Uncertainty Analyses in Environmental Sciences and Hydrogeology: Methods and Applications to Subsurface Contamination
暫譯: 環境科學與水文地質中的不確定性分析:方法與地下污染的應用

Ababou, Rachid, Chastanet, Juliette, Côme, Jean-Marie

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2023-12-21
  • 售價: $2,030
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,929
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 95
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 9819962404
  • ISBN-13: 9789819962402
  • 相關分類: 地理資訊系統 Gis大數據 Big-data
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book highlights several methods and quantitative implementations of both probabilistic and fuzzy-based approaches to uncertainty quantification and uncertainty propagation through environmental subsurface pollution models with uncertain input parameters. The book focuses on methods as well as applications in hydrogeology, soil hydrology, groundwater contamination, and related areas (e.g., corrosion of nuclear waste canisters). The methods are illustrated for a broad spectrum of models, from non-differential I/O models to complex PDE solvers, including a novel 3D quasi-analytical model of contaminant transport, and a site-specific computer model of dissolved contaminant migration from a DNAPL (Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquid) pollution source.




Dr. Rachid Ababou is currently Professor (Emeritus) at Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (part of the federal university of Toulouse), and a researcher at the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (CNRS affiliated laboratory), within the Porous Media & Biology group. He holds a Dr-Ing. Degree 1981 from Grenoble, and a PhD in Civil Engineering 1988 from MIT. He has held previously positions at Princeton University, at the SwRI research center in San Antonio (TX), and at the French CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique near Paris). His research focuses on coupling, upscaling, and numerical modeling of various flow and transport phenomena in heterogeneous and/or deformable geological media. Applications of his work include capillary water-gas flows in porous media, unsaturated soil hydrology, watershed hydrology, groundwater flow modeling, environmental time series analyses, coupled hydro-mechanical behavior of geological radioactive waste repositories (USA and France), uncertainty analyses, geostastistics and stochastic modeling (e.g. random field generation of subsurface structures). He has authored and published a number of US and French R&D reports (M.I.T., US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, CEA Saclay, ANDRA, IRSN, Swiss Topo, ADEME, ...).

Dr. Jean-Marie Côme holds a Ph.D. in Water Sciences at the Paris School of Mines (Mines Paris Tech) in 1995, on aquifer remediation, in collaboration with BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières). He has since joined the BURGEAP group, successively as project engineer, then project chief, then head of Industrial Environment in 2000. He is now the director of R&D in the GINGER group, R&D department, in Lyon, France. His research interests are in the areas of subsurface, air and water pollution.

Dr. Juliette Chastanet is a 2000 graduate from the EOST engineering school (Ecole & Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre) in Strasbourg, France, and holds her Ph.D. from the doctoral school Earth, Universe, Environment, in 2004 at the University of Grenoble, France (on gas flows in fractured porous media). She is a research engineer & head of projects in the GINGER-BURGEAP group, R&D department, Lyon, France (headed by colleague and co-author J.-M. Côme). Her research interests are in the areas of subsurface water flow, subsurface pollution, and decontamination.

Dr. Manuel Marcoux is currently a professor at the Université Paul Sabatier (UPS) in Science & Engineering, Department of Mechanics and a researcher at the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (France). He holds a doctoral degree in Fluid Mechanics from and holds an HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) from the UPS Toulouse. His research in the Porous Media & Biology group at IMFT is both experimental and theoretical. It concerns heat and mass transport and contamination phenomena in porous media (soils, aquifers, cracked media), for instance coupled thermo-diffusion in porous media and other materials; or migration of Volatile Organic Compounds in buildings and civil engineering structures.

Dr. Michel Quintard currently holds the position of CNRS Director of Research (Emeritus) at the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (France) and has previously held the position of laboratory director at the LEPT-ENSAM lab in Bordeaux (France), and president of the Scientific Council of the French IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et Sûreté Nucléaire). His research in the Porous Media & Biology group at IMFT concerns transport mechanisms in porous media, with focus on upscaling complex multiphase and multi-component transport phenomena from microscale to macroscopic scales, with applications to many areas of science and engineering: hydrology and environmental sciences; petroleum engineering; nuclear engineering; chemical engineering; material sciences in aeronautics; etc.


拉希德·阿巴布博士目前是法國圖盧茲國立理工學院(Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse,隸屬於圖盧茲聯邦大學)的名譽教授,以及圖盧茲流體力學研究所(Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse,CNRS 相關實驗室)的研究員,隸屬於多孔介質與生物學小組。他於1981年在格勒諾布爾獲得工程博士學位,並於1988年在麻省理工學院獲得土木工程博士學位。他曾在普林斯頓大學、德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧的SwRI研究中心以及法國巴黎附近的法國原子能委員會(CEA)擔任職位。他的研究專注於在異質和/或可變形的地質介質中,流動和運輸現象的耦合、放大和數值建模。他的研究應用包括多孔介質中的毛細水-氣流、不飽和土壤水文學、流域水文學、地下水流動建模、環境時間序列分析、地質放射性廢物儲存庫的耦合水力-機械行為(美國和法國)、不確定性分析、地質統計學和隨機建模(例如,地下結構的隨機場生成)。他已撰寫並發表多份美國和法國的研發報告(麻省理工學院、美國核能監管委員會、CEA Saclay、ANDRA、IRSN、瑞士Topo、ADEME等)。

讓-馬里·科姆博士於1995年在巴黎礦業學院(Mines Paris Tech)獲得水科學博士學位,研究主題為含水層修復,並與法國地質與礦業研究局(BRGM)合作。此後,他加入BURGEAP集團,先後擔任項目工程師、項目負責人,並於2000年成為工業環境部門負責人。現在,他是法國里昂GINGER集團研發部門的研發總監。他的研究興趣集中在地下、水和空氣污染領域。

朱莉葉·查斯塔內特博士於2000年畢業於法國斯特拉斯堡的EOST工程學院(Ecole & Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre),並於2004年在法國格勒諾布爾大學的地球、宇宙、環境博士學校獲得博士學位(研究主題為裂縫多孔介質中的氣體流動)。她是GINGER-BURGEAP集團的研究工程師及項目負責人,位於法國里昂(由同事及合著者J.-M. Côme領導)。她的研究興趣集中在地下水流、地下污染和去污領域。

曼紐爾·馬爾庫斯博士目前是法國保爾·薩巴提耶大學(Université Paul Sabatier,UPS)科學與工程系的教授,並在圖盧茲流體力學研究所(Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse)擔任研究員。他擁有流體力學的博士學位,並持有UPS圖盧茲的HDR(Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches)。他在IMFT的多孔介質與生物學小組的研究既包括實驗也包括理論,涉及多孔介質(如土壤、含水層、裂縫介質)中的熱質傳輸和污染現象,例如多孔介質及其他材料中的耦合熱擴散;或揮發性有機化合物在建築物和土木工程結構中的遷移。

米歇爾·昆塔德博士目前擔任法國圖盧茲流體力學研究所(Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse)的CNRS研究主任(名譽),並曾擔任法國波爾多LEPT-ENSAM實驗室的實驗室主任,以及法國IRSN(Institut de Radioprotection et Sûreté Nucléaire)科學委員會的主席。他在IMFT的多孔介質與生物學小組的研究關注多孔介質中的傳輸機制,重點是將複雜的多相和多組分傳輸現象從微觀尺度放大到宏觀尺度,並應用於許多科學和工程領域:水文學和環境科學;石油工程;核工程;化學工程;航空材料科學等。