The Truth of Liberal Economy: Jacques Rueff and John Maynard Keynes

Gonjo, Yasuo, Yago, Kazuhiko, Fridenson, Patrick

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-17
  • 售價: $4,300
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$4,085
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 133
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 9819923735
  • ISBN-13: 9789819923731
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book provides historical, theoretical, and biographical perspectives on two giants of contemporary economics, Jacques Rueff (1896-1978) and John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946). The former French bureaucrat and academician championed classical economics; the latter British economist founded macro-economics criticizing the classical school. Depending upon archival sources, including personal correspondences between the above two figures, the book describes furious debates between them and surrounding them.
In fact, the two economists proposed contrasting diagnosis over almost every event in contemporary world economy: the reparations problem, the Great Depression, the gold exchange standard, and the Bretton Wood System. Keynes appraised managed currency to cope with unemployment, criticizing the classical gold standard; Rueff believed the function of market mechanism, blaming the state intervention. The book highlights deep influence of Rueff, rather largerthan Keynes, in Europe before and after WWII.
The perspective of the book reaches today's economic issues. The classical view of Rueff was shared in Mont Pelerin Society, a cradle of neo-liberalism. Rueff's market-friendly view paved way to the neo-liberal reforms which took place after the 1980s. The classical market theory of Rueff, together with dialogues with the labor unions, prepared the social background of the European Union. This book thus reveals the truth of liberal economy, from the 20th to 21st centuries.


本書提供了當代經濟學兩位巨擘,雅克·魯夫(Jacques Rueff,1896-1978)和約翰·梅納德·凱恩斯(John Maynard Keynes,1883-1946)的歷史、理論和傳記視角。這位前法國官僚和學者倡導古典經濟學;而這位英國經濟學家則創立了宏觀經濟學,批評古典學派。根據檔案來源,包括上述兩位人物之間的私人通信,本書描述了他們之間及其周圍的激烈辯論。


本書的視角延伸至當今的經濟議題。魯夫的古典觀點在蒙佩勒林社會(Mont Pelerin Society)中得到了共鳴,該社會是新自由主義的搖籃。魯夫的市場友好觀點為1980年代後的新自由主義改革鋪平了道路。魯夫的古典市場理論,加上與工會的對話,為歐洲聯盟的社會背景做了準備。因此,本書揭示了從20世紀到21世紀的自由經濟真相。


Author: Yasuo Gonjo (1941-2021) was a professor emeritus at Yokohama National University and outstanding economic historian, specialized in contemporary financial history of France. The field of research covers colonial banking, Banque de France, and European monetary integration. He had long-time interest in neo-liberalism in Europe, to present a thoroughly alternative view of contemporary history of capitalism. Main publications include French Imperialism and Asia: Bank of Indochina (University of Tokyo Press, 1985), Banque coloniale ou banque d'affaires: la Banque de l'Indochine sous la IIIe République (Comité de l'histoire économique et financière de la France, 1993), French Capitalism and the Central Bank: Modernization of Banque de France (University of Tokyo Press, 1999), and Historical Origin of Monetary Union: Transformation of the Capitalist World and the European Choice (Nihon Keizai Hyouronsha, 2013). He received Nikkei Economic Literature Prize Laureate (1999) and Order of the Sacred Treasure (2019).
Translator: Kazuhiko Yago (1962-) is a professor at Waseda University and an economic historian, specialized in international financial history. The field of research mainly covers the international financial organizations (BIS, IMF and OECD) from historical perspectives. Main publications include Public Finances and Popular Savings in France: Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (1816-1944) (University of Tokyo Press, 1999), The Financial History of the Bank for International Settlements (Routledge, 2013), History of the IMF, Organization, Policy, and Market (co-edited with Yoshio Asai and Masanao Itoh, Springer, 2015), and Handbook of the History of Money and Currency (co-edited with Stefano Battilossi and Youssef Cassis, Springer, 2020). He has been the representative board (president) of Political Economy and Economic History Society, Japan (2019-2021). He received Prix Shibusawa Claudel Laureate (2000).
Postface: Patrick Fridenson is a professor emeritus of International Business History at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France. His research deals with the strategies, innovations, ethics, structures, and performances of business enterprises in relation to consumers and to the regulatory and social environment in international perspective (comparisons between France, Germany, the US, and Japan). He has worked on several industries: coal, automobile, aircraft, and electronics. He is the author, co-author, or editor of several books, including New Perspectives on 20th Century European Retailing (London, 2021)and Ethical Capitalism. He is the author of Shibusawa Eiichi and Business Leadership in Global Perspective (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2017), Reimagining Business History (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 2013--translated in Japanese, 2017), The Automobile Revolution (Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina Press, 1982, also available on Internet), The French Home Front, 1914-1918 (Oxford, 1992), Thomson's First Century (Jouy-en-Josas, 1995), and Histoire des usines Renault, vol. I (2nd ed., Paris, 1998), and the author of many articles. Beyond French, his articles have appeared in English, German, Spanish, and Japanese books or journals. He has been the president of the French Association of Economic History (AFHE) and, in the US, of the Business History Conference. He is a board member of the Comité d'histoire économique et financière (CHEFF) instituted by the French Ministry of Economy and Finance.


