- 出版商: 希伯崙
- 出版日期: 2019-04-19
- 定價: $499
- 售價: 7.9 折 $394
- 語言: 繁體中文
- 頁數: 464
- ISBN: 9864412892
- ISBN-13: 9789864412891
英文 English
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新聞英語學習障礙X 發憤要征服CNN的讀者
累積新聞英語單字量 從每天讀一段CNN開始
File常見的是名詞,表「檔案」,當動詞則表將文件歸檔,但在新聞中,file the law suit的file則表提出(法律訴訟)
例:It is not very noble to trash people behind their backs.在人家背後做人身攻擊不太高尚。
launch 表示將火箭、太空船等送上太空,或是將船下水。在新聞中另外也表示發動軍事進攻,如launch an attack、發動政治調查,如launch an inquiry、開始新案子,如launch a project等等。
例:The troops launched an attack on the city gates.軍隊發動攻擊城門。
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Unit 1政治Politics
001川普外交手段改變Trump’s Change of Diplomacy
002軍備協定的問題Problems with Treaties
003馬克宏將面臨的挑戰A Challenge Ahead for Macron
004限制北韓走私活動Limiting Smuggling Operations
005俄國滲入美國大選Russia Infiltrated U.S. Politics
006川普承認耶路撒冷Trump Recognizes Jerusalem
007北韓的擁核之路Quest for the Nuclear Bomb
008加泰隆尼亞獨立公投Catalonia Votes for Independence
009駐韓美軍嚴陣以待Eyes and Ears over North Korea
010備受爭議的卡斯楚Castro’s Controversial Legacy
011習近平的權力遊戲Xi’s Power Play
012美國與北韓如果開戰If the War Plays Out
013驚天動地的大選Unimaginable Upset
014對抗北韓核武威脅Dealing with Nuclear Threat
015川普當選感言Trump’s Victory Speech
016東京都女知事Tokyo’s Head Honcho
017兩韓領袖世紀高峰會Kim and Moon Meet in Historic Summit
018希拉蕊川普辯論戰Hillary and Donald’s Debate
019最有權勢的人:普丁The Most Powerful Man: Putin
020政治口水戰Caustic Campaign
021密蘇里號潛艇USS Missouri
022川普極端移民政策Trump’s Immigration Policy
023篩檢恐怖份子Screening out Terrorists
024埃及反政府活動Egyptian Activists
025美國黨代表大會秘辛Intentions of Conventions
026川普對支持者的演講Trump’s Speech to Supporters
027美潛艇優勢不再U.S. Superiority Challenged
028 ISIS戰場最前線The Fight Against ISIS
029北京宣稱南海主權South China Sea Claims
030翁山蘇姬願人民更有權Want People to be More Empowered
031西方分裂的選民Divide of Western Democracies
032川普驅逐抗議民眾Unified President?
