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Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi 官方 7吋 觸控螢幕
VIP 95折
Fritzing for Inventors: Take Your Electronics Project from Prototype to Product(Paperback)
零基礎學Raspberry Pi(圖文版)
Raspberry Pi B+/Pi 2 原廠授權外殼(白紅雙色)
VIP 95折
Raspberry Pi Projects For Dummies Paperback
VIP 95折
Raspberry Pi For Kids For Dummies(Paperback)
Raspberry Pi 實例應用集
VIP 95折
Raspberry Pi Robotics Essentials
Adafruit Pi Protector for Raspberry Pi Model A+
PiTFT Plus 480x320 3.5吋電阻式觸控螢幕 TFT+Touchscreen for Raspberry Pi 3 / Pi 2 / A+ / B+
VIP 95折
Make: JavaScript Robotics: Building NodeBots with Johnny-Five, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and BeagleBone (Paperback)
樹莓派<Raspberry Pi>實戰指南 (手把手教你掌握100個精彩案例)
VIP 95折
Raspberry Pi Robotics Projects, 2/e(Paperback)
Raspberry Pi Essentials (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids, 2/e(Paperback)
VIP 95折
Learning Raspberry Pi
VIP 95折
Raspberry Pi Blueprints
Raspberry Pi A+ 記憶卡 & 1A電源套組
VIP 95折
Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA: Making Wearables with an Arduino-Compatible Electronics Platform Paperback
VIP 95折
Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino, 2/e(Paperback)
Raspberry Pi Embedded Projects Hotshot
VIP 95折
Raspberry Pi Gaming, 2/e(Paperback)
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B 記憶卡電源套組 (Raspberry Pi 2 Model B + 16G microSD卡 + 5V/2.5A電源組)
Raspberry Pi 2 基本套組(Raspberry Pi 2 Model B + 壓克力外殼(或兩片式外殼帶風扇-隨機出貨) + 散熱片 + 5V/2000mA USB 變壓器)
Adventures in Raspberry Pi, 2/e (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents, 2/e (Paperback)
The Internet of Things: Do-It-Yourself at Home Projects for Arduino, Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black (Paperback)
3.5mm 轉 RCA 傳輸線
Adafruit IoT Pi Printer Project Pack v2 熱感應列印套件(不含Raspberry Pi主板)
Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver - I2C interface - PCA9685