果蠅最佳化演算法─最新演化式計算技術, 2/e


  • 出版商: 滄海
  • 出版日期: 2014-05-31
  • 定價: $400
  • 售價: 9.8$392
  • 語言: 繁體中文
  • 頁數: 186
  • ISBN: 986593793X
  • ISBN-13: 9789865937935
  • 相關分類: Algorithms-data-structures
  • 無法訂購






潘文超 老師
目前擔任國際SCI, SSCI期刊論文評審委員
E_mail: teacherp0162@yahoo.com.tw
手機: (00886) 955330842,QQ:324827824
Wen-Tsao Pan, “A new fruit fly optimization algorithm: Taking the financial distress model as an example”, Knowledge-Based Systems, (In Press), 2011, (SCI).
Chien-Jen Huang, Peng-Wen Chen, Wen-Tsao Pan, Multi-stage Data Mining technique to build the forecast model for Taiwan stocks, Neural Comput & Applic, Online First™ 2011, ( SCI )
Wen-Tsao Pan, “Combining PSO Cluster and Nonlinear Mapping algorithm to perform clustering performance analysis: take the enterprise financial alarming as example”, Quality & Quantity, Online First™ 2011 (will be published in Volume 45 Issue 6 it is October 2011), ( SSCI, SCI).
Wen-Tsao Pan, “The use of genetic programming for the construction of a financial management model in an enterprise”, International Journal of Applied Intelligence, Online First™, 22 October 2010, ( SCI ).
Wen-Tsao Pan, “Combining Fuzzy Sammon Mapping and Fuzzy Clustering Approach to perform clustering effect analysis: take the banking service satisfaction as an example”, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 37, pp. 4139–4145, 2009,( SCI).


第一章 果蠅最佳化演算法的介紹
第二章 果蠅最佳化演算法求解極大值與極小值
第三章 Z-SCORE模型係數優化-以財務預警為例
第四章 廣義回歸神經網路參數的優化-以網路購物之物流滿意度為例
第五章 灰色神經網路參數的優化-以基金買賣決策為例
第六章 支援向量回歸參數的優化-陸生來台就讀意願之研究
第七章 果蠅最佳化演算法的進階微調
第八章 修正型果蠅最佳化演算法
第九章 修正型果蠅最佳化演算法