Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6/e (IE)(Abridged Edition)
暫譯: 電機工程原理與應用,第6版(IE)(簡編版)

Giorgio Rizzoni , James Kearns





Features of The Sixth Edition

  • Learning Objectives offer an overview of key chapter ideas. Each chapter opens with a list of major objectives, and throughout the chapter the learning objective icon indicates targeted references to each objective.
  • Focus on Problem Solving sections summarize important methods and procedures for the solution of common problems and assist the student in developing a methodical approach to problem solving.
  • Clearing Illustrated Examples illustrate relevant applicants of electrical engineering principles. The examples are fully integrated with the Focus on Problem Solving material, and each one is organized according to a prescribed set of logical steps.
  • Make the Connection sidebars present analogies that illuminate electrical engineering concepts using other concepts from engineering disciplines.
  • Focus on Measurements boxes emphasize the great relevance of electrical engineering to the science and practice of measurement.

    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction to Electrical Engineering
    Part I. Circuits
    2. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
    3. Resistive Network Analysis
    4. AC Network Analysis
    5. Transient Analysis
    6. Frequency Response and System Concepts
    7. AC Power
    Part II. Electronics
    8. Operational Amplifiers
    9. Semiconductors and Diodes
    10. Bipolar Junction Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications
    11. Field-Effect Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications
    12. Digital Logic Circuits
    Part III. Instrumentation and Communication Systems
    13. Principles of Electromechanics
    14. Introduction to Electric Machines
    Appendix A. Linear Algebra and Complex Numbers
    Appendix B. The Laplace Transform
    Appendix C. Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Examination
    Appendix D. ASCII Character Code
  • 商品描述(中文翻譯)




  • 學習目標 提供各章節主要概念的概述。每一章的開頭都有主要目標的列表,並且在整個章節中,學習目標圖示會指示與每個目標相關的參考。

  • 專注於問題解決 的部分總結了解決常見問題的重要方法和程序,並幫助學生發展系統化的問題解決方法。

  • 清晰的示例 說明了電機工程原則的相關應用。這些示例與專注於問題解決的材料完全整合,每個示例都根據一組預定的邏輯步驟進行組織。

  • 建立聯繫 的側邊欄提供類比,利用其他工程學科的概念來闡明電機工程的概念。

  • 專注於測量 的框框強調了電機工程與測量科學和實踐之間的重要關聯。

    1 電機工程導論
    2. 電路基本原理
    3. 電阻網路分析
    4. 交流網路分析
    5. 瞬態分析
    6. 頻率響應與系統概念
    7. 交流電力
    8. 操作放大器
    9. 半導體與二極體
    10. 雙極接面晶體管:操作、電路模型與應用
    11. 場效應晶體管:操作、電路模型與應用
    12. 數位邏輯電路
    13. 電機力學原理
    14. 電機導論
    附錄 A. 線性代數與複數
    附錄 B. 拉普拉斯變換
    附錄 C. 工程基本考試 (FE) 的基礎
    附錄 D. ASCII 字符碼