Computer Systems Organization & Architecture (精裝)
暫譯: 計算機系統組織與架構 (精裝)

John D. Carpinelli





This book presents material that is appropriate for an undergraduate course on computer organization and architecture and that covers the design of CPUs, microprocessors, and computer systems. It has been heralded for its presentation style and pedagogy which make this difficult material understandable for students without sacrificing the essential elements of learning computer/architecture/organization. One hallmark feature of the author's pedagogy is the use of the Very Simple CPU and the Relatively Simple CPU. The Very Simple CPU, introduced in Chapter 6, illustrates CPU design concepts without getting too complex. The following chapter introduces the Relatively Simple CPU, which builds on the Very Simple CPU's design principles and illustrates additional concepts with gradually more complexity. The remaining chapters show the connection between their respective concepts and their relation to the Relatively Simple CPU. Students also see how these ideas are used outside the classroom, as each chapter features a real-world machine on which the discussed organization and architecture concepts are implemented.

Computer Systems Organization and Architecture supports a platform-independent hands-on approach to learning. It is accompanied by simulation software for the Relatively Simple CPU, which allows students to enter a program written in the assembly language of the CPU and simulate its execution. This allows students to see the internal organization of the CPU, how data moves about within the CPU, and how the control unit generates the control signals that coordinate activity within the CPU.

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Appropriate Courses

Computer Organization and Architecture, Computer Architecture.

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  • Provides simple examples to help students understand concepts without getting bogged down in details.
  • Introduces the Very Simple CPU and The Relatively Simple CPU in chapters 5 and 6, which illustrate CPU design concepts in a student-friendly fashion.
  • Contains platform-independent simulation software for the Relatively Simple CPU.
  • Uses real-world examples to illustrate concepts in each chapter. Pg.__
  • Contains a chapter on Advanced Architectural Aspects of Parallel Processing.
  • Engaging writing style makes material more accessible for students.
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Table Of Contents

(Each chapter contains "Summary" and "Problems".)


1. Digital Logic Fundamentals.
Boolean Algebra.
Basic Combinatorial Logic.
More Complex Combinatorial Components.
Combinatorial Circuit Designs.
Basic Sequential Components.
More Complex Sequential Components.
Programmable Logic Devices.

2. Introduction to Finite State Machines.
State Diagrams and State Tables.
Mealy and Moore Machines.
Designing State Diagrams.
From State Diagram to Implementation.
Practical Considerations.


3. Instruction Set Architectures.
Levels of Programming Languages.
Assembly Language Instructions.
Instruction Set Architecture Design.
A Relatively Simple Instruction Set Architecture.
The 8085 Microprocessor Instruction Set Architecture.

4. Introduction to Computer Organization.
Basic Computer Organization.
CPU Organization.
Memory Subsystem Organization and Interfacing.
I/O Subsystem Organization and Interfacing.
A Relatively Simple Computer.
An 8085-based Computer.

5. Register Transfer Languages.
Micro-operations and Register Transfer Language.
Using RTL to Specify Digital Systems.
More Complex Digital Systems and RTL.
VHDL-VHSIC Hardware Description Language.

6. CPU Design.
Specifying a CPU.
Design and Implementation of a Very Simple CPU.
Design and Implementation of a Relatively Simple CPU.
Shortcomings of the Simple CPUs.
Internal Architecture of the 8085 Microprocessor.

7. Microsequencer Control Unit Design.
Basic Microsequencer Design.
Design and Implementation of a Very Simple Microsequencer.
Design and Implementation of a Relatively Simple Microsequencer.
Reducing the Number of Microinstructions.
Microprogrammed Control vs. Hardwired Control.
A (Mostly) Microcoded CPU: The Pentium Microprocessor.

8. Computer Arithmetic.
Unsigned Notation.
Signed Notation.
Binary Coded Decimal.
Specialized Arithmetic Hardware.
Floating Point Numbers.
The IEEE 754 Floating Point Standard.

9. Memory Organization.
Hierarchical Memory Systems.
Cache Memory.
Virtual Memory.
Beyond the Basics of Cache and Virtual Memory.
Memory Management in a Pentium/Windows Personal Computer.

