Brain Rush: How to Invest and Compete in the Real World of Generative AI

Cohan, Peter

  • 出版商: Apress
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-05
  • 售價: $2,340
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,223
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 401
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 9798868803178
  • ISBN-13: 9798868803178
  • 相關分類: 人工智慧
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



After decades of false starts, artificial intelligence (AI) is entering the mainstream of society. That is largely due to the rapid adoption of ChatGPT, a service that responds to almost any natural language question with cogent paragraphs. ChatGPT is the leading example of generative AI -- technology that creates original text, images, video and computer code based on uncovering patterns in training data.

The book will explain how generative AI works and how much economic value it could create and will map out the industry value network. For each value network stage, the book will define the industry, estimate its size, growth rate, and profit potential, identify the most successful participants, and explain how they have achieved their success and where they will compete in the future. The book will conclude with a section on what investors and business leaders should do to make an informed decision on where to place their bets.

What You Will Learn

Insights on how best to assemble the resources - whether by hiring a consultant or bringing on board a generative AI expert -- to build, train, and operate company specific generative AI applications

How management can brainstorm, evaluate and execute the right opportunities

Concepts and processes to enable investors to place bets with the highest risk-adjusted returns

Who This Book is For

Business and enterprises seeking to get value from generative AI, current or potential suppliers of technology and services to companies that build generative AI, and venture capitalists and public equity investors seeking to make profitable bets on generative AI companies


經過數十年的錯誤起步,人工智慧(AI)正逐漸進入社會主流。這在很大程度上歸功於 ChatGPT 的快速普及,這是一項能夠用清晰的段落回答幾乎任何自然語言問題的服務。ChatGPT 是生成式 AI 的領先範例——這項技術根據訓練數據中揭示的模式創造原創文本、圖像、視頻和計算機代碼。

本書將解釋生成式 AI 的運作方式及其可能創造的經濟價值,並描繪出行業價值網絡。對於每個價值網絡階段,本書將定義行業,估算其規模、增長率和利潤潛力,識別最成功的參與者,並解釋他們如何取得成功以及未來將在哪些領域競爭。本書將以一節結尾,說明投資者和商業領袖應該如何做出明智的決策,以選擇他們的投資方向。

- 如何最佳組合資源——無論是聘請顧問還是引進生成式 AI 專家——以建立、訓練和運營公司特定的生成式 AI 應用程序的見解。
- 管理層如何集思廣益、評估和執行正確的機會。
- 使投資者能夠以最高的風險調整回報進行投資的概念和流程。

- 尋求從生成式 AI 獲取價值的企業和公司、目前或潛在的技術和服務供應商,以及希望對生成式 AI 公司進行有利可圖投資的風險投資家和公共股權投資者。


Peter S. Cohan is an Associate Professor of Management Practice at Babson College. He teaches strategy, leadership and entrepreneurship to students in its undergraduate, Master of Science in Entrepreneurial Leadership, Master of Science in Advanced Entrepreneurial Leadership, MBA, and Executive Education programs. He is coordinator of Babson's required undergraduate strategy course and the creator and teacher of advanced strategy courses for undergraduate and MSEL students. Cohan is the founding principal of Peter S. Cohan & Associates, a management consulting and venture capital firm. He has completed over 150 growth-strategy consulting projects for global technology companies and invested in seven startups -- three of which were sold for about $2 billion and one of which went public in 2021 at an $18 billion valuation. He has written 16 books including Net Profit: How to Invest and Compete in the Wild World of Internet Business. Since 2011 he has been a contributor to Forbes and Inc. He is a frequent media commentator who has appeared on ABC's Good Morning America, Bloomberg, CNN, CNBC, Fox Business News, American Public Media's MarketPlace, WBUR, WGBH, New England Cable News and the Boston ABC, NBC, and CBS affiliates. He has been quoted in the Associated Press, the Christian Science Monitor, the London Evening Standard, the Times of London, the New York Times, Nikkei, USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Portugal's Expresso, the Economist, Time, BusinessWeek, and Fortune. He also appeared in the 2016 documentary film, We the People: the Market Basket Effect. Prior to starting his firm, he worked as a case team leader for Harvard Business School Professor Michael Porter's consulting firm. He has taught at MIT, Stanford, Columbia, Tel Aviv University, New York University, Bentley University, The Vienna University of Technology, School of Management Fribourg, Barcelona's EADA, Singapore's Nanyang Technological University, the University of Coimbra, the University of Chile, the University of Hong Kong and Tecnologico de Monterrey. RETHINK Retail chose him as a Top 100 Retail Influencer of 2021, 2022, and 2023. He earned an MBA from Wharton, did graduate work in computer science at MIT, and holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from Swarthmore College.


彼得·S·科漢(Peter S. Cohan)是巴布森學院(Babson College)管理實踐的副教授。他教授策略、領導力和創業課程,面向本科生、創業領導碩士、進階創業領導碩士、MBA及高階教育課程的學生。他是巴布森學院必修本科策略課程的協調者,也是本科生和MSEL學生進階策略課程的創建者和授課教師。科漢是彼得·S·科漢與夥伴公司(Peter S. Cohan & Associates)的創始合夥人,這是一家管理諮詢和風險投資公司。他已為全球科技公司完成超過150個成長策略諮詢項目,並投資於七家初創公司,其中三家以約20億美元的價格出售,還有一家在2021年以180億美元的估值上市。他撰寫了16本書籍,包括《淨利潤:如何在互聯網商業的野蠻世界中投資和競爭》。自2011年以來,他一直是《福布斯》(Forbes)和《Inc.》的撰稿人。他經常出現在媒體上,曾在ABC的《早安美國》(Good Morning America)、彭博社(Bloomberg)、CNN、CNBC、福克斯商業新聞(Fox Business News)、美國公共媒體的《市場》(MarketPlace)、WBUR、WGBH、新英格蘭有線新聞及波士頓的ABC、NBC和CBS附屬機構中發言。他的言論曾被《美聯社》(Associated Press)、《基督教科學箴言報》(Christian Science Monitor)、《倫敦晚報》(London Evening Standard)、《倫敦時報》(Times of London)、《紐約時報》(New York Times)、《日經新聞》(Nikkei)、《今日美國》(USA Today)、《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)、《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)、葡萄牙的《Expresso》、《經濟學人》(The Economist)、《時代雜誌》(Time)、《商業周刊》(BusinessWeek)和《財富》(Fortune)引用。他還出現在2016年的紀錄片《我們人民:市場籃效應》(We the People: the Market Basket Effect)中。在創辦自己的公司之前,他曾擔任哈佛商學院教授邁克爾·波特(Michael Porter)諮詢公司的案例團隊領導。他曾在麻省理工學院(MIT)、史丹佛大學(Stanford)、哥倫比亞大學(Columbia)、特拉維夫大學(Tel Aviv University)、紐約大學(New York University)、本特利大學(Bentley University)、維也納科技大學(The Vienna University of Technology)、弗里堡管理學院(School of Management Fribourg)、巴塞隆納的EADA、新加坡南洋理工大學(Nanyang Technological University)、科英布拉大學(University of Coimbra)、智利大學(University of Chile)、香港大學(University of Hong Kong)和蒙特雷科技大學(Tecnologico de Monterrey)任教。RETHINK Retail選他為2021、2022和2023年的百大零售影響者。他擁有沃頓商學院(Wharton)的MBA學位,在麻省理工學院(MIT)進行計算機科學的研究生學習,並持有斯沃斯莫爾學院(Swarthmore College)的電機工程學士學位。