Information Visualization: Perception for Design (Paperback)
暫譯: 資訊視覺化:設計的感知

Colin Ware



Information Visualization: Perception for Design, Fourth Edition explores the art and science of why we see objects the way we do. Based on the science of perception and vision, the author presents the key principles at work for a wide range of applications--resulting in visualization of improved clarity, utility and persuasiveness. This new edition has been revised and updated to include the latest relevant research findings. Content has been updated in areas such as the cognitive neuroscience of maps and navigation, the neuroscience of pattern perception, and the hierarchy of learned patterns.

New changes to the book make it easier to apply perceptual lessons to design decisions. In addition, the book offers practical guidelines that can be applied by anyone, including interaction designers and graphic designers of all kinds.


  • Includes the latest research findings in visualization and perception
  • Provides a new chapter on designing for perception to help bridge the gap between specific perception-based guidelines and common design decisions
  • Presents over 400 informative, full color illustrations that are key to an understanding of the subject




- 包含最新的視覺化和感知研究成果
- 提供了一章關於感知設計的內容,幫助彌合基於感知的具體指導方針與常見設計決策之間的差距
- 提供超過400幅資訊豐富的全彩插圖,對於理解該主題至關重要


Colin Ware is the world’s leading authority on the perceptual principles underlying the effective design of information displays. He combines interests in both basic and applied visualization research and he has advanced degrees in both computer science (MMath, Waterloo) and in the psychology of perception (PhD,Toronto). He has published over 160 articles in scientific and technical journals and at leading conferences. Many of these articles relate to the use of color, texture, motion and 3D displays in information visualization. His approach is always to combine theory with practice and his publications range from rigorously scientific contributions to the Journal of Physiology and Vision Research to applications oriented articles in ACM Transactions on Graphics and ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. Fledermaus, the leading visualization software used in oceanography, originated in software developed by him and his graduate students.


Colin Ware 是全球在有效設計資訊顯示的感知原則方面的權威。他結合了基礎與應用視覺化研究的興趣,並擁有計算機科學(MMath, Waterloo)和感知心理學(PhD, Toronto)的高級學位。他在科學和技術期刊以及主要會議上發表了超過160篇文章。其中許多文章與在資訊視覺化中使用顏色、紋理、運動和3D顯示有關。他的研究方法始終是將理論與實踐相結合,他的出版物範圍從嚴謹的科學貢獻,如《生理學期刊》和《視覺研究》,到以應用為導向的文章,如《ACM圖形學會刊》和《ACM計算機-人類互動會刊》。Fledermaus是海洋學中使用的領先視覺化軟體,源自他和他的研究生所開發的軟體。