Statistical Mechanics, 3/e (美國原版)
暫譯: 統計力學 (第三版)

R K Pathria, Paul D. Beale



This classic text, first published in 1972, is designed for graduate physics courses in statistical mechanics. The second edition, published in 1996, incorporated three comprehensive chapters on phase transitions and critical phenomena. This third edition includes new sections on Bose-Einstein condensation and degenerate Fermi behavior of ultracold atomic gases, and two new chapters on computer simulation methods and the thermodynamics of the early universe. We have also added new sections on chemical and phase equilibrium, and expanded our discussions of correlations and scattering, quantized fields, finite-size effects and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. We hope this new edition will continue to provide new generations of students with a solid training in the methods of statistical physics. It covers such topics as: Bose-Einstein condensation in atomic gases; Thermodynamics of the early universe; Computer simulations: Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics; Correlation functions and scattering; Fluctuation-dissipation theorem and the dynamical structure factor; Chemical equilibrium; Exact solution of the two-dimensional Ising model for finite systems; Degenerate atomic Fermi gases; Exact solutions of one-dimensional fluid models; Interactions in ultracold Bose and Fermi gases; and, Brownian motion of anisotropic particles and harmonic oscillators. 


這本經典著作首次出版於1972年,旨在用於研究生物理學的統計力學課程。第二版於1996年出版,新增了三個關於相變化和臨界現象的綜合章節。第三版則包含了關於玻色-愛因斯坦凝聚(Bose-Einstein condensation)和超冷原子氣體的退化費米行為(degenerate Fermi behavior)的新章節,以及兩個關於計算機模擬方法和早期宇宙熱力學的新章節。我們還新增了關於化學平衡和相平衡的新部分,並擴展了對相關性和散射、量子場、有限大小效應以及波動-耗散定理的討論。我們希望這一新版能繼續為新一代學生提供堅實的統計物理方法訓練。內容涵蓋的主題包括:原子氣體中的玻色-愛因斯坦凝聚;早期宇宙的熱力學;計算機模擬:蒙特卡羅(Monte Carlo)和分子動力學;相關函數和散射;波動-耗散定理及動態結構因子;化學平衡;有限系統的二維伊辛模型(Ising model)精確解;退化原子費米氣體;一維流體模型的精確解;超冷玻色和費米氣體中的相互作用;以及各向異性粒子和諧振子的布朗運動(Brownian motion)。