The Linux Companion for System Administrators

Jochen Hein

  • 出版商: Addison Wesley
  • 出版日期: 2001-09-12
  • 售價: $1,548
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 592
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0201675250
  • ISBN-13: 9780201675252
  • 相關分類: Linux
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約5~7天)





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Table Of Contents

1. Linux: Operating System of the Future?
Overview of Linux features.
A comparison of Linux distributions.
The future of Linux.

2. Linux Standards.
Origins of the File System Hierarchy Standard.
Problem Areas.
The Root or / File System.
The /usr Hierarchy.
/var: Variable Data.
The Further Development of the FHS.
Linux Standard Base.

3. System Start-up.
The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS).
The Linux Boot Loader.
Starting the Kernel.
The Init Process.
Stopping the System.

4. Configuration and administration.
Kernel and hardware configuration.
Configuring the hardware.
Kernel modules.
System configuration.
File systems and data media.
Printing under Linux.
System logs.
Shared libraries.
User login.
User-definable system configuration.
User-related configuration.
Configuration of editors.
Keyboard mapping.

5. The Emacs Editor.
Which Version of Emacs Should I Choose?
General Aspects of Working with Emacs.
Keyboard Mapping.
Emacs Modes.
Useful Minor Modes.
Other Extensions.
Information Sources.

6. The X Window System.
Look and Feel Under X.
History and Concept.
XFree86 Server Configuration.
Window Managers.
General X11 Command Line Options.
Access Control.
Tools and Other Useful Programs for X.
Information and Sources.

7. Backup.
Why Everybody Needs Backups.
Surviving Disk Errors with RAID.
Backup Media.
Backup Strategies.
Backup Programs.
Conclusion and Additional Information.

8. National Language Support.
ASCII and ISO Character Sets.
POSIX National Language Support.
Names of Locales.
Categories Used in NLS.
Creating a Locale Definition.
Creating Message Catalogs With GNU Gettext.
Programming with NLS.
Character Set Conversion.

9. Localization.
Console Keyboard Mapping.
Using the ISO-Latin-1 Character Set.
Keyboard Assignment Under X11.
Use of Foreign Language Characters at the Shell Level.
Foreign Language Characters in Editors.
Special Characters in Mail and News.
Adaptation of Individual Programs.

10. Unix Tools.
File Management.
Processing of Text Files.
Search Patterns (regular expressions).
Starting Commands Automatically.
The AWK Programming Language.
Processing Text Files with Sed.
Further Useful Utilities.
The Shell as a Connecting Link Between Various Programs.
Processes and Jobs.

11. Tools (not only) for Programmers.
The make PROGRAM.
The imake PROGRAM.
Installation of Programs.
The Revision Control System (rcs).
Other Version Management Systems.

12. Emulators Under Linux.
The BIOS Emulator DOSemu.
The Windows Emulator Wine.
The iBCS Emulator.

13. Linux in a Networked Environment.
Network Software Layers.
Network Hardware.
Network-Related Kernel Configuration.
Activating the Network Devices.
Assignment of IP Addresses.
All About Ifconfig.
All About Route.
The Netstat Program.
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

14. TCP/IP Basics.
The Inetd Server.
The TCP Wrapper (tcpd).
The Ident Daemon.
Adding New Services.
Remote Procedure Call.
Architecture-Independent Data Format.

15. IP Addresses and Computer Names.
Names and IP Addresses in /etc/hosts.
Domain Name Service.
Using a Name Server with Linux.
Testing a Name Server.
Reliability of Name Servers.

16. Network Applications.
The Telnet Program.
The File Transfer Protocol (ftp).
The R Tools.
The Secure Shell SSH.
Sending Warnings to Remote Computers With Rwall.
File Transfer With Rdist.
Conversation Between Users With Talk.
Internet Relay Chat (irc).
File Transfer With Sendfile.

17. Network File System (NFS).
Linux as NFS Client.
Linux as NFS Server.
The Automounter.

18. Anonymous FTP Servers.
Installing the wu-ftpd.
Administration of an FTP Server.

19. Linux in a Heterogeneous Network.
Linux as a NetWare Client and Server.
Linux as an SMB Client and Server.

20. Configuration and Operation of a Name Server.
The Concept of Domain Name Service.
Migrating BIND4 to BIND8.
General Remarks on Configuration of a Name Server.
Global Configuration.
Primary Name Servers.
The File Named.hosts.
The Masterfile Format.
The File Named.local.
The File Named.rev.
Secondary Name Servers.
Slave Name Servers.
Further Information on the DNS.

21. Network Information Service.
Using NIS Services as a Client.
NIS Servers.

22. The bootp Protocol.
23. Connecting to the Internet via PPP.
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).
Automatic Connection with Diald.
ISDN Instead of a Modem.

24. Network Administration.
Troubleshooting in the Network.
Programs for Network Management.
IP Network Management.

Appendix A: The Standard Editor VI.
Appendix B: Generating Passwords.
Appendix C: References.
The Linux Documentation Project.
Linux literature.
GNU Project Documentation.
General Unix Literature.
Literature on Unix Networks.
Miscellaneous References.

Appendix D: List of Important RFCs.
Index. 0201675250T10092001

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1. Linux: 未來的作業系統?
- Linux特點概述
- Linux發行版比較
- Linux的未來
2. Linux標準
- 檔案系統層級標準的起源
- 問題領域
- 根目錄或/檔案系統
- /usr層級
- /var: 變數資料
- FHS的進一步發展
- Linux標準基礎
3. 系統啟動
- 基本輸入/輸出系統(BIOS)
- Linux開機載入程式
- 啟動核心
- 初始程序
- 停止系統
4. 配置和管理
- 核心和硬體配置
- 硬體配置
- 核心模組
- 系統配置
- 檔案系統和資料媒體
- Linux下的列印
- 系統日誌
- 共享程式庫
- 使用者登入
- 使用者可定義的系統配置
- 使用者相關配置
- 編輯器配置
- 鍵盤映射
5. Emacs編輯器
- 選擇哪個版本的Emacs?
- 使用Emacs的一般方面
- 配置
- 鍵盤映射
- Emacs模式
- 有用的次要模式
- 其他擴展
- 資訊來源
6. X視窗系統
- X下的外觀和感覺
- 歷史和概念
- XFree86伺服器配置
- 視窗管理員
- 一般的X11命令行選項
- 存取控制
- X的工具和其他有用的程式
- 資訊和來源
7. 備份
- 為什麼每個人都需要備份
- 通過RAID應對磁碟錯誤
- 備份媒體
- 備份策略
- 備份程式
- 結論和其他資訊
8. 國際化語言支援
- POSIX國際化語言支援
- 地區設定名稱
- NLS中使用的類別
- 創建地區定義
- 使用GNU Gettext創建訊息目錄
- NLS編程
- 字符集轉換
9. 本地化
- 控制台鍵盤映射
- 使用ISO-Latin-1字符集
- X11下的鍵盤分配
- 在Shell層次使用外語字符
- 編輯器中的外語字符
- 郵件和新聞中的特殊字符
- 個別程式的適應
10. Unix工具
- 檔案管理
- 文本檔處理
- 搜尋模式(正則表達式)
- 自動啟動命令
- AWK程式語言
- 使用Sed處理文本檔
- 其他有用的工具
- Shell作為各種程式之間的連接
- 進程和工作
11. 工具(不僅僅是) f```