Principles of Web API Design: Delivering Value with APIs and Microservices (Paperback) (網路 API 設計原則:透過 API 和微服務傳遞價值)

James Higginbotham




The Full-Lifecycle Guide to API Design

Principles of Web API Design brings together principles and processes to help you succeed across the entire API design lifecycle. Drawing on extensive in-the-trenches experience, leading consultant James Higginbotham helps you align every stakeholder on specific outcomes, design APIs that deliver value, and scale the design process from small teams to the entire organization.

Higginbotham helps you bring an outside-in perspective to API design to reflect the voices of customers and product teams, map requirements to specific and well-organized APIs, and choose the right API style for writing them. He walks through a real-world example from the ground up, offering guidance for anyone designing new APIs or extending existing APIs.

  • Deliver great APIs by getting your design processes right
  • Gain agreement on specific outcomes from design teams, customers, and other stakeholders
  • Craft job stories, conduct EventStorming, and model capabilities
  • Identify the right APIs, and organize operations into coherent API profiles
  • Choose the best styles for each project: REST, gRPC, GraphQL, or event-based async APIs
  • Refine designs based on feedback from documenters, testers, and customers
  • Decompose APIs into microservices
  • Mature your API program, implementing design and management processes that scale

This guide is invaluable for anyone involved in planning or building APIs--architects, developers, team leaders, managers in single and multi-team environments, and any technical or business professional delivering API-as-a-product offerings.



《Web API设计原则》汇集了原则和流程,帮助您在整个API设计生命周期中取得成功。凭借丰富的实战经验,领先的顾问詹姆斯·希金斯波瑟姆(James Higginbotham)帮助您使每个利益相关者都达成共识,设计能够提供价值的API,并将设计过程从小团队扩展到整个组织。


  • 通过正确的设计流程提供出色的API

  • 与设计团队、客户和其他利益相关者达成共识

  • 制定工作故事,进行EventStorming和建模能力

  • 确定正确的API,并将操作组织成连贯的API配置文件

  • 为每个项目选择最佳风格:REST、gRPC、GraphQL或基于事件的异步API

  • 根据文档编写人员、测试人员和客户的反馈进行设计改进

  • 将API分解为微服务

  • 成熟您的API程序,实施可扩展的设计和管理流程



James Higginbotham is a software developer and architect with over 25 years of experience in developing and deploying apps and APIs. He guides enterprises through their digital transformation journey, ensuring alignment between business and technology through product-based thinking to deliver a great customer experience. James engages with teams and organizations to help them align their business, product, and technology strategies into a more composable and modular enterprise platform. James also delivers workshops that help cross-functional teams to apply an API design-first approach using his ADDR process. His industry experience includes banking, commercial insurance, hospitality, travel, and the airline industry where he helped to get an airline off the ground--literally. You can learn more about his latest efforts at https: // and on Twitter @launchany.


James Higginbotham是一位擁有超過25年開發和部署應用程式和API的軟體開發人員和架構師。他引導企業進行數位轉型,通過以產品為基礎的思維確保業務和技術之間的一致性,以提供出色的客戶體驗。James與團隊和組織合作,幫助他們將業務、產品和技術策略整合到更具組合性和模塊化的企業平台中。James還提供工作坊,幫助跨職能團隊運用他的ADDR流程採用API設計優先的方法。他在銀行、商業保險、酒店、旅遊和航空業等行業擁有豐富的經驗,他曾幫助一家航空公司成功起飛。您可以在https://launchany.com了解更多關於他最新的工作,也可以在Twitter上關注@launchany。