033好萊塢女星惹惱中國Hollywood Actress Annoyed China
034反恐任務的意外Accidents while Fighting Terrorists
Unit 2社會Society
035童工證據Evidence of Child Labor
036美國買槍太容易Guns are Easy to Buy
037德國通過同性婚姻Germany Passes Same-Sex Marriage
038北韓的文化規則Follow the North Korean Rules
039印度鐵路India’s Railway System
040西藏歡迎觀光客Tibet Welcomes Tourists
041古埃及男女平等Ancient Egyptian Equality
042北韓的糧食危機North Korea’s Food Crisis
043巨星被逮A Pop Star Arrested
044泰國少年被救出Thai Soccer Team Rescued
045中國的網路審查China’s Online Censorship
046非民主的決定An Undemocratic Decision
047歧視非裔犯人Discrimination against African-American Criminals
048何謂道地的文化Problems with Cultural Authenticity
049科技與全球化Technology and Globalization
050英國大笨鐘整修Big Ben under Construction
051學生要求槍支管制Demanding Stricter Gun Laws
052複雜的菲律賓文化The Complex Filipino Culture
053日本高齡社會有解An Answer to the Aging Population
054保持造勢活動安全Keeping the Political Campaign Safe
055族群分裂日益嚴重Worsening Race Relations
056對核電廠的恐懼Unfamiliar Nuclear Facility
057接受服務性動物Allowing Service Dogs in Stores
058祕密鑽石挖掘Secret Buried Treasure
059明星私照被瘋傳Private Photos Widely Circulated
060婚姻的含義The Meaning of Marriage
061日本的老化人口Japan’s Aging Population
062潛艇用來走私Submarines Used for Smuggling
063對亞裔美國人的印象Stereotype of Asian-Americans
064樂透得主捐獎金Lottery Winners Donate Money
065教育超越宗教Education Transcends Religion
066教師不能有口音Teachers Screened for Accents
Unit 3商業Business
067 Apple市值破兆Apple Valued at $1 Trillion
068直播平台之戰Live-Streaming Platforms
069重新設計飛機座艙Redesigning Airline Cabins
070受歡迎的電競The Popular E-Sports
071 TOTO的工藝技術TOTO’s Craftsmanship
072日本動漫工作室A Japanese Animation Studio
073微型商場應有盡有Micro-Malls Sell Everything
074可口可樂廣告策略Coca-Cola’s Advertising Strategy
075網路商品如何開賣How Products are Sold Online
076度過破產難關Tiding over Bankruptcy
077一份絕佳職務A Fabulous Position
078經典連鎖餐廳A Classic Franchise
079高度期待蘋果產品Apple’s New Product
080豪華酒店經營Luxury Hotel Maintenance
081不同的管理方式Different Management Style
082名錶的製作Making Luxury Watches
083航空公司民營化Privatization of Airlines
084談論演藝圈On Showbiz Business
085廣告業的未來The Future of Advertising
086男性主宰企業高層Men Dominate Top Positions
