Unreal Engine C++ the Ultimate Developer's Handbook: Learn C++ and Unreal Engine by Creating a Complete Action Game (Paperback)
暫譯: Unreal Engine C++ 終極開發者手冊:透過創建完整動作遊戲學習 C++ 和 Unreal Engine (平裝本)
Ulibarri, Stephen Seth
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Prepare for Unreal Engine 5 Learn the fundamentals of the C++ programming language as well as Unreal Engine's code base for creating and packaging a complete hack and slash action game. Implement combat, AI and Behavior Trees, animation, gameplay mechanics, interfaces and delegates, collision and physics, ray casting, game saving, menu and HUD creation via UMG, and much more.
準備好 Unreal Engine 5,學習 C++ 程式語言的基本概念,以及 Unreal Engine 的程式碼基礎,以創建和打包一個完整的砍殺動作遊戲。實現戰鬥、人工智慧和行為樹、動畫、遊戲玩法機制、介面和委派、碰撞和物理、射線投射、遊戲儲存、透過 UMG 創建選單和 HUD,還有更多內容。