Modern JavaScript for the Impatient (急躁者的現代 JavaScript)

Horstmann, Cay S.




Today, JavaScript is radically different and more powerful than ever. In an environment where user interfaces are increasingly web-based, it's become the "lingua franca" of the web browser. Frameworks such as Electron and platforms like AWS Lambda are extending its power even further. If you're moving to JavaScript, you need to learn modern JavaScript, but most guides still focus on legacy techniques. In Modern JavaScript for the Impatient, best-selling author Cay Horstmann offers a concise, complete, and practical introduction to today's JavaScript techniques and tools, and shows how to avoid pitfalls from the past. Horstmann shows how to take full advantage of the Standard Library, modern JavaScript tools, asynchronous and web programming, and much more. You'll find especially valuable coverage of toolchains and frameworks, which often baffle JavaScript newcomers. As in Core Java(R) SE 9 for the Impatient, Horstmann covers plenty of ground, but he presents his techniques in small chunks organized for quick access and easy understanding. This is JavaScript for the projects you're starting now -- and those you'll be seeing tomorrow.


今天,JavaScript比以往任何時候都更加不同且功能更強大。在使用者介面越來越以網頁為基礎的環境中,它已成為網頁瀏覽器的「通用語言」。像是Electron這樣的框架和AWS Lambda這樣的平台更進一步擴展了它的能力。如果你正在轉向JavaScript,你需要學習現代的JavaScript,但大多數指南仍然專注於過時的技術。在《現代JavaScript入門》這本暢銷書中,作者Cay Horstmann提供了一個簡潔、完整且實用的介紹,介紹了今天的JavaScript技術和工具,並展示了如何避免過去的陷阱。Horstmann展示了如何充分利用標準庫、現代JavaScript工具、非同步和網頁編程等等。對於經常困惑JavaScript新手的工具鏈和框架,這本書提供了特別有價值的涵蓋範圍。就像在《Core Java(R) SE 9入門》中一樣,Horstmann涵蓋了很多內容,但他將自己的技巧分成小塊組織,以便快速查閱和易於理解。這是針對你現在開始的專案的JavaScript,也是針對你明天將會遇到的專案的JavaScript。