087名牌的挑戰Celebrity Brands Challenges
088車廠的未來Automakers after Recession
089勞斯萊斯遷移廠房Rolls-Royce Moving Base to Asia
090亞馬遜的倉儲Inside Amazon’s Warehouse
091名人行銷Celebrity Power
Unit 4經濟Economics
092真實版的飢餓遊戲The Real “Hunger Games”
093關稅遊戲Tariffs Games
094美國高關稅威脅中國Higher U.S. Tariffs on Chinese Exports
095不景氣中脫穎而出Standing out during Downturn
096亞洲市場回彈Asian Market Rebounded
097 G7川普惹眾怒Trump Causes a Stir at G7
098與台灣的新協定China’s Agreement with Taiwan
099微軟受打擊Battered Microsoft
100奈及利亞的發展Nigeria's Development
101貿易戰的歷史History of Trade War
102中國成長減緩China’s Growth Slows Down
103手機市場趨於飽和Global Recession puts Strain on Phones
104香港的居住困境Hong Kong’s Space Dilemma
105比爾蓋茲談經濟危機Bill Gates on Economic Crisis
106川普挑起貿易戰Trump’s Trade War
107企管碩士的前景MBA Students’ Prospects
108財務術語之一Financial Jargon
109汽車產業的打擊Blows to Car Makers
110普丁的財政措施Putin’s Fiscal Policy
111中國重啟絲路帶Reviving the Silk Road
112歷史重演History Repeats Itself
113新財政政策New Fiscal Policies
114汶萊加強旅遊業Brunei Improves Tourism
115房貸危機引爆點How the Mortgage Crisis Started
116中國房產泡沫China’s Real Estate Bubble
117普丁穩定經濟Putin Stabilized the Economy
Unit 5科技Technology
118 747開啟現代飛航Boeing 747 Excitement
119尋找更環保的材料Look for Greener Materials
120雷射烹飪Laser Cooking
121虛擬實境購物Shopping with VR
122假新聞的崛起The Rise of Fake News
123可伸縮的汽車A Car That Varies Its Sizes
124生物照明Biological Lighting
125新加坡的虛擬國境Singapore’s Virtual State
126奈米尺度的建築Architecture on the Nanoscale
127特斯拉電動車Tesla’s Electric Car
128表情符號Emojis: A Universal Language
129機器人到你家A Robot for Your Home
131食品包裝的演進Food Packaging Evolution
132日產的自駕車Nissan's Autonomous Vehicle
133博物館的3D方案3D Solution for the Museum
134狗兒的義肢Artificial Legs for Dogs
135機場無線網路危險The Danger of Airport Wi-Fi
136新型手機電池New Batteries for Phones
137日本是創新之地Japan the Place for Innovation
138密蘇里號潛鑑優勢The Missouri's Advantage
139行動通訊世界大會The Mobile World Congress
140腦波科技Brain Wave Technology
141機器人分身A Mechanical Match
142保時捷 911 Iconic Porsche 911
143自駕車的安全性Concerns of Autonomous Vehicles
144窺探木乃伊內部Inside a Mummy
145通用的新電動車GM’s New Electric Car
146數位化展示Digitized Display
147可否複製自然?Can We Reproduce Nature?
