Taming Silicon Valley: How We Can Ensure That AI Works for Us

Marcus, Gary F.

  • 出版商: MIT
  • 出版日期: 2024-09-17
  • 售價: $910
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$865
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 240
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 0262551063
  • ISBN-13: 9780262551069
  • 相關分類: 人工智慧
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


How Big Tech is taking advantage of us, how AI is making it worse, and how we can create a thriving, AI-positive world.

On balance, will AI help humanity or harm it? AI could revolutionize science, medicine, and technology, and deliver us a world of abundance and better health. Or it could be a disaster, leading to the downfall of democracy, or even our extinction. In Taming Silicon Valley, Gary Marcus, one of the most trusted voices in AI, explains that we still have a choice. And that the decisions we make now about AI will shape our next century. In this short but powerful manifesto, Marcus explains how Big Tech is taking advantage of us, how AI could make things much worse, and, most importantly, what we can do to safeguard our democracy, our society, and our future.

Marcus explains the potential--and potential risks--of AI in the clearest possible terms and how Big Tech has effectively captured policymakers. He begins by laying out what is lacking in current AI, what the greatest risks of AI are, and how Big Tech has been playing both the public and the government, before digging into why the US government has thus far been ineffective at reining in Big Tech. He then offers real tools for readers, including eight suggestions for what a coherent AI policy should like--from data rights to layered AI oversight to meaningful tax reform--and closes with how ordinary citizens can push for what is so desperately needed.

Taming Silicon Valley is both a primer on how AI has gotten to its problematic present state and a book of activism in the tradition of Abbie Hoffman's Steal This Book and Thomas Paine's Common Sense. It is a deeply important book for our perilous historical moment that every concerned citizen must read.



總體而言,人工智慧會幫助人類還是傷害人類?人工智慧可能會徹底改變科學、醫學和技術,為我們帶來豐富的世界和更好的健康。或者,它可能會成為一場災難,導致民主的崩潰,甚至是我們的滅絕。在《馴服矽谷》中,Gary Marcus,人工智慧領域最受信賴的聲音之一,解釋了我們仍然有選擇的餘地。而我們現在對人工智慧所做的決策將塑造我們的下個世紀。在這本簡短但有力的宣言中,Marcus 解釋了大型科技公司如何利用我們,人工智慧如何可能使情況變得更糟,以及最重要的是,我們可以做些什麼來保護我們的民主、社會和未來。

Marcus 以最清晰的方式解釋了人工智慧的潛力和潛在風險,以及大型科技公司如何有效地控制政策制定者。他首先闡述了當前人工智慧的不足之處、人工智慧的最大風險,以及大型科技公司如何同時玩弄公眾和政府,然後深入探討為什麼美國政府迄今為止在約束大型科技公司方面無效。接著,他為讀者提供了實際的工具,包括八項建議,說明一個連貫的人工智慧政策應該是什麼樣的——從數據權利到分層的人工智慧監管,再到有意義的稅制改革——並以普通公民如何推動迫切需要的變革作結。

《馴服矽谷》既是一本關於人工智慧如何走到當前問題狀態的入門書,也是一本在 Abbie Hoffman 的《偷這本書》和 Thomas Paine 的《常識》傳統下的行動主義書籍。這是一本對於我們危險的歷史時刻至關重要的書籍,每位關心的公民都必須閱讀。


Gary Marcus is a leading voice in artificial intelligence, well known for his challenges to contemporary AI. He is a scientist and best-selling author and was founder and CEO of Geometric.AI, a machine learning company acquired by Uber. A Professor Emeritus at NYU, he is the author of five previous books, including the bestseller Guitar Zero, Kluge (one of The Economist's eight best books on the brain and consciousness), and Rebooting AI (with Ernest Davis), one of Forbes's seven must-read books on AI.


加里·馬庫斯(Gary Marcus)是人工智慧領域的領軍人物,以對當代人工智慧的挑戰而聞名。他是一位科學家和暢銷書作家,曾創立並擔任 Geometric.AI 的首席執行官,該公司是一家被 Uber 收購的機器學習公司。他是紐約大學的名譽教授,著有五本書籍,包括暢銷書《吉他零》(Guitar Zero)、《克魯格》(Kluge,為《經濟學人》評選的八本最佳大腦與意識書籍之一)以及《重啟人工智慧》(Rebooting AI,與厄尼斯特·戴維斯合著),該書是《福布斯》評選的七本必讀人工智慧書籍之一。