Making it Big in Software: Get the Job. Work the Org. Become Great. (Paperback)

Sam Lightstone




The Software Insider’s Guide to Getting Hired and Getting to the Top!


Here’s all the information you need to jumpstart your software career: the best ways to get hired, move up, and blaze your way to the top! The software business has radically changed, and this book reveals today’s realities–everything your professors and corporate managers never told you. In his 20 years at IBM as a software architect, senior manager, and lead programmer, Sam Lightstone has briefed dozens of leading companies and universities on careers, new technology, and emerging areas of research. He currently works on one of the world’s largest software development teams and spends a good part of his time recruiting and mentoring software engineers. This book shares all the lessons for success Sam has learned…plus powerful insights from 17 of the industry’s biggest stars. Want to make it big in software? Start right here!


Discover how to

• Get your next job in software development

• Master the nontechnical skills crucial to your success

• “Work the org” to move up rapidly

• Successfully manage your time, projects, and life

• Avoid “killer” mistakes that could destroy your career

• Move up to “medium-shot,” “big-shot,” and finally, “visionary”

• Launch your own winning software company


Exclusive interviews with

Steve Wozniak, Inventor, Apple computer

John Schwarz, CEO, Business Objects

James Gosling, Inventor, Java programming language

Marissa Mayer, Google VP, Search Products and User Experience

Jon Bentley, Author, Programming Pearls

Marc Benioff, CEO and founder,

Grady Booch, IBM Fellow and co-founder Rational Software

Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor, C++ programming language

David Vaskevitch, Microsoft CTO

Linus Torvalds, Creator, Linux operating system kernel

Richard Stallman, Founder, Free software movement

Peter Norvig, Google’s Director of Research

Mark Russinovich, Microsoft Fellow and Windows Architect

Tom Malloy, Adobe Chief Software Architect

Diane Greene, Co-founder and past CEO of VMware

Robert Kahn, Co-inventor, the Internet

Ray Tomlinson, Inventor, email




這本書提供了你在軟體業職涯中所需的所有資訊:最佳求職方法、晉升之道,以及如何在業界嶄露頭角!軟體業務已經發生了徹底的變化,而這本書揭示了當今的現實情況——這是你的教授和企業經理從未告訴過你的一切。在IBM擔任軟體架構師、高級經理和首席程式設計師的20年裡,Sam Lightstone向數十家領先企業和大學介紹了職業生涯、新技術和新興研究領域。他目前在全球最大的軟體開發團隊工作,並花了很大一部分時間招聘和指導軟體工程師。這本書分享了Sam學到的所有成功經驗...以及來自業界17位最重要的明星的強大見解。想在軟體業大展拳腳嗎?就從這裡開始吧!

• 在軟體開發領域找到下一份工作
• 掌握對你的成功至關重要的非技術技能
• 通過「組織」來快速晉升
• 成功管理你的時間、專案和生活
• 避免可能毀掉你職業生涯的「致命」錯誤
• 晉升為「中堅」、「大人物」,最終成為「有遠見的人」
• 啟動你自己的成功軟體公司

• Steve Wozniak,蘋果電腦發明家
• John Schwarz,Business Objects CEO
• James Gosling,Java程式語言發明家
• Marissa Mayer,Google副總裁,搜尋產品和用戶體驗
• Jon Bentley,作者,《Programming Pearls》
• Marc Benioff, CEO和創始人
• Grady Booch,IBM Fellow和Rational Software共同創辦人
• Bjarne Stroustrup,C++程式語言發明家
• David Vaskevitch,Microsoft CTO
• Linus Torvalds,Linux作業系統核心創造者
• Richard Stallman,自由軟體運動創始人
• Peter Norvig,Google研究總監
• Mark Russinovich,Microsoft Fellow和Windows架構師
• Tom Malloy,Adobe首席軟體架構師
• Diane Greene,VMware共同創辦人和前CEO
• Robert Kahn,互聯網共同發明人
• Ray Tomlinson,電子郵件發明人