148安全瀏覽網路Surf Securely
149機械腿幫殘障人士Robot Legs Help the Disabled
150市區公用迷你車Shared-Use City Car
Unit 6科學Science
151火星可能有水Water on Mars Possibility
152天才的腦袋Minds of Geniuses
153鐵達尼號沉沒之迷The Sinking of the Titanic
154折紙與科技Origami and Technology
155勘測神祕的木星The Mystery of Jupiter
156剖析某人的性格A Way to Profile a Person
157強子對撞機解謎LHC Uncovers Mysteries
158火星可能是適居的Mars is Potentially Habitable
159用幹細胞創造精子Stem Cells Need Y-Chromosome
160向大自然學習Learning from Nature
161拍下土星大氣層Saturn’s Atmosphere
162入學面試怪題Strange Admission Questions
163外國口音怎麼形成How to Produce Foreign Accents
164模仿昆蟲飛行Mimicking Insects
165中國航天訓練Chinese Space Training
166人類追月夢Our Quest to the Moon and Beyond
167顯微鏡攝錄影片Filming down a Microscope
168男性研究Male Studies
169比鄰星 b Proxima b
170散發螢光的複製貓Cloned Fluorescent Cats
171耶利哥古城The Ancient City of Jericho
172木衛二歐羅巴Looking for Life on Europa
173遺傳與環境Nature vs. Nurture
174人造生命Artificial Life Created
175書呆子夏令營Nerd Camp
176月球漫步最後行者The Last Man on the Moon
177如何進入名校Preparing for Admission
178獵戶座號第一趟任務Orions’ First Mission
179前州長看過幽浮Former Governor Saw a UFO
180太空垃圾Space Junk
181 DNA編碼儲存資訊Store Data with DNA
182最後一次從月球返回Last Trip Back from the Moon
183讓機長有足夠休息Rest for Pilots
184延長哈伯望遠鏡壽命Extend the Life of the Hubble
185與地球相似的星球A Planet Similar to Earth
Unit 7醫療Medicine
186修復破碎的心臟Healing a Broken Heart
187冷凍十年的胚胎An Embryo Frozen Decades Ago
188現在疾病易蔓延Illness Easily Spread
189偵測癌症的方法Detecting Cancer
190量化毒性蛋白質Quantifying the Toxic Protein
191有抗藥性的細菌Drug-Resistant Bacteria
192試圖自殺的生還者A Survivor of Attempted Suicide
193與義肢接合的新方法New Interfacing for Prosthetics
194 3D列印有利於手術3D Printing Helps Operations
195臉部移植恢復身分Restored Identity with Face Transplant
196轉向另類療法Alternative Therapy
197克服厄運死裡逃生Beating the Odds
198器官移植的難題Problems with Organ for Transplant
199阿茲海默症的起因How Alzheimer's Begins
200自閉症的診斷The Diagnosis of Autism
201修復捐贈的器官Reconditioning Donor Organs
202全身癱瘓心智清醒Paralyzed but Conscious
203神秘的大腦Mysteries of the Brain
204狗狗能聞出癌症Dogs Can Smell Cancer
205只用另類治療Solely Relying on Alternative Therapy
206實驗室培植的心臟Pioneering Lab-Grown Hearts
207損毀的大腦重新學習Damaged Brain Recovers by Itself
Unit 8健康Health
208均衡飲食維持心臟健康Balanced Diet for Heart Health
209旅遊改變生命視野Travel Changes Outlook on Life
210對咖啡標示警語Warning on Coffee
211奶油調味劑傷害肺部Butter Flavor Damages Lungs
212不因癌症改變人生觀Cancer Doesn’t Change Mindset
213川普總統改變飲食The President is Changing His Diet
214飛機旅行削弱健康Air Travel Impacts Health
215狗狗不喜歡抱抱Dogs Don’t Like Hugs
216美牛可能有問題Problems with American Beef
217外來物質存在體內Foreign Chemicals in the Body
218高自殺率的起因Causes of High Suicide Rate
219宿醉的解藥Cure for a Hangover
220對抗床蝨Fighting Bedbugs
221坐飛機的健康威脅Health Hazards of Air Travel
222食物的力量The Power of Food
223分心事物使知能減退Distractions Cause Cognitive Decline
224醫生開立過多藥物Over-Prescribing Medication
225機艙增加感染Air Travel Increases Infections
226增強食品安全Improving Food Safety
227老化的大腦The Aging Brain
228青少年憂鬱症Teenagers Depression
229人工智慧到安養院AI in Nursing Homes
230肉品中可能的毒素Possible Toxins in Meat
231麥可傑克森死於心臟病Michael Jackson Died of a Heart Attack
232飛機上的空氣品質Air Quality on Board
233化學物質會滲入胎盤Chemicals Entering the Placenta
234美牛符合標準American Beef is Safe
235過多刺激造成壓力Over Stimulation Changes Thought Process
Unit 9環保Environment
236總統背棄氣候承諾The President Abandoned Promises
