Hybrid Animation: Integrating 2D and 3D Assets (Paperback)

Tina O'Hailey




Artist imaginations continue to grow and stretch the boundaries of traditional animation. Successful animators adept and highly skilled in traditional animation mediums are branching out beyond traditional animation workflows and will often use multiple forms of animation in a single project. With the knowledge of 3D and 2D assets and the integration of multiple animation mediums into a single project, animators have a wealth of creative resources available for a project that is not limited to a specific animation medium, software package or workflow processs.

Enhance a poignant scene by choosing to animate the scenic background in 2D while the main character is brought to life with 3D techniques. Balance the budget demands of a project by choosing to integrate a 2D or 3D asset to save time and expense. Choose which medium Hybrid Animation, learn the systematic development of the 2D and 3D assets and the issues surrounding choices made during the creative process.

* Achieve 2D and 3D character interactions and learn to animate beyond the mediums of classical animation with class exercises, projects and step by step tutorials for students and advanced amateur animators.

* Produce high-quality 2D and 3D narratives, regardless of the software you use; featuring Photoshop, Corel, Flash, After Effects and Maya workflows.

* Learn from other's experience with featured interviews of industry leaders who have successfully integrated 2D and 3D assets into their own workflows.

* Think critically about visual styles, the effects of 2D/3D overlaying in animation creation and the entire pipeline from start to finish.

* Explore hybrid animation techniques and insider tricks with the global animation community with an online forum and companion website.




* 通過課堂練習、項目和逐步教程,實現2D和3D角色的互動,並學習超越古典動畫媒介的動畫技巧,適用於學生和高級業餘動畫師。

* 無論使用哪種軟體(如Photoshop、Corel、Flash、After Effects和Maya),都能製作高質量的2D和3D故事情節。

* 從成功將2D和3D資源整合到自己的工作流程中的行業領袖的特色訪談中學習。

* 在視覺風格、2D/3D疊加在動畫創作中的效果以及從頭到尾的整個流程中進行批判性思考。

* 通過在線論壇和配套網站與全球動畫社區一起探索混合動畫技術和內部技巧。