Formal Methods in Architecture: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (6fma), a Coruña 2022

Mora, Plácido Lizancos, Viana, David Leite, Morais, Franklim

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-08-03
  • 售價: $7,650
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$7,268
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 515
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 9819922194
  • ISBN-13: 9789819922192
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



This book comprises the select proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (6FMA), A Coruña 2022. The contents focus on the use of methodologies, especially those that have witnessed recent developments stemming from mathematical and computer sciences and are developed in a collaborative way with architecture and related fields. This book constitutes a contribution to the debate and to the introduction of new methodologies and tools in the mentioned fields that derive from the application of formal methods in the creation of new explicit languages for problem-solving in architecture and urbanism. Some of the themes in the book are CAD and BIM, mixed realities, photogrammetry and 3D scan, architectural design automation, urban and building performance analysis, SCAVA-space configuration, accessibility and visibility analysis. This book proves a valuable resource for those in academia and industry.


Plácido Lizancos Mora is a Spanish architect (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1988) and Masters of Architecture for African Development (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2009). As a senior professor, he teaches architectonic analysis and basic habitability at Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura of Universidade da Coruña (ETSAC) since 1993. He has also taught as a visitor in PUCMM in the Dominican Republic; ENA in Rabat, Morocco; and UEM Mozambique and USB in Venezuela. As a researcher, he approaches using analytical tools to address social issues of architecture, producing many publications in this field and managing several research projects, some of them in a joint venture with Architecture Sanz Frontiers. He is also committed to managing educational institutions in various positions.

David Leite Viana is a post-doc. in Urban Morphology/Civil Engineering (FEUP, 2015), Ph.D. in Urban and Spatial Planning (IUU-UVa, 2008), DEA in Modern City and Architecture (UVa, 2005), and Dipl. Arch. (ESAP, 1999). He is the head of the Urban Planning Division at Matosinhos Municipality, a professor in the Integrated Master Programme on Architecture and Urbanism at UPT, an invited professor in the Master Programme on Geographic Information Systems Applied to Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Landscape at UPV, PhD supervisor in the doctorate programme on Architecture for the Contemporary Metropolitan Territories at Iscte, an external reviewer at Chalmers University of Technology (Architecture and Urban Design Programme), a researcher at CEAU-FAUP, a visiting scholar in the Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Global Heritage at NTU, and a visiting fellow in the Architecture & City Group at TU Delft (Theories of Architecture Fellowship Program). He is a co-founder and co-chair of the International Symposium Formal Methods in Architecture, PNUM Scientific Councillor and editorial board member of the journal "Revista de Morfologia Urbana". He is the author of one book and co-editor of three volumes and two special issues. He is also the author of more than twenty book chapters and more than twenty-five papers published nationally and abroad.

Franklim Morais is a Portuguese civil and electronic engineer, Ph.D. professor and researcher. He was the leader of development teams of private commercial software for scientific applications: pioneering, in the early 1980s, the use of finite element methods for structural engineering on microcomputing; and since the early 1990s, developing COTS private hardware and software systems for smart buildings, urban spaces and cities. He is an invited professor in ESAP (Arts University of Porto) Architectural Course since 2001. He participates in LIAD, an academic research team, in a group dedicated to Formal Methods in Architecture. A major achievement is the production of DepthSpace3D and SCAVATools, digital tools for space syntax analysis. Since 1991, he participated in the organization (scientific and operational committees) of 12 conferences on his scientific fields of interest, including the 2 symposia of the series "Formal Methods in Architecture" (since 2011). Since 1987, he has produced several conference papers and journal articles, being co-editor of three books on Formal Methods in Architecture.

