Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, 3/e (美國原版)
暫譯: 計算機系統:程序員的視角,第3版 (美國原版)

Randal E. Bryant, David R. O'Hallaron




&>standalone product; MasteringEngineering® does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MasteringEngineering search for 0134123832 / 9780134123837    Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective plus MasteringEngineering with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 3/e



Package consists of:

  • 013409266X/9780134092669 Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, 3/e
  • 0134071921/9780134071923 MasteringEngineering with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, 3/e

MasteringEngineering should only be purchased when required by an instructor.


For courses in Computer Science and Programming


Computer systems: A Programmer’s Perspective explains the underlying elements common among all computer systems and how they affect general application performance. Written from the programmer’s perspective, this book strives to teach readers how understanding basic elements of computer systems and executing real practice can lead them to create better programs.


Spanning across computer science themes such as hardware architecture, the operating system, and systems software, the Third Edition serves as a comprehensive introduction to programming. This book strives to create programmers who understand all elements of computer systems and will be able to engage in any application of the field--from fixing faulty software, to writing more capable programs, to avoiding common flaws. It lays the groundwork for readers to delve into more intensive topics such as computer architecture, embedded systems, and cybersecurity.


This book focuses on systems that execute an x86-64 machine code, and recommends that programmers have access to a Linux system for this course. Programmers should have basic familiarity with C or C++.


Also available with MasteringEngineering


MasteringEngineering is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment system, designed to improve results through personalized learning. This innovative online program emulates the instructor’s office hour environment, engaging and guiding students through engineering concepts with self-paced individualized coaching  With a wide range of activities available, students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult concepts.

Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MasteringEngineering, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.






獨立產品;MasteringEngineering® 不包含在此內容中。如果您想同時購買實體書籍和 MasteringEngineering,請搜尋 0134123832 / 9780134123837

**《電腦系統:程式設計師的觀點加上 MasteringEngineering 與 Pearson eText — 學習卡包,第三版》**


- 013409266X/9780134092669 《電腦系統:程式設計師的觀點,第三版》
- 0134071921/9780134071923 MasteringEngineering 與 Pearson eText — 獨立學習卡 — 用於《電腦系統:程式設計師的觀點,第三版》

**MasteringEngineering 只有在教師要求時才應購買。**


**《電腦系統:程式設計師的觀點》** 解釋了所有電腦系統中共同的基本元素及其如何影響一般應用程式的性能。這本書從程式設計師的角度撰寫,旨在教導讀者如何理解電腦系統的基本元素並執行實際操作,以便創造出更好的程式。

涵蓋硬體架構、作業系統和系統軟體等計算機科學主題,**第三版** 作為程式設計的全面介紹。這本書旨在培養理解所有電腦系統元素的程式設計師,使他們能夠參與該領域的任何應用——從修復故障軟體,到編寫更強大的程式,再到避免常見缺陷。它為讀者深入探討更高級的主題,如計算機架構、嵌入式系統和網路安全奠定了基礎。

本書專注於執行 x86-64 機器碼的系統,並建議程式設計師在此課程中使用 Linux 系統。程式設計師應對 C 或 C++ 有基本的熟悉度。

**也可與 MasteringEngineering 一起使用**

MasteringEngineering 是一個在線作業、教程和評估系統,旨在通過個性化學習提高學習成果。這個創新的在線程序模擬了教師的辦公時間環境,通過自我進度的個別輔導,吸引並指導學生理解工程概念。提供多種活動,學生可以主動學習、理解並保留即使是最困難的概念。

學生,如果有興趣購買此書籍與 MasteringEngineering,請向您的教師詢問正確的包裝 ISBN 和課程 ID。教師,請聯繫您的 Pearson 代表以獲取更多信息。