237白化的珊瑚Bleached Coral Reefs
238不相信氣候變遷Not Believing in Climate Change
239首爾的花園大橋Seoul’s Botanical Bridge
240氫能發電Hydrogen Energy
241正在改變的北極海Changing Arctic Waters
242查爾斯王子的氣候演說Prince Charles on Climate Disaster
243廢棄塑膠新用途Discarded Plastic Given New Life
244牲畜對環境的影響Livestock Impacts the Environment
245都市腳踏車計畫City Bike Project
246北極冰原景觀瓦解中The Landscape of Arctic Ice
247微塑料飄入海洋Micro-Plastics in Ocean
248中國轉向再生能源China Turning to Renewables
249車諾比的核汙染Chernobyl’s Nuclear Radiation
250正在消失的小鎮Alaskan Town Disappearing
251回收廠製造更多汙染Recycling Centers Create Extra Pollution
252哥本哈根氣候高峰會Environmental Talks in Copenhagen
253北極冰層會消失殆盡Arctic Ice May Vanish Completely
254大氣褐雲The Atmospheric Brown Cloud
255氣候變遷宣導活動Climate Change Campaign
Unit 10自然Nature
256珍古德的新影片A New Film on Jane Goodall
257過度開發Over Development
258冰島的地熱能源Iceland’s Geothermal Energy
259穿山甲所處的困境The Plight of the Pangolin
260保存黃石公園間歇泉The Preservation of the Geysers
261政府允許屠殺海豚Government Allows Killing of Dolphins
262基拉韋亞火山爆發Kilauea Volcano Erupts
263珍古德推校園計畫Goodall's Global Classroom Program
264日本嚴重水災Serious Floods in Japan
265幫助珊瑚存活Helping the Coral Survive
266北極的資源The Arctic’s Resources
267戴爾島的海洋生物Sea Animals of Dyer Island
268地震後的餘震Warning of Earthquake Aftershocks
269路州死亡鳥兒Death of the Louisiana Birds
270火山灰懸浮空中Ash in Air Continues
271大象普查計畫Mapping Elephant Movements
272龍捲風暴增Outbreak of Tornadoes
273貓熊數量仍少Panda Numbers Still Small
274敢於飛過火山Daring to Fly Close to Volcano
275蜜蜂數量下降Decline of Bees
276蒐集鯨魚的DNA Whale DNA Collection
277龍捲風登陸Tornados Touchdown
278鳥群大量死亡Mass Bird Deaths
279雪暴後的機場The Snowstorm and the Airport
280颱風過後Aftermath of the Typhoon
Unit 11體育Sports
281機器人打籃球Robots Playing Basketball
282與費德勒見面Roger Federer Interview at Nike
283賽車冠軍談人生Racing Champion on Life
284電競運動的成長Growth of eSports
285短跑傳奇尤森‧波特Sprint Legend Usain Bolt
286小飛俠最終戰Kobe’s Last Game
287冰上王子羽生結弦The Ice Prince Yuzuru Hanyu
288洋基球場Yankee Stadium
289冰島參加世界杯Iceland Qualifying for the First Time
290靠氣球飛上天Flight Using 105 Balloons
291對電競選手的誤解Misconception of Gamers
292 NBA不再勞資協議Opting out of Collective Bargaining
293雷霸龍入新球隊LeBron Joins a New Team
294泳將讓廠商難堪Swimmers Snub Domestic Sportswear
295東京奧運Tokyo 2020
296超強馬拉松選手The Greatest Ultramarathoner
297 NBA實施薪資上限NBA Owners Want Salary Cap
298頂尖運動員Top Players
299洋基勝利遊行Yankees Victory Parade
300面臨可能的停賽Facing a Possible Lockout
Unit 12藝文Culture
301修復西斯廷禮拜堂Restoration of the Sistine Chapel
302探究瑪甸沙勒古城Exploring Mada’in Saleh
303華麗寶萊塢Glamorous Bollywood
304探討巴西音樂Reflections on Brazilian Music
305達文西的《救世主》The “Savior of the World”
306高第的靈感Gaudí’s Inspiration
307智慧紡織藝術品Smart Textile Creations
308賽提陵墓Seti’s Tomb
309建築師的突破Architectural Breakthroughs
310《奔向艷陽》About the Film Sarafina!
311日本動漫瘋Japan’s Anime
312辛苦建造的兵馬俑The Terracotta Army
313電動玩家與製作人Gamers and Game Makers
314時尚結合科技Fashion Collaborations
315白宮內部裝潢Inside the White House
316導演奧利佛‧史東Film Director Oliver Stone
317建築的演進Evolution of Architecture
318特技飛行Aircraft Acrobats
319福爾摩斯電影Sherlock Holmes Films
320欣賞自己的藝術品Admiring One’s Own Work
321在羅馬拍片Filming in Rome
322選秀的偶然贏家Unexpected Talent Show Winner
323建築的藝術Art of Architecture
324導演自身的電影Creating Personal Films
325莎士比亞書店Inside Shakespeare and Company
326 3D電影帶回家?3D Movies at Home?
