Programming the Raspberry Pi, 2/e : Getting Started with Python (Paperback)
暫譯: 樹莓派程式設計(第二版):Python 入門指南(平裝本)

Simon Monk




An updated guide to programming your own Raspberry Pi projects

Learn to create inventive programs and fun games on your powerful Raspberry Pi―with no programming experience required. This practical book has been revised to fully cover the new Raspberry Pi 2, including upgrades to the Raspbian operating system. Discover how to configure hardware and software, write Python scripts, create user-friendly GUIs, and control external electronics. DIY projects include a hangman game, RGB LED controller, digital clock, and RasPiRobot complete with an ultrasonic rangefinder.


  • Updated for Raspberry Pi 2
  • Set up your Raspberry Pi and explore its features 
  • Navigate files, folders, and menus 
  • Write Python programs using the IDLE editor 
  • Use strings, lists, functions, and dictionaries 
  • Work with modules, classes, and methods 
  • Create user-friendly games using Pygame 
  • Build intuitive user interfaces with Tkinter 
  • Attach external electronics through the GPIO port 
  • Add powerful Web features to your projects



學習如何在強大的樹莓派上創建創意程式和有趣的遊戲—無需任何程式設計經驗。本實用書籍已修訂,以全面涵蓋新的樹莓派 2,包括對 Raspbian 作業系統的升級。了解如何配置硬體和軟體、撰寫 Python 腳本、創建使用者友好的 GUI,以及控制外部電子設備。DIY 專案包括一個猜字遊戲、RGB LED 控制器、數位時鐘,以及配備超聲波測距儀的 RasPiRobot。

- 更新至樹莓派 2
- 設置您的樹莓派並探索其功能
- 瀏覽檔案、資料夾和選單
- 使用 IDLE 編輯器撰寫 Python 程式
- 使用字串、列表、函數和字典
- 使用模組、類別和方法
- 使用 Pygame 創建使用者友好的遊戲
- 使用 Tkinter 建立直觀的使用者介面
- 通過 GPIO 埠連接外部電子設備
- 為您的專案添加強大的網頁功能