The Membership Economy: Find Your Super Users, Master the Forever Transaction, and Build Recurring Revenue
暫譯: 會員經濟:尋找你的超級用戶,掌握永續交易,建立持續收入

Robbie Kellman Baxter



In today’s business world, it takes more than a website to stay competitive. The smartest, most successful companies are using radically new membership models, subscription-based formats, and freemium pricing structures to grow their customer base―and explode their market valuation―in the most disruptive shift in business since the Industrial Revolution.

This is The Membership Economy.

Written by an expertconsultant, this groundbreaking book will show you how to turn ordinary customers into members for life. Learn how to:

  • Turn digital subscriptions into forever sales
  • Build an online community your customers will love
  • Develop new loyalty programs that really pay off
  • Transform freemium users into superusers
  • Create a self-generating revenue stream
  • Keep memberships and profits growing for years to come

Whether you’re a small business with limited resources, an established company using a traditional business model, or a hungry start-up who wants a bigger bang for your buck, this comprehensive guide provides a wealth of membership-building options to suit every need.

You’ll learn the best-kept secrets of top industry leaders, from global giants like Am Ex and Weight Watchers to smaller dot-com successes like SurveyMonkey and Pandora. You’ll find proven strategies for creating membership programs for everything from vacation timeshares and car rentals to video streaming and Software-as-a-Service.

Most importantly, you’ll discover what works, and what doesn’t, from some of the key players in the new membership economy. It’s not about ownership; it’s about access, options, and freedom.

When you join forces with your customers, membership has its rewards―for you, your company, and your continued success.




- 將數位訂閱轉變為永久銷售
- 建立一個客戶喜愛的在線社群
- 開發真正有回報的新忠誠計劃
- 將免費增值用戶轉變為超級用戶
- 創造自我生成的收入來源
- 使會員資格和利潤在未來幾年持續增長


您將學到行業領袖的最佳秘訣,從全球巨頭如美國運通(Am Ex)和減重者(Weight Watchers),到較小的網路成功案例如SurveyMonkey和Pandora。您將找到針對從度假時租和汽車租賃到視頻串流和軟體即服務(Software-as-a-Service)的會員計劃的經驗策略。