327法國電影再興The Renaissance of French Cinema
328影片模仿風潮Copycat Craze
329神乎其技的木偶劇Wooden Puppet Show
330重寫馬雅歷史Rewriting Mayan History
331與馬一起表演Man and Horse in Harmony
332猜測奧斯卡得主Predicting a Winner
333暴力電玩的影響Impact of Violent Video Games
334柏格曼的電影Bergman’s Film
335失敗為成功之母Failure is the Mother of Success
Unit 13旅遊Travel
336杜拜的豪華旅館Dubai’s Luxury Hotel
337與英國女王會面的禮儀Etiquette for Meeting the Queen
338菲律賓懸棺Hanging Coffins
339全球最長航程Ultra Long-Haul Flights
340令人著迷的日本Japan’s Fascinating Culture
341聖安東尼聖宴St. Anthony’s Day
342新式印度菜The New Indian Cuisine
343泰國的性產業Sex Industry in Thailand
344動力三角翼Flying in Skytrikes
345南非多樣的美食Diverse South African Cuisine
346充滿對比的莫斯科Moscow: the City of Contrasts
347重新詮釋泰國菜Reinventing and Reviving Recipes
348旅行衣物測試Travel Clothes Tested
349東京印象Tokyo’s Image
350英國人變樂於嘗鮮The Changing British Palate
351當一個孟買人Being a Bombayite
352柏林的摩登與古老Berlin: Both Modern and Old
353東京生活經驗The Experience of Being in Tokyo
354充滿活力的俄國Eyes on Russia
355一道大膽菜色Daring Gourmet Creations
356旅行中保持健康Staying Healthy While Traveling
357進入北極海浮冰To the Heart of the Arctic Ice Drift
358吳哥窟的影響Angkor Wat’s Impact on Cambodia
359邦黛到布朗特海灘The Bondi to Bronte Walk.
360在巴黎轉機Routing through Paris
361南非的搶劫Hijackings in South Africa
362來巴勒斯坦旅遊Palestine Is Still a Destination
363首爾的寧靜地Solace in Seoul
364邁阿密的氣息Miami’s Mood
365東京築地市場Tsukiji Market in Tokyo
366 3D古羅馬導覽3D Tour of Ancient Rome
Unit 14名人Celebrity
367雷霸龍回饋社區LeBron James’ Passion for Giving Back
368超模阿德瑞娜‧利瑪Supermodel Adriana Lima
369餐廳主廚江振誠Chef Andre Chiang
370孔劉對演戲的感想Gong Yoo’s Thoughts on Acting
371剖析川普Trump’s Tactics
372村上隆揚名海外Famous Takashi Murakami
373杜克談《黑豹》Winston Duke on Black Panther
374菲利普親王退休Prince Philip Retiring
375史蒂芬‧霍金Stephen Hawking’s Profound Life
376歌手蕾哈娜The Pop Sensation: Rihanna
377釜山電影節Pusan Film Festival
378真實鋼鐵人馬斯克Real World Iron Man, Elon Musk
379哈利王子從軍Prince Harry Joined the Army
380蕾哈娜談歌手路Rihanna on Being a Star
381喜劇演員的心事Battling Unfunny Problems
382第一夫人梅蘭妮亞First Lady Melania Trump
383韓國流行歌星Rain Rain, Korean Pop Star
384阿波羅11號太空人Buzz Aldrin: Be Inspirational
385訪談李安Interviewing Ang Lee
386蜜雪兒談論歐巴馬Michelle on her Husband
387台灣設計師吳季剛Taiwanese Designer Jason Wu
388瑞典導演柏格曼去世Swedish Director, Bergman Dies
389超模娜歐蜜.坎貝兒Supermodel Naomi Campbell
390哈利和梅根的婚禮Harry and Meghan Wedding
391女神卡卡創作豐富Prolific Lady Gaga
392海倫‧米蘭光采耀人Radiant Helen Mirren
393藍儂遺孀小野洋子Yoko Ono, Widow of John Lennon
394意外名人霍金教授Prof. Hawking, an Unlikely Celebrity
395私底下的歐巴馬Obama in Private
396向Rain下戰帖比舞Challenging Rain to a Dance-off
397杜嘉班纳的合作Dolce & Gabbana Partnership
398不受限的女神卡卡Lady Gaga, Musical Misfit
399吳季剛實至名歸Jason Wu Deserves the Fame
400主廚鮑比秦Chef Bobby Chinn