Introduction to Power Electronics (IE-Paperback)

Daniel W. Hart





A concise, thorough introduction to modern power electronics This comprehensive overview of the modern tools and techniques of electric power conversion covers the fundamentals of power electronics. Unlike other textbooks on the subject, which often include a great deal of extraneous information. Introduction to Modern Power Electronics presents essential material that can be covered easily in a one-semester course. This streamlined text examines low-, medium-, and high-power conversion issues and the electronic converters that process power for a variety of applications. Following recent trends in power electronics technology, greater stress is placed on pulse-width modulated (PWM) converters than in any other textbook. Modern power electronic converters, such as the resonant dc-link and multilevel inverters or matrix converters, are thoroughly covered. Special features include:

  • Comprehensive, easy-to-understand coverage of the principles and methods of electric power conversion using a hypothetical generic power converter
  • Descriptions of various types of semiconductor power switches and complementary components and systems for power electronic converters
  • In-depth discussions of all power conversion types: ac-to-dc, ac-to-ac, dc-to-dc, and dc-to-ac
  • Separate chapter on switching power supplies

A companion set of 48 PSpice circuit files, available on the Internet, constitutes a virtual laboratory of power electronics. This valuable teaching tool contains models of most of the power electronic converters and techniques covered in the book. It gives students the opportunity to tinker with converters and see how they actually work. Ideal for electrical engineering students at the senior undergraduate level, Introduction to Modern Power Electronics is also a handy reference tool for advanced students and practicing engineers. 

Table of Contents

Principles and Methods of Electric Power Conversion.

Semiconductor Power Switches.

Complementary Components and Systems.

AC-to-DC Converters.

AC-to-AC Converters.

DC-to-DC Converters.

DC-to-AC Converters.

Switching Power Supplies.