10. Input/Output Organization.
Asynchronous Data Transfers.
Programmed I/O.
Direct Memory Access.
I/O Processors.
Serial Communication.
Serial Communication Standards.


11. Reduced Instruction Set Computing.
RISC Rationale.
RISC Instruction Sets.
Instruction Pipelines and Register Windows.
Instruction Pipeline Conflicts.
The Itanium Microprocessor.

12. Introduction to Parallel Processing.
Parallelism in Uniprocessor Systems.
Organization of Multiprocessor Systems.
Communication in Multiprocessor Systems.
Memory Organization in Multiprocessor Systems.
Multiprocessor Operating Systems and Software.
Parallel Algorithms.
Alternative Parallel Architectures.


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General Supplements

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- 提供簡單的例子,幫助學生理解概念,而不會陷入細節中。
- 在第五和第六章介紹非常簡單的CPU和相對簡單的CPU,以學生友好的方式展示CPU設計概念。
- 包含相對簡單的CPU的無關平台模擬軟體。
- 使用實際例子來說明每一章的概念。
- 包含有關平行處理的高級架構方面的章節。
- 引人入勝的寫作風格使材料對學生更易於理解。



I. 數位邏輯與有限狀態機。

1. 數位邏輯基礎。
- 布林代數。
- 基本組合邏輯。
- 更複雜的組合元件。
- 組合電路設計。
- 基本序列元件。
- 更複雜的序列元件。
- 可編程邏輯裝置。

2. 有限狀態機介紹。
- 狀態圖和狀態表。
- Mealy和Moore機器。
- 設計狀態圖。
- 從狀態圖到實現。
- 實際考量。

II. 計算機組織與架構。

3. 指令集架構。
- 程式語言的層次。
- 組合語言指令。
- 指令集架構設計。
- 一個相對簡單的指令集架構。
- 8085微處理器指令集架構。

4. 計算機組織介紹。
- 基本計算機組織。
- CPU組織。
- 記憶體子系統組織與介面。
- I/O子系統組織與介面。
- 一個相對簡單的計算機。
- 一個基於8085的計算機。

5. 註冊轉移語言。
- 微操作和註冊轉移語言。
- 使用RTL來指定數位系統。
- 更複雜的數位系統和RTL。
- VHDL-VHSIC硬體描述語言。

6. CPU設計。
- 指定一個CPU。
- 設計和實現一個非常簡單的CPU。
- 設計和實現一個相對簡單的CPU。
- 簡單CPU的缺點。
- 8085微處理器的內部架構。

7. 微序列控制單元設計。
- 基本微序列設計。
- 設計和實現一個非常簡單的微序列器。
- 設計和實現一個相對簡單的微序列器。
- 減少微指令的數量。
- 微程式控制與硬接線控制。
- 一個(大部分)微程式化的CPU:Pentium微處理器。

8. 計算機算術。
- 無符號表示法。
- 有符號表示法。
- 二進制編碼十進制。
- 專用算術硬體。
- 浮點數。
- IEEE 754浮點標準。

9. 記憶體組織。
- 階層記憶體系統。
- 快取記憶體。
- 虛擬記憶體。
- 超越快取和虛擬記憶體的基礎。
- 在Pentium/Windows個人電腦中的記憶體管理。

10. 輸入/輸出組織。
- 非同步數據傳輸。
- 程式化I/O。
- 中斷。
- 直接記憶體存取。
- I/O處理器。
- 串行通信。
- 串行通信標準。

III. 高級主題。

11. 簡化指令集計算。
- RISC的理由。
- RISC指令集。
- 指令管線和註冊窗口。
- 指令管線衝突。
- Itanium微處理器。

12. 平行處理介紹。
- 單處理器系統中的平行性。
- 多處理器系統的組織。
- 多處理器系統中的通信。
- 多處理器系統中的記憶體組織。
- 多處理器操作系統和軟體。
- 平行演算法。
- 替代平行架構。



- 伴隨網站 / 0-201-72981-4
- 有關更多信息,請參見PIRL上的CS補充資料列表。