$305UG NX 10.0 模具設計教程
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●力求淺顯易懂,著重於基本加工概念、高速切削參數條件設定,及3軸的加工路徑編程與加工實例機台操作。使用機器為立式三軸加工機(CNC銑床),控制器為FANUC Series 0i-MD,同時亦說明電極的加工與放電應用,順著書中步驟即能夠進行軟硬體實作。
CH1 緒論(Introduction)
1.1 前言
1.2 CAD/CAM 軟體技術與數控工具機暨高速加工
1.3 結語
1.4 參考文獻(References)
CH2 基本加工概念與切削條件(Basic concepts in machining and machining conditions)
2.1 基本加工概念( Basic concepts)
2.2 切削條件(Machining conditions)
CH3 PowerMILL® 使用入門(Getting started with PowerMILL®)
3.1 簡介(Introduction)
3.2 啟動PowerMILL®
3.3 PowerMILL® 使用入門
CH4 2.5D 銑削與鑽孔加工(2.5D milling and drilling)
4.1 簡介(Introduction)
4.2 基本設定(Basic set-up)
4.3 2D 平面加工(2D plane machining)
4.4 2.5D 粗加工(2.5D rough machining)
4.5 2.5D 精加工(2.5D finish machining)
4.6 倒斜角加工(Chamfer machining)
4.7 鑽孔加工(Drilling)
4.8 實體模擬加工(View mill simulation)
CH5 三軸銑削加工實習:瓶胚模(3 axis milling practice: preform mold)
5.1 簡介(Introduction)
5.2 基本設定(Basic set-up)
5.3 模型粗加工(Model rough machining)
5.4 點投影中加工(Projection point semi machining)
5.5 點投影精加工(Projection point finish machining)
5.6 NC 程式輸出(Output NC program)
CH6 三軸銑削加工實習:弓形模(3D milling practice: arcuate mold)
6.1 簡介(Introduction)
6.2 基本設定(Basic set-up)
6.3 模型粗加工(Model rough machining)
6.4 平面精加工(Plane finish machining)
6.5 曲面側銑中加工(Swarf semi machining)
6.6 曲面側銑精加工(Swarf finish machining)
6.7 3D 等距加工(3D offset machining)
6.8 鑽孔加工( Drill machining)
6.9 實體模擬加工(Simulation)
CH7 三軸銑削加工實習:管形模(3D milling practice: tubular mold)
7.1 簡介( Introduction)
7.2 基本設定( Basic set-up)
7.3 模型粗加工(Model rough machining)
7.4 模型餘料加工( Model rest machining)
7.5 最佳化等高中加工(Optimised constant Z semi machining)
7.6 最佳化等高精加工(Optimised constant Z finish machining)
CH8 三軸銑削加工實習:沖壓模(3D milling practice: stamping die)
8.1 簡介(Introduction)
8.2 基本設定(Basic set-up)
8.3 模型粗加工(Model rough machining)
8.4 模型餘料加工(Model rest machining)
8.5 平面精加工(Plane finish machining)
8.6 等高中精加工(Constant Z finishing)
8.7 曲面法向加工(Surface finishing)
8.8 沿面清角加工(Corner finishing)
8.9 電極加工應用(Electrode machining)
CH9 三軸銑削加工實習:相機模(3D milling practice: camera mold)
9.1 簡介(Introduction)
9.2 基本設定(Basic set-up)
9.3 模型粗加工(Model rough machining)
9.4 平面精加工(Plane finish machining)
9.5 最佳化等高精加工(Optimised constant Z finishing)
9.6 平行投影精加工(Raster finishing)
9.7 曲面法向精加工(Surface finishing)
9.8 曲面側銑精加工(Swarf finishing)
9.9 等高清角加工(Constant Z finishing)
CH10 三軸銑削加工實習:倒勾結構件(3D milling practice: overhanging structure)
10.1 簡介(Introduction)
10.2 基本設定(Basic set-up)
10.3 模型粗加工(Model rough machining)
10.4 等高中加工(Constant Z semi machining)
10.5 線投影中加工(Projection line semi machining)
10.6 線投影細加工(Projection line finish machining)
CH11 三軸銑削加工實習:賓士模(3D milling practice: mercedes mold)
11.1 簡介(Introduction)
11.2 基本設定(Basic set-up)
11.3 模型粗加工(Model rough machining)
11.4 模型餘料加工(Model rest machining)
11.5 模型二次餘料加工(Model rest machining once more)
11.6 平面精加工(Plane finish machining)
11.7 陡峭與淺灘中加工(Steep and shallow semi)
11.8 最佳化等高精加工(Optimised constant Z finishing)
11.9 自動清角加工(Corner finishing)
11.10 平行投影精加工(Raster finishing)
CH12 三軸銑削加工實習:吹風機模(3D milling practice: mold for hair dryer)
12.1 簡介(Introduction)
12.2 基本設定(Basic set-up)
12.3 模型粗加工(Model rough machining)
12.4 平面精加工(Plane finish machining)
12.5 模型餘料加工(Model rest machining)
12.6 模型二次餘料加工(Model rest machining once more)
12.7 最佳化等高中加工(Optimised constant Z finishing)
12.8 曲面法向精加工(Surface finishing)
12.9 自動清角加工(Corner finishing)
12.10 沿面投影精加工(Projection surface finishing)
12.11 曲面側銑溝槽加工(Swarf finishing)
CH13 三軸銑削加工實習:吸塵器模(3D milling practice: mold of vacuum cleaner)
13.1 簡介(Introduction)
13.2 基本設定(Basic set-up)
13.3 模型粗加工(Model rough machining)
13.4 平面精加工(Plane finish machining)
13.5 模型餘料加工(Model rest machining)
13.6 模型二次餘料加工(Model rest machining once more)
13.7 等高中精加工(Constant Z semi/Finish machining)
13.8 平行投影中精加工(Raster semi/Finish machining)
13.9 最佳化等高中精加工(Optimised constant Z semi/Finishing)
13.10 自動清角加工(Corner finishing)
CH14 路徑安全驗證及實體模擬(Tool-path safety confirmation and simulation)
14.1 路徑安全驗證
14.2 操作一
14.3 操作二
14.4 操作三
14.5 操作四
CH15 加工基本設定及運行(Basic setup and start machine)
15.1 CNC 銑床機體介紹
15.2 操作箱介紹
15.3 操作說明
附錄A G&M 碼基本機能簡介(Appendix A: introduction for basic G&M code)
附錄B 三軸銑削加工認證試題(Appendix B: certification for three-axis machining test)