadter)主張思考不僅僅是AI的定理解決活動;以及艾莉森·亞當(Alison Adam)討論AI中隱含的男性普遍主體。
斯特法諾·弗蘭基(Stefano Franchi)是奧克蘭大學的哲學高級講師。
古文·古澤爾德雷(Güven Güzeldere)是杜克大學的哲學助理教授及心理與腦科學助理教授。他是《意識的本質:哲學與科學辯論》(The Nature of Consciousness: Philosophical and Scientific Debates,麻省理工學院出版社,1998)的共同編輯(與內德·布洛克(Ned Block)和歐文·弗拉納根(Owen Flanagan)),以及《心靈:意識研究的跨學科期刊》(Psyche: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness)的創始副編輯。
I 介紹人工智慧:過去、現在與未來
II 在人工智慧的陰影下:自動機、控制論與AI
III 人工智慧的爭議:批評者與捍衛者
IV 人工智慧的光明面
V 人工智慧與人文學科的相遇:認識論挑戰
VI 人工智慧的更廣泛概念