Game After: A Cultural Study of Video Game Afterlife (Hardcover)

Raiford Guins

  • 出版商: MIT
  • 出版日期: 2014-01-24
  • 售價: $1,400
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,330
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 370
  • 裝訂: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 0262019981
  • ISBN-13: 9780262019989
  • 相關分類: 遊戲設計 Game-design
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)


We purchase video games to play them, not to save them. What happens to video games when they are out of date, broken, nonfunctional, or obsolete? Should a game be considered an "ex-game" if it exists only as emulation, as an artifact in museum displays, in an archival box, or at the bottom of a landfill? In Game After, Raiford Guins focuses on video games not as hermetically sealed within time capsules of the past but on their material remains: how and where video games persist in the present. Guins meticulously investigates the complex life cycles of video games, to show how their meanings, uses, and values shift in an afterlife of disposal, ruins and remains, museums, archives, and private collections.

Guins looks closely at video games as museum objects, discussing the recontextualization of the Pong and Brown Box prototypes and engaging with curatorial and archival practices across a range of cultural institutions; aging coin-op arcade cabinets; the documentation role of game cartridge artwork and packaging; the journey of a game from flawed product to trash to memorialized relic, as seen in the history of Atari's infamous E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial; and conservation, restoration, and re-creation stories told by experts including Van Burnham, Gene Lewin, and Peter Takacs.

The afterlife of video games -- whether behind glass in display cases or recreated as an iPad app -- offers a new way to explore the diverse topography of game history.


我們購買視頻遊戲是為了玩,而不是為了保存。當視頻遊戲過時、損壞、無法運行或過時時,它們會發生什麼情況?如果一款遊戲只存在於仿真中,作為博物館展示的文物,存放在存檔盒中,或者被埋在垃圾場的底部,它應該被視為一款“前遊戲”嗎?在《Game After》中,雷福德·金斯(Raiford Guins)將焦點放在視頻遊戲的物質遺留上,而不是將其密封在過去的時間膠囊中:視頻遊戲在現在的存在方式以及它們在處置、廢墟和遺跡、博物館、檔案館和私人收藏中的意義、用途和價值如何轉變。金斯細致入微地研究了視頻遊戲的復雜生命周期,展示了它們的意義、用途和價值在處置、廢墟和遺跡、博物館、檔案館和私人收藏的“後世”中如何轉變。金斯仔細研究了視頻遊戲作為博物館物品,討論了Pong和Brown Box原型的重新語境化,並與各種文化機構的策展和檔案館實踐進行了交流;老化的投幣式街機機櫃;遊戲卡帶藝術品和包裝的文檔角色;一款遊戲從有缺陷的產品到垃圾再到被紀念的遺物的歷程,如阿塔利(Atari)臭名昭著的《E.T.外星人》的歷史;以及由專家如范·伯納姆(Van Burnham)、吉恩·勒溫(Gene Lewin)和彼得·塔卡克斯(Peter Takacs)講述的保護、修復和重建故事。視頻遊戲的“後世”——無論是在展示櫃中的玻璃後還是作為iPad應用程序重新創建——提供了一種探索遊戲歷史多樣地形的新方式。