Bridging the Gap: College Reading
暫譯: 填補差距:大學閱讀

Smith, Brenda D., Morris, Leeann

  • 出版商: Pearson FT Press
  • 出版日期: 2019-01-24
  • 售價: $6,210
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$5,900
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 608
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 0134996313
  • ISBN-13: 9780134996318
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


For courses in Developmental Reading.

A comprehensive guide to reading, understanding, and retaining college-level material

Bridging the Gap: College Reading is trusted for its scaffolded approach to building upon prior knowledge, or schemata, and its unmatched quality and quantity of exercises. The higher-level text in the acclaimed Smith/Morris two-book series, it gives students ample opportunities to apply their skills, ultimately building new "bridges" with text-to-text, text-to-world, and text-to-self connections.

The 13th Edition upholds the philosophy and approach of previous editions, but in an updated and contemporary manner. The authors encourage students to build on their previous reading experience to develop strategies for the demands of college reading; each chapter is a stepping stone to the next. Readings have been updated throughout and include many engaging, relevant topics pertinent to the college community. Examples from respected sources such as The Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times model strong writing, and lexile levels have been added next to longer readings.

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一本全面的指南,幫助閱讀、理解和保留大學水平的材料 填補空白:大學閱讀 以其基於先前知識或圖式的支架式方法而受到信賴,並且擁有無與倫比的練習質量和數量。作為備受推崇的 Smith/Morris 兩本書系列中的高階文本,它為學生提供了充分的機會來應用他們的技能,最終建立新的「橋樑」,連結文本與文本、文本與世界以及文本與自我之間的關係。
13版延續了前幾版的理念和方法,但以更新和當代的方式呈現。作者鼓勵學生在先前的閱讀經驗上建立,發展應對大學閱讀需求的策略;每一章都是通往下一章的墊腳石。閱讀材料已全面更新,包含許多與大學社群相關的引人入勝的主題。來自《美國聯合新聞社》和洛杉磯時報等受尊敬來源的範例展示了強有力的寫作,並在較長的閱讀材料旁邊添加了 Lexile 等級。
也可搭配 MyLab Reading 使用 通過將受信賴的作者內容與數位工具和靈活的平台結合,MyLab Reading 個性化學習體驗並改善每位學生的學習成果。
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0135300401 / 9780135300404 全新 MyLab Reading 與 Pearson eText -- 學習卡 -- 用於填補空白:大學閱讀,第 13 版


Dr. Brenda Smith, Professor Emerita of Georgia State University, is the author of Bridging the Gap: College Reading, Breaking Through: College Reading, and the Reader's Handbook . Dr. Smith has authored other books on college reading and test-taking, and was the general editor of a series of study skills books for five different content areas. Dr. Smith taught Developmental Studies Reading at GSU and developed Freshman Orientation courses for the university. She was twice awarded "Outstanding Article of the Journal of Developmental Education." Other awards include Distinguished Alumni Professor, Distinguished Georgia Educator, and Georgia Reading Teacher of the Year. Dr. Smith lives in Atlanta and serves on the Advisory Boards of the Shepherd Spinal Center and the Members Guild of the Atlanta History Center.

Dr. LeeAnn Morris has more than 20 years of community college teaching experience and is committed to helping students achieve their college and career goals. She takes great satisfaction in continuing Brenda Smith's legacy of excellence by shepherding Breaking Through: College Reading and Bridging the Gap: College Reading through their current editions.

LeeAnn is a Distinguished Faculty professor at San Jacinto College near Houston, where she has been honored with the Outstanding Faculty Award. She served as chair of the College Preparatory Department and is delighted to return to the classroom full time to teach two levels of integrated reading and writing courses.

LeeAnn is an avid reader and believer in the power and pleasure of lifelong reading. She has done extensive research on reading workshop approaches for college developmental reading students. She has witnessed the satisfaction and growth that come from reading often and widely and has incorporated the reading workshop concept into her teaching, along with Breaking Through and Bridging the Gap .


布蘭達·史密斯博士,喬治亞州立大學名譽教授,是跨越鴻溝:大學閱讀突破:大學閱讀讀者手冊的作者。史密斯博士還撰寫了其他有關大學閱讀和考試技巧的書籍,並擔任過五個不同內容領域的學習技能書籍系列的總編輯。史密斯博士在喬治亞州立大學教授發展性學習閱讀課程,並為該大學開發了新生導向課程。她曾兩次獲得《發展教育期刊》優秀文章獎。其他獎項包括傑出校友教授、傑出喬治亞教育工作者及喬治亞年度閱讀教師。史密斯博士目前居住在亞特蘭大,並擔任謝潑德脊髓中心及亞特蘭大歷史中心會員公會的諮詢委員會成員。 李安·莫里斯博士擁有超過20年的社區大學教學經驗,致力於幫助學生實現他們的學業和職業目標。她非常滿意能夠延續布蘭達·史密斯的卓越傳承,負責突破:大學閱讀跨越鴻溝:大學閱讀的當前版本。 李安是位於休士頓附近的聖哈辛托學院的傑出教職教授,曾獲得優秀教職員獎。她曾擔任大學預備部門的主任,並很高興能夠全職回到教室,教授兩個層級的綜合閱讀與寫作課程。 李安是一位熱愛閱讀的人,堅信終身閱讀的力量和樂趣。她對大學發展性閱讀學生的閱讀工作坊方法進行了廣泛的研究。她見證了經常和廣泛閱讀所帶來的滿足感和成長,並將閱讀工作坊的概念融入她的教學中,連同突破跨越鴻溝一起使用。