作者:権丈康夫(Yasuo Gonjo,1941-2021)是橫濱國立大學的名譽教授及傑出的經濟史學家,專精於法國當代金融歷史。其研究領域涵蓋殖民銀行、法國銀行(Banque de France)及歐洲貨幣整合。他對歐洲的新自由主義長期感興趣,旨在提出對當代資本主義歷史的徹底替代觀點。主要著作包括《法國帝國主義與亞洲:印度支那銀行》(東京大學出版社,1985年)、《殖民銀行或商業銀行:第三共和國下的印度支那銀行》(法國經濟與金融歷史委員會,1993年)、《法國資本主義與中央銀行:法國銀行的現代化》(東京大學出版社,1999年)以及《貨幣聯盟的歷史起源:資本主義世界的轉型與歐洲選擇》(日本經濟評論社,2013年)。他曾獲得日經經濟文學獎(1999年)及瑞寶章(2019年)。

翻譯者:八郷和彦(Kazuhiko Yago,1962-)是早稻田大學的教授及經濟史學家,專精於國際金融歷史。其研究領域主要從歷史的角度探討國際金融組織(如BIS、IMF及OECD)。主要著作包括《法國的公共財政與民眾儲蓄:存款與保管銀行(1816-1944)》(東京大學出版社,1999年)、《國際結算銀行的金融歷史》(Routledge,2013年)、《國際貨幣基金組織的歷史:組織、政策與市場》(與淺井義男及伊藤正直共同編輯,Springer,2015年)以及《貨幣與貨幣歷史手冊》(與斯特凡諾·巴蒂洛西及尤瑟夫·卡西斯共同編輯,Springer,2020年)。他曾擔任日本政治經濟與經濟歷史學會的代表理事(會長,2019-2021年)。他獲得了澁澤賞(2000年)。

後記:帕特里克·弗里登森(Patrick Fridenson)是法國巴黎高等社會科學院(EHESS)國際商業歷史的名譽教授。他的研究涉及商業企業在國際視角下與消費者及監管和社會環境的關係,包括策略、創新、倫理、結構及績效的比較(法國、德國、美國及日本之間的比較)。他曾研究多個行業:煤炭、汽車、航空及電子。他是多本書籍的作者、合著者或編輯,包括《20世紀歐洲零售的新視角》(倫敦,2021年)及《倫理資本主義》。他著有《澁澤榮一與全球視角下的商業領導》(多倫多,多倫多大學出版社,2017年)、《重新想像商業歷史》(巴爾的摩,約翰霍普金斯,2013年,日文翻譯版於2017年出版)、《汽車革命》(北卡羅來納州,北卡羅來納大學出版社,1982年,亦可在網路上獲得)、《法國內戰,1914-1918》(牛津,1992年)、《湯姆森的第一個世紀》(朱伊昂喬薩斯,1995年)及《雷諾工廠的歷史,第一卷》(第二版,巴黎,1998年),並發表了許多文章。除了法文外,他的文章也出現在英語、德語、西班牙語及日語的書籍或期刊中。他曾擔任法國經濟歷史學會(AFHE)會長,並在美國擔任商業歷史會議的會長。他是法國經濟與財政部所設立的經濟與金融歷史委員會(CHEFF)的董事會成員。