Jorge Vieira Vaz Architect (FA Uni. Porto, Portugal, 1990), master's in urban Renovation (Poznań Uni. Tech, Poland, 1995), DEA in Composición Arquitectónica (Uni. Valladolid, Spain, 2002), is a teacher of Construction and Technologies in the Master Course in Architecture at ESAP (Porto, since 1993). He is a teacher and co-coordinator of "Bim Coordination" postgraduated studies programme at ISEP (Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto) since 2019. He was a teacher at Coimbra University (Civil Engineering Department), Aveiro University (Communication and Art Department), ARCA/ETACoimbra (Architecture Course) and at High Institute of Administrative and Informational Sciences of Aveiro (Public Administration Course). He was a M.Sc. Thesis supervisor and jury member in several institutions (Minho University, Gallaecia University, Aveiro University and ESAPorto). He develops his professional activity as architect since 1991 and at AAVV (Portugal and Bonaire, since 2000) is a certified expert in building thermal behaviour (ADENE, since 2008) and is BIM/VDCPM--Building Information Modelling/Virtual Design and Construction Project Manager (since 2005). He was co-founder of IERU--Institute of Regional and Urban Studies at University of Coimbra and was a researcher at MEREC Project--Managing Energy and Resources in Efficient Cities (Tennessee Valley Authority/CCRC/FLAD, Coimbra) and at RECITE/REBUILD Network Programme--Renewable Energies for Buildings in European Historical Centers, (European Commission--DGXVII); nowadays, he develops his research activity in Formal Methodologies in Architectural Design and Construction, namely BIM (Building Information Modelling), parametric design, ontologies and taxonomy, at LIAD/ESAP- Architecture and Design Research Laboratory. He co-developed "DepthSpace 3D" digital tool, for three-dimensional spatial syntactic analyses (LIAD/ESAP) now a full-functional digital application in space syntax (SS), granted by EU founds. He is a (co)founder and chair of the International Symposium Formal Methods in Architecture, since 1st edition. He was a guest co-editor of the Special Issue "Formalizing Urban Methodologies" (Urban Science Journal, 2018) and was a co-editor of the books: Formal Methods in Architecture and Urbanism (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018), Formal Methods in Architecture (Springer, 2021) and Formal Methods in Architecture and Urbanism II (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021).


Plácido Lizancos Mora 是一位西班牙建築師(聖地亞哥德孔波斯特拉大學,1988年)及非洲發展建築碩士(馬德里理工大學,2009年)。自1993年以來,他擔任科魯尼亞大學技術高等建築學院(ETSAC)的高級教授,教授建築分析和基本居住性。他也曾在多明尼加共和國的PUCMM、摩洛哥拉巴特的ENA,以及莫桑比克的UEM和委內瑞拉的USB擔任訪問教授。作為研究者,他使用分析工具來解決建築的社會問題,並在該領域發表了許多出版物,管理了幾個研究項目,其中一些與Architecture Sanz Frontiers合作。他還致力於在各種職位上管理教育機構。

David Leite Viana 是城市形態學/土木工程的博士後研究員(FEUP,2015年)、城市與空間規劃的博士(IUU-UVa,2008年)、現代城市與建築的DEA(UVa,2005年)以及建築學文憑(ESAP,1999年)。他是馬托西尼奧斯市城市規劃部的負責人,UPT綜合碩士課程的建築與城市主義教授,UPV地理信息系統應用於空間規劃、城市主義和景觀碩士課程的受邀教授,Iscte當代大都市領域建築博士課程的博士生導師,查爾默斯科技大學(建築與城市設計課程)的外部審查員,CEAU-FAUP的研究員,南洋理工大學建築、城市主義與全球遺產中心的訪問學者,以及代爾夫特理工大學建築與城市小組的訪問研究員(建築理論獎學金計劃)。他是國際建築形式方法研討會的共同創辦人和共同主席,PNUM科學顧問及期刊《Revista de Morfologia Urbana》的編輯委員會成員。他是一本書的作者,三本卷的共同編輯及兩個特刊的編輯。他還撰寫了二十多篇書章和二十五篇以上的國內外論文。

Franklim Morais 是一位葡萄牙土木與電子工程師,博士教授及研究員。他曾領導私人商業軟體的開發團隊,於1980年代初期率先在微型計算機上使用有限元素法進行結構工程,並自1990年代初期以來,開發用於智慧建築、城市空間和城市的商用硬體和軟體系統。他自2001年以來擔任ESAP(波爾圖藝術大學)建築課程的受邀教授。他參與LIAD,一個學術研究團隊,專注於建築中的形式方法。其主要成就包括製作DepthSpace3D和SCAVATools,這些是用於空間語法分析的數位工具。自1991年以來,他參與了12場與其科學興趣相關的會議的組織(科學和運營委員會),包括自2011年以來的兩場「建築中的形式方法」系列研討會。自1987年以來,他發表了多篇會議論文和期刊文章,並擔任三本有關建築形式方法的書籍的共同編輯。

Jorge Vieira Vaz 是一位建築師(波爾圖大學,1990年),擁有城市改造碩士學位(波茲南科技大學,1995年)及建築組成DEA(巴利亞多利德大學,2002年),自1993年以來在ESAP(波爾圖)教授建築的施工與技術。他自2019年以來擔任ISEP(波爾圖高等工程學院)「BIM協調」研究生課程的教師及共同協調人。他曾在科英布拉大學(土木工程系)、阿威羅大學(傳播與藝術系)、ARCA/ETACoimbra(建築課程)及高等行政與信